Leaving the forest!

During the dawn…

After an unknown period, I woke up feeling so energic than anytime before. I felt as if my body was so powerful, and I doubted if this was my own body, so while rubbing my eyes, I took a look at my reflection then what I saw made me speechless.

The most remarkable thing is that my pupils had two totally different colors! The right one was red, and the left one was completely white. Not the whiteness of blindness, but a beautiful white color made me look so enchanting with my mid-length hair that it became so dark, like a night with a starless sky, with a few white strains at the beginning of it. My skin became fair and smooth, as a baby's skin.

My muscle body became robust and firm, and they seemed as they were sculpted by gods. Basically, I became every girl's dream, but putting that thought away, I tried to punch the air, and I felt as if I ripped through it.

"WHOA, that's awesome!" I said.

Then I noticed the water glowing had disappeared, then I remembered yesterday's event.

"Is that why Noah was acting so weirdly yesterday? And that old man! How dare he! not even explain to me how to use my power?!" and as soon as I said that, I heard him again.

"Hello, it's me, your master. I knew that you would be cursing me later, so I recorded this message for you, explaining how to use my great magic! So to use your power, you must emmmmm… Ahm, so it seems that magic became so different from the ancient times, and I won't be able to help you… Guess you will depend on yourself, hahah..." He said.

"And another information, don't question me about why I choose you and who I am; I won't be able to answer you as I will be dead. So you will depend on yourself from now on... Finally, I found someone to inherit my powers HAHAHAHA!" he added with an evil laugh, then the room became silent…

"THAT DAMN OLD GOAT!!!!" After cursing him for death, I calmed down and sat down and scratched my head. Then I felt something blocking my hands from continuing ahead, then I retook a look at my reflection then saw two sharp goat horns up at my head.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!" I said with fear as I started trying to pull it out, but sadly they didn't even budge; after thinking about my future for a bit, I thought about asking Noah about what's happening to me.

"Noah, what's going on?"




"That PIECE OF SHIT! At least tell me how to hide them!" then, when I thought about hiding them, they magically shrank, and I felt my power decreasing by about 40%, but even without them, I still felt that I'm 3 times more potent than before.

So to make sure, I touched my head, and I felt nothing in there, then I sighed out of relief. So after finishing inspecting myself, I looked at the egg, and I found that it will hatch soon, so with an expectant smile, I stroked it then left it alone.

1hour later ….

'I really think that I should leave this forest, as my hypothesis was correct; the pond was the one keeping the dangerous monsters away. And now, with it gone, I don't think that I will be able to survive longer.'

'And I think my current power is enough for entering Nepine academy as it's the most powerful one. Even the royal families study in there, and what's even fantastic as long that you have the talent, you would be able to enter it.'

'People won't even be able to recognize me, which will make me realize my revenge plan more efficiently. HAHAHA!' I thought as l crazily laughed as even if I spent time alone and with no troubles, my revenge lust didn't disappear as I will never forget my awful time in that wrecked place.

"WAIT FOR ME, YOU FUCKING ARROGANT BITCHES!" I screamed with a crazed face.

After packing my stuff and killing some monsters to sell, I departed but with a pained feeling, 'Guess this is what home feels like….'

2 hours later…

While I was on the road, I heard the sound of swords clashing and the shouting of a lot of people, so after tracking their location, I found a noble carriage and a bunch of soldiers fighting a pack of 10 black wolves, so with the intentions of getting money and testing my current strength, I sprinted to them, and crushed the heads of two wolves by one punch each, and stabbed the two closest wolves to me. The rest wolves panicked by my surprise attack, and the soldiers took that chance and sliced their heads.

"Did you guys finish them off? Said a middle-aged man with an average face, red hair, and brown eyes while wearing fancy clothes while pocking his head off the window. Then a soldier told him what happened, then he spoke to me.

"What an interesting man you are; what's your name, young man?" he said with a curious face and no bad intentions. So while keeping my guard up, I replied.

"My name is Almer, no last name. Who are you?"

"What a conscious young man, relax if I ever wanted to harm you; I would've done that a minute ago. And my name is Kiel Fynxel; nice to meet you." He replied with a smile.

"Like so, so where were you going?" I asked while relaxing a little bit

"We were going to the capital until a bunch of weak monsters attacked us." He responded with a disgusted expression.

"We?" I wondered

"Oh yeah, my family, we were going for a little picnic." He said with a mysterious face.

"So, where were you going?" he asked

"I was going to the same place as you, Mr.Kiel."

"Oh, what a coincidence, would you like to come with us as a repaying for your help? And please call me Kiel," He asked.

"Ok, thanks," I replied

"Then, hop in," He said with a kind smile.

Then he opened the door, and I entered, and just as I entered, the whole people in the carriage gasped.

"Are your eyes natural?" Asked a cute 9 years old little boy with golden hair and brown eyes.

"Shhh, adam, how much time do I need to ask you to be respectful to people? Of course, they aren't natural." mumbled a stunning middle-aged woman in her 30s with golden hair and dazing blue eyes.

"Come on, mom, his eyes looks so real! And his skin is as smooth as a baby!" Said a pretty 15 years old girl with red hair.

"Ehm! This is Almer; he helped us get rid of the wolves, and he will accompany us on this trip. Please be kind to him." Said Kiel trying to spare me the embarrassment of me wearing fake eyes.

"No, it's okay, Kiel. Hello, My name is Almer; nice to meet you, and my eyes are natural, and everything you see in me is genuine.

"Oh, I'm so sorry if we made you annoyed; it's just that you don't see a human with these unique features. My name is Lina, and my daughter's name is Lili, and my cheeky little son is Adam. Let me take that heavy bag of you." She apologized.

"Oh, it's okay, and no, sorry, there are some valuables things that I can't afford to lose in this bag." I replied.


"Ehm… So why are you in this awful state?" Kiel asked me while looking at my long hair and ripped clothes.

"Emmm, I was in the forest for 1 month with no communication with the outer world." I awkwardly said.

"Ah, it's okay; we will get you fixed up when we will reach the city." Said Kiel with a comforting voice, as he imagined me living terribly for the past month.

"So, where is your family?" he asked

"Hmmm, I don't have one." I lied

Then silence filled the vehicle.

"I'm sorry for bringing up a sensitive subject." He apologized

"Oh no, it's okay."I replied with a carefree voice.


"So, what's your plan for now?" asked Lina, trying to loosen up the mood.

"I plan on registering on Nepin academy as I reached the legal age." I replied with an innocent smile.

"Well, we were even about to register our daughter; I hope you could be friends now as I doubt she would have friends in there."


"I was joking, don't be mad." she said while laughing

Then we continued chatting and laughing until we reached the main gates of the capital.