
Day 9

Tomorrow's the day we finally escape this damned place. I can't wait. Unfortunately, I'm a little too excited to sleep the day away, as much as I wish I could. A really is an awesome guy, I can't wait to get to know him more. I'm gonna try to pass the time by counting, that works, right?

A few hours had passed when the bulky guard came to visit me. He unlocked the cell door for some reason, but instead of letting me out, he came inside. I looked at him with a puzzled look.

"Stand up."


"Stand up."

I stood up, this guy is scary.


He punched my gut as hard as he could. I got sent flying back against the wall. I then hit the ground and started coughing up blood. Am I gonna die?! This body is only five years old, I don't know if it could handle a hit like that.


"Just a reminder."

He left the cell and walked away after he said that. What the fuck?! Just a reminder?! He almost fucking killed me! What the hell am I being reminded of? How much fucking bullshit is this world is filled with? Fuck... I guess I won't have a hard time sleeping now.

Day 10

I slept all day yesterday, and most of today. I looked out the window to see the sun setting when I woke up. Just a few more hours until escape then. I'm so fucking hungry... my stomach is killing me. Maybe mother will have a nice warm meal waiting for me when A gets me home. That's just what I want, I'd invite A over for dinner. Then A could meet my family, and even Amalie and Evi! I wonder how the two of them are doing. They're strong girls, so I'm sure they're doing fine without me. They probably are very worried though, especially Amalie. Everything will be okay soon enough though!

It's been a few hours since the sun set, so A should be coming by soon to get me out. I hope I can stay awake for when he gets here. Though I'm already dozing off...



"Pssst Heinrich!"

I heard someone whispering to me.

Oh shit, it's A! I must've fallen asleep.

"Oh, A! Sorry I fell asleep" I whispered back.

"It's fine, c'mon, let's get out of here!"


I got out of bed and put my pillow under my sheets so it looked like I was there. A took out his key and unlocked my cell. I was finally free!

"So, what now?"

"We have to quietly sneak out, follow me."

I followed tiptoed behind A the whole way out of the building. We got outside and I was engulfed in the fresh air. It felt so good to be out of that cell.

"Heinrich, this way! The car is parked over here, lets get in and get to Munich!"

"Sure thing!"

I followed him, got in the car, and we took off.

"So, how's it feel Heinrich? How's it feel to finally be free?"

"It feels... great. Thank you A."

"No problem buddy, let's get you back home to your family in Munich. I bet you're starving huh?"

"I am, very much so."

"I'm sure your parents will be happy to cook you up a meal when you get home. Wanna tell me about them?"

"Sure! My mother is a very caring woman, she defended me till the cops dragged me away before I left. She always cooks us meals, and takes care of us. Then my father, he's a very quiet and reserved man, but he cares about us nonetheless. Lastly, my older brother. He's always busy with homework and chores, but when we do play together, it's always fun. He's seven years old. Oh! I almost forgot, my mother is currently pregnant, so I'll have another baby sibling soon!"

"Wow! That's awesome Heinrich! It sounds like you have an amazing family. I'm sure you'll be a great big brother when the time comes."

"Haha, thanks A. What about your family?"

"Ah well, I don't really see or speak to them that often, ever since I left home I haven't kept in touch."

"You left home? How come?"

"Well... it's a little more complicated than you think... I'll explain it to you someday when you're older."

"How old are you A?"

"I'm 16 years old. You're five right?"


"Haha, I still can't believe that. You sure don't talk or act like a five year old.

"I guess so..."

"How did you learn such an extensive vocabulary at your age?"

"My dads a teacher! He spent a lot of time teaching me how to talk, I guess a little too much if I speak like an adult..."

"It's a good thing! You're very advanced for your age, that's something to be proud of Heinrich."

"Thanks A."

"No problem. About an hour till Munich!"

"Do you mind if I sleep for the rest of the ride?"

"Not at all, i'm sure you're tired, have a good rest."



"Sakuya! Wake up Sakuya!"

Huh? I woke up on a park bench in what seemed to be Tokyo. I was back in my old, 17 year old body. I was me again.

"I'm so glad you're awake, Sakuya!"

I looked to my left to see who was talking to me, it was....

a female stranger.

"Wh-what am I doing here?! Who are you?"

"Sakuya... it's me, it's Amalie!"

Amalie....? What the hell is going on? She's all grown up, I didn't even recognize her.

"Amalie... what on Earth are you doing here?"

"That doesn't matter! You need to wake up Sakuya! You're in danger!"

"B-but I am awake! What danger?"

"No! You aren't awake yet! You're still asleep Sakuya. Bad people are about to hurt you. Please wake up!"
