System upgraded!

After a quick 30 mins, we reached our destination, the capital, where all of the people come to search for job opportunities, where all of the crucial decisions are made, and most importantly, where the royal family is living.

The line for passing thru the gate was so long. But their status as a noble family made them pass quickly with no issues.

After placing the cart somewhere unnoticeable, we had gone out for a shopping session or whatever.

The first thing that we did is that we had gone to a barber as it was unusual to have long hair as a guy at this time; after 10 mins of suffering and sadness, I had come out with eye-level high hair.

Surprisingly I had become even more handsome and for some reason, when I finished having my haircut, some girls had a nosebleed even lily started to blush from time to time but was too embarrassed to talk about it.

The second thing we did is going to a clothes shop as my current appearance isn't that good… It sucked. So we had to change it, and while I was changing into some new clothes that they bought me, Lina and Keil were talking about something important.

"Are you sure about letting him stay with us?" asked Lina with a worried tone while their kids were away.

"Yes, didn't I tell you? He had killed four D rank wolves beasts! And that's not something an average teenager would be able to do! And I even feel that he will become someone big in the future, so we have to help him so that he remembers our kindness later." Replied Kiel with a serious expression.

"But are you really okay with it? Someone that you don't even know living on the same roof as you? What if he was a dangerous person or even worse a demon!" Asked Lina with a troubled expression.

"Trust me, I don't sense any bad intentions in him; in the outer appearance, he may seem somewhat cold, but inside I know he is a normal teenager who needs love. And even if he wanted to hurt us, I will be there for you." Said Kiel with a smile.

"Okay, I won't doubt anymore. Now shut up with your flirting as he finished changing." Said Lina while smiling

And after a minute, I finished changing, clueless about what they talked about. I was wearing black jeans with a white t-shirt, a blue jean jacket on top, and some white sneakers. Everybody had their eyes focused on me when I came out, even guys! And I looked at Kiel and Lina, and I saw her a little bit lost. I was so embarrassed as it was the first time people looked at me with admiration and awe, and lily started looking at me from time to time with a blush, then Kiel broke the silence.

"So, Almer, do you want to live with us? It's totally okay if you don't want t-" he said with a doubtful expression.

"Yes, why not? I don't even have a place to sleep in; thank you, Kiel." I said with a grateful face.

"Oh, wow, I really thought that you would reject my offer. Well, that doesn't matter anymore, we must now buy you more clothes, a toothbrush…."

And after a solid 2 hours, we finished shopping and drove to their house.

Their house was in the nobles district; obviously, all of the houses here were big and modern, with two guards guarding each villa's gate. So after the guards saluting Kiel, we entered.

"Whoa! This place is big!" I exclaimed

"Yes, this place was built by one of the best architects in the city!" replied Kiel with a proud expression.

"So, you said you want to enter the Nepil academy, right?" he added.

"Yeah," I responded

"Then I think I have a way to help you; what's your elemental power?" he asked.

"It's snow," I said

"Ok, I'm going to explain to you the ranking of powers. The higher your ranking, the higher your power will be; so the lowest one is an F rank, And after it comes E, D, C, B, A, S, and then comes S+ as the highest one, and you will be able only to raise your rand 2 times. So let's say that you have a rank D power; if you constantly train your power, you can reach B rank. There comes the system utility; the only meaning of systems is that they are a utility for you to get to the upper ranks. Do you understand?" he said while looking at me.

"Yes, understand, But I have a question, why do systems have different names," I asked while trying to digest the information he gave me.

"Good question, so let's say your system name is the nose fire-breather, then your power will be throwing fire out of your nose." He confidently said.

"So now that I explained what the ranks and systems are, would you like to know your snow rank?" He said with a toothy smile.

"But, don't you need an expensive power identificator?" I asked with a worried expression.

"Oh, don't worry about it! We have one at home." He said

"Ok-kay?" I replied with a cracked voice as it was one of the most expensive things that I will ever see.

And after going right and left inside the house, we reached a massive training ground with a servant at the corner.

