
"Finally waking up, Heinrich?"

What? Oh, I'm back. I'm back here, somehow. I don't know what happened, but I guess I was dreaming. I was back in my old body, and... grown up Amalie was there? She told me that I was in danger and needed to wake up, but everything seems to be fine. What the hell was that…

"Where are we A?"

"I'd say that we're about… 15 minutes from our destination."

"That's great!"

"It sure is, buddy. You know, this really brings me back."

"What to?"

"Oh nothing, this whole situation just reminds me of an anime I saw a few years back, I think it was called, Two Piece?"

"Oh, I've seen Two Piece! I'm a huge fan actually!"

"I knew it."

Wait. What?

Did A just say…

That he was a fan of Two Piece?

Then that means… he's just like me!

"Wait, A! You also reincarnated!?"

"Yup. And I had a strong feeling you had as-well. I mean come on, you're supposed to five years old, man."

"Haha, I guess it is pretty noticeable… Wait, how long have you been here?!"

"16 years, Heinrich."

"Wait so… it was 2004 when you died?!"

"Yep, what year was it when you died?"


"Oh man, so you can tell me how Two Piece ended?!"

"Heh… not quite… it's still airing actually…"

"Damn, makes sense though."

"Anyway A, now that we know we're both reincarnated, we can work together to stop the Holocaust!"

"So… that's where you stand."


"I had to find out what you wanted to do."

"In regards to what?! Stopping the damned Holocaust?!"

"Look Heinrich. The Holocaust has to happen. If it doesn't, the future as we know it will be entirely changed. These lives can't be saved or the world will fall apart. And I'm gonna see it through. You know, it's funny Heinrich. I just had a gut feeling that someday, someone else would end up here just like I did. And now look, you did! But oh, this just makes things much more fun! I actually have someone opposing me! This will make the whole thing just much, much, more enjoyable. But don't worry Heinrich, I'm not gonna kill you or anything, right now that is. I invite you to try and stop me. Give me some damned fun in this world! Make my 16 fucking years spent reincarnated here in fucking prehistoric Germany worth it Heinrich! MAKE MY TIME WORTH IT! Well, look at that, we've arrived home, right at your house. Go on then, get out of the car and go visit with your family, I'm sure they've missed you. And don't worry about me, we'll see each other very soon. I'm just sure of it."

I didn't know what to say.

I got out of the car and he drove right off. A wants the Holocaust to happen? How could he seriously want that? He's a terrible person at heart I guess. It seems he just deceived me to try and get me on his side.

Well, at-least I'm finally back home. I escaped prison and I can finally return to my family.

I knock on the front door, only to be greeted by my mother with the biggest smile ever on her face. She wrapped her arms around me and started crying.

"Oh my god! Heinrich! You're home! You're finally back home! My baby boy has returned to me! Honey, come quick, our son is home!"

My father came running to the door and his eyes brightly lit up when he saw me. He lifted me high up into the air and held me tight.

"I'm so glad you're finally back home safe, son."

"Mother, father, I managed to escape the prison. I'm sorry for not breaking out sooner."

"It's okay Heinrich! We're just happy to have you back home!" My mother said.

"I'll tell you all about my escape and everything, but could I please have some food first? I think I might die soon."

"Of course sweetheart! We'll make you the biggest meal ever right away! Lets all go back inside."

The three of us walked back inside. My mother went to the kitchen to start cooking while my father and I went into the living room. When I saw my older brother, he came over and gave me a tight hug.

This family… it's all so weird to me. I've been living with them for 5 years now, but it still doesn't feel like they're my family. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon, but it's nice to know they love me.

We ate the humongous meal that my mother cooked for us, and I was finally replenished with food. We spent all day chatting about my prison experience and escape, and I told them about A, but not to the full extent of course.

"This A boy sounds lovely, be sure to invite him over for dinner sometime okay? We owe him a lot for breaking you out."

"Yeah, I will mother."

It still hurts to have finally found someone from the future like I am, only to have my hopes crushed seconds later. As much as I hate to say it, there really isn't much I can do now anyway. I'm five years old, not a ton I can do against 16 year old A at this point in time. I'm just gonna have to become smarter, stronger, and work my way up in the world as I grow. If I can follow in the original Heinrich's footsteps, then I can easily put a stop to the Holocaust. I'll be a high ranking Nazi after all! A will have nothing over me at that point, and I'll win!

It's gotten pretty late in the day, so tomorrow I'm going to go out and see Amalie and Evi, I really can't wait. I'm sure they've both been worried about me a lot, especially Amalie.

I forgot how nice it is to sleep in a normal nice warm bed. I've missed this.