New Mobile Game

Tim was quite happy with his life right now. He had a job as a web developer and rented a small apartment in the city he grew up in. His parents owned a house a bit further away from the city center. It took him around half an hour driving and walking by public transport to get to his parents.

He just came home from work a while ago and before eating dinner Tim scrolled through his home page on bouTube, where he saw a gameplay video of a game he had played when he was still in school and had more time for things like games. This gave him nostalgia for the old days and he just wanted to have the same feelings for a short while, so he stayed still and dreamed.

After eating dinner he couldn't forget about the game so he clicked the On button on his pc and a whirling of the fan could be heard as the pc started. He Installed Steam and opened it to see his collection he hadn't looked at since class nine to ten when he stopped to play games and got into programming Websites with React. He installed the game with a genre of city/kingdom building. It wasn't large and only took around ten to 20 min.

The game started and the logo he hadn't seen in ages made a turn on the screen. When the map loaded not mutch changes could be seen at first glance, only the sheeps wandering around caught his eye. As he went through the building menu a lot of memories came back to him about how the game worked and what to build. The new things were more late-game anyways so he started by placing his little wooden castle in the middle, signaling the start of a new city.

The beginning progressed quite fast. Building roads and little houses out of wood. The five citizens he got at the beginning were chopping and building away. More and more people were coming to the village and more and more houses were being built. After only five minutes the first query was build at an exposed rock near the settlement. Shortly after the first forester took housing in the nearby forest.

For food was mostly cared for by fields placed on the more fertile ground, indicated by a darker green in the grid, the placing was based on. The harvesting of the food was fun to look as, as the people loaded their shoulders full of food. Some was being wasted, as it spoiled before all could be brought to the wooden castle, which still took the job of being his storage room. But this was nothing a granary direct next to the fields could not fix.

(Who knows which game I am talking about?)

A warehouse for stone and wood was well needed as well. Slowly it was time for an upgrade for the housed as well as mining Iron and forging some things needet. The game was progressing well and from this point on it was just going to be the same all the way, while growing the city. Later on, maybe even a dragon or a ship of pirates will pay a visit and for that defenses like ballistics and ground troops were needed. Also, the huge wall around the inner part could not be forgotten. but building all that would be taking a long time.

As I was looking through the building menu once more, on the lookout for the smithy I found a building that wasn't in the game when I last played. It was a shop that could be placed on land and as part of a harbor. I placed It and set it to sell some wood and stone as I had nothing else to offer right now. After I continued and build the Smithy, which may be the key to selling something better.

He continued on to play and after some time I spotted a small ship sailing towards my shop, where it docked and numbers of -15 wood and -5 stone bubbled out of the shop.

Right at that moment, the game issued a notification, telling him about an App of the Game he should try. Wondering what it was about he got his phone and typed in the name of the game in the search list for apps. Such an app had not existed when he last played and he doubted they made one in the time. But here he was, looking at it in the store. He downloaded it and it started just like any app, showing the same spinning logo that spun on the pc.

He got a notification to chose two of a few ways to secure his account. Behind the notification, he could see an empty list except for the first one. It was a spinning world with the name of the game he just played next to it.