Unbelievable truth

There was a lot Leah had to tell the youth and she wanted him to be in a relaxed mood before telling him such painful truth. She ordered for what he said was his favorite food from a five star restaurant and when he began eating, she decided to tell him.

"Hmm," he hummed as the soon as he took a mouthful of the food.

"Carl . . ." she began leaning forward on the brown leather sofa she sat on.

He only glanced at her before he continued eating to his fill. After weeks of eating only the food provided to him by the hospital, the food before him tasted so heavenly.

"Your biological mum is dead, right?" she asked after a while of watching him eat with so much satisfaction.

"Hmm," he replied easily with a nod uninterestedly. He heard his mother died after childbirth leaving him and his twin brother.