"Hey, Carl! Bring us the ball!" said Kiel.

"Ok, sir." Then the servant ran off to bring the "Ball."

And after 5 mins he got back with a transparent ball in his hands then placed it in front of us.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, so the more the ball shined, the more ranked you will be, so let's say you have firepower, the redder it will be, the more rated you will be. So place your hands at the ball and don't resist it."

Then out of nowhere, the whole family had surrounded me with expectant eyes. So while taking a long breath, I placed my hands on the ball and felt some sort of energy exploring my insides…

"Nothing is happ-" Then it shone a bright white that I couldn't even open my eyes.

"That can't be!" Said Keil excitingly.

"What is that husband?" Said Lina worryingly while placing her hands in her eyes.

After two minutes the ball stopped shinning, but it became frozen! So with a worried face, I said

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I will repay it; please don't take me to jail!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Laughed Kiel as if he won a 1m dollar lottery.

"Don't worry about it now! Do you know how lucky you are?! You have an SSS+ power rank and rank that only appears in the legends!" He excitedly said. Then he had an idea,

"Do you have an interest in my daughter?"

"DAD! KIEL!" Said both the mother and daughter duo while pinching him from both sides.

"OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! I'm kidding! Just kidding!" he said with a pained expression.

"…." I stared with a puzzled expression

"But you must keep it a secret as a lot of organizations will try to kidnap you and brainwash you to become a war machine for them." He suddenly said with a serious expression.

"So what should I do now?" I asked

"I will help you enter the academy by a recommendation letter, But at one condition." He said with a business smile.

"What is it?" I confidently as I needed that recommendation letter.

"Think about marrying my daughter." He said while adjusting his imaginary glasses.

"What did you say?" said both his daughter and wife.

Then the night was full of the sounds of the suffering of a man…

I lazily laid on the bed while waiting for the system to unlock.


"Look, I'm going to get you a room near Lily; I trust you…." He said while being dragged by his wife.

"Don't mind him; he just forgot to eat his pills." Said Lina with a kind smile.


"HELP ME!!!!!"


"Hmm, what a weird family…" I said.


"Finally!" "OPEN MENU!"

[LEVEL: 10 184/1000XP]

[RACE: Desire Demon]

[HP: 55/55]






[MANA:70] (1 int: 10mana)

[Life force: 50] (-1 every hour, if the number reaches 0, host will die.)

- 13 points pending


[STORE] (100 Coins) :

(Low-quality restores 25 mana) -20 coins

(Low-quality restores 25 hp) -20 coins

(Jack of all weapons) -75 coins

(High quality) – Free (only for the first weapon.)

(1-blue ticket: 10 coins, 1-green ticket:100, 1-red ticket: 1000 coins)

[Weekly shop]:


[LOTTERY]: (0 Tickets.)





[Knife handling: LVL 13 (464/1300XP)]


[Charming eyes: LVL1 (0/100XP)] (Charms a victim, the higher the level is, the higher abilities victims to be able to charm.

[Demon claws: LVL 1 (0/100XP)] (Creates a demon claw to fight with 1min:10 mana)

[Nightmare trap: LVL1 (0/100XP)] (Creates a nightmare for the victim, the higher the level is, the more realistic the nightmare will be and the possibility to trap higher levelled victims.






[PARTNERS]: 0 (Have their own will and decisions)

[SERVANTS]: 0 (Have their own will, Can't oppose host's orders)

[SLAVES]: 0 (Their destiny is up to host decisions.)


"Wait, what?! That's crazy! What type of System upgrade is this?"

[Hello, Almer.]

"Noah! You're back! I missed you, buddy!"

[I missed you too!]

"Ye- wait, are you talking like a normal human now?"

[Yes, when I got upgraded, I got some upgrades in my character too.]

"Whoa, that's awesome," I said

[Yep, very cool.]

"Well, sorry, I can't accompany you for this night as I'm so tired."



"Ugh…" I groaned as I woke up

"What is this?!" I screamed as I looked at an animal sleeping on my chest.