The truth of the boy

Leah walked into the boy's room after a soft knock on the door to see him playing video game on his bed.

He dropped his phone immediately and sat up as soon as he saw her. "Good afternoon Dr. Leah," he said with a playful bow of his head.

"Good afternoon," she answered his playful greeting with a jovial smile.

"Have you eaten lunch?" He asked beating her to the usual question she asks him all the time.

"Yes, I did. What about you?" She replied. Her smile broadened.

"Yes. Although I am very tired of hospital food," he said with a slight pout of his lips.

"I found something out about you. I guess I got myself too involved in your business that I wanted to satisfy my curiosity so I asked a PI to investigate why your mum cares for your brother more than she cares about you," Leah explained careful not to offend him since she took a while to build the bond with them.