Council's meeting

"The council started it all. I want you to do me a favor. Help me send an information to someone important," the Queen said standing up from the large sofa she sat on.

"Sure I will. You should not let anyone take your crown," the princess adviced her mother.

"I won't," the Queen with a smirk. Did they really think they could get rid of her? She walked to a set of drawers and opened the first drawer. She pulled out an envelope and gave it to her daughter. "You know very well who I will like you to give this to right?"

The girl paused for a while before nodding energetically. "I will give it to him. I have to leave before those guards return," the princess said before running out of the room.

"That's my daughter," the Queen said proudly when her daughter closed the door behind her. She felt glad to see her daughter strong and viscous. At this point her daughter will be able to get anything she wants by any means.
