Conflicted feelings.

I screamed as I saw a small black dragon sleeping on my chest, and just as I cried, the door opened with a worried face of a maid.

"Is there is a problem, sir?" she asked with sweat on her face

"No, sorry! I just dreamed a bad dream." I said with a comforting smile while hiding the little dragon.

"Ok, If you ever need something, tell me." She said with a sigh

"Okay, thanks!" I replied with a smile as she closed the door.

"D-ad!" a voice said.

"Wait, what now way!" I excitingly said while bringing the little dragon, Ignoring the fact that someone called me dad.

"Was it you who spoke?" I quietly asked.

"Me? I spoke?" replied the dragon with a feminine.

"I'm speaking yay!" she said while swinging her tail.

"How are you speaking humans language?" I asked

[Hmm, interesting…]

"Interesting what?" I asked as I felt that I didn't know important information.

[It turns out that this dragon is from noble or royal blood, and they can speak any language from birth.]

"A NOBLE OR WHAT?! HOW?" I hurriedly asked as it was impossible to find a pure bloodline in the ground ready to be eaten.

[Even I don't know why, but you should hurry up and form a contract with it!]

"A what?"

[A contract that you and the person will agree on so that you form it will be your familiar. And if one of you breaks one of the requests in the contract, he or she will die!]

"Whoa, that's some serious stuff! But how?" I asked as the female dragon started tilting her head and then bit my finger.

"OUCH! That hurts! Why would you do that?" I asked with teary eyes.

[A half fire half snow dragon is requesting to form a fair contract with you. Here are the conditions:

1-Never hurt each other.

2-Help each other when they need you.

3-Never oblige an order a harmful order.

4-When one of the contracted persons dies, the contract will break.

4-Play with the dragon when she wants.

Are you willing to accept it?]

And with a surprised face, I looked at the dragon, then she showed me a confused expression as if she didn't know what she did.


[Pact formed! Congratulations!]

And as the notification disappeared, I felt a tingling sensation on my right arm. When I removed my shirt, I saw a big black dragon tattoo that MOVED from time to time, extending from my inner arm to my chest. It was a simple design with its mouth open in my chest region.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" I screamed as it was so, SO unusual to have a tattoo my age and a moving one! And started to think if they would even accept me in a school. Then I looked at her and saw her happily smiling with a cute expression as if I was her property now.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" I cried as I didn't know what to say, Kiel and the others, and I didn't want them to kick me out because they thought I'm a terrible guy (Even I will be one with some persons, HAHA!). Then a knocking made me stop my fantasy.

"Look here, your name will be Nira from now on, ok?" I asked her, and she responded by nodding her head furiously.

"What?!" I asked the knocker.

"Master asked me to ask you to have breakfast with him." Said a servant.

"Ok, tell them I'm coming down in a minute!" I answered him.

"Okay," he responded

"Look, stay here until I come back, ok?" I asked her

|Ok, dad!| she replied in my head.

"Nice, and call me Almer!" I said as I didn't want to be a dad this early.

'Okay, Alamir!" she responded with a cute voice

"It's A- you know what call me whatever you want," I said, not wanting to fight with a child.

And after wearing a shit and made sure that it will hide my tattoo, I had gone to have breakfast.

"Goodmorning, Kiel and Aunty." I greeted them as I sat down to eat.

"Goodmorning." They responded.

"Why do you call her aunty? Call her by her name instead, like what you're doing with me." Asked Kiel

"It's just that… I…. you know?" I said while making a dead sign with my hand, and he just gave me a look of "I know my friend."

"Hi, Lily! Wassup adam!" I said while making a pistol sign to adam

"Hello, big brother!" he responded

"H-hi!" she said while lowering her head.

"Goodmorning, Almer. Can you tell me what's that black thing on your chest?" remarked Lina while I was eating.

And I forgot to wear my underwork.

"Emmmm, Nothing?" I nervously said.

"I said what is that thing on your chest." She resaid.

"Nothing, trust me! Pretty hot here, isn't it?" I said while sweating a lot, trying to avert the subject.

"Come here, let me look. It's my house, and I need to know what's happening around," She said with a calm expression.

"Okay…" I said with a defeated expression knowing that I messed up.

"Rest in peace, kid, it was great knowing you.." Said Kiel quietly.

And just as I got close to her, with a swift move, she removed my shirt and revealed the living tattoo, And the whole table grasped their breath.

"What is this?" she said with her eyebrows twitching.

"IS THAT A REAL TATTOO?" Exclaimed adam with his hands shutting his mouth, as he was so excited seeing one for some reason.

"Yes…" I replied with a sigh, 'this will be a long day...'

"Why is that thing moving?!" said Lily with a frightened face.

"I- don't know. I just woke up and found it, I swear!" I said, trying to defend myself.

"Man, what a lucky bastard you are, having a great body and a great tattoo," said Kiel in jealousy.

"Shut up, Kiel! It's not the time for this." Said Lina while blushing.

"Now tell me the truth; when did you get this tattoo? I didn't see it yesterday." She said at me, looking straight into my eyes.

"I-" then I got cut by the sound of a little girl.

"Who are these people, Almer?" asked Nira.


"IS THAT A DRAGON!" said everybody in unison.

"Yea…" I said with a sigh

15min later…

"And that's how I got this tattoo."I tiredly said.

"So, you are telling me that you woke up finding a talking dragon that will probably have a pure bloodline. And that she made a contract with you without even knowing, and then a moving tattoo appeared on your body? Asked Kiel.

"Yes, Can I have my shirt back now?" I replied as Nira slept on my head.

"Oh yeah, of course, here you go. I knew that you were special," mumbled Kiel.

"So, can you leave us alone to talk for a bit, children?" he asked.

"Ok, dad!" responded both Lily and adam.

And after making sure that they had gone, he shut down the door and then spoke to me.

"So you said you want to enter the top academy, right?"

"Yes," I replied with complete seriousness.

"And you need my help to enter it, correct?" He asked me.

"Yes," I replied.

"So how about we make out a deal. I will train you this 6 months, and when you graduate after 3 years and become at the top, you will help us clean this country." He said


"Please sit down, dear. So, do we have a deal?" he asked me again.

"Why are you so sure about me reaching the top that you are giving this request? There are a lot of people more powerful than me for this quest." I asked warily.

"I don't know… A hunch." He said as he smiled a mysterious smile.

"And what would be better than be trained by one who was the most powerful persons on this country." He added with a sad expression.

"Was?" I asked.

"you know what, kid, I will tell you a story that will maybe make me gain your trust, a long time ago, a man was friends with the king's son, they were best friends, but one day the man awakened a powerful elemental system while his friend gained a less powerful one than him, and from that day, the king's son started hating him. Years passed, and the king died, and the man became the most powerful man in the country and had more chances of becoming a king. Still, because of the fear of his friend, he hired assassins to kill him, but fortunately, he lived. But his power decreased a lot, which made him lose his chance to become a king and make his friend gain the position. But this didn't end here; the king wanted to make sure that he will never be a threat again, as even after losing most of his power, the man was considered one of the top 10 powerful humans in the country. After many battles, the king decided to make the man a noble. But at the condition of not using his powers anymore… And he accepted, and a lot of similar situations and even worse happens in this country." He said with teary eyes.

"But sadly, the battles made a lot of people that were important either turn their back on him or got killed. And the most important person in his life, his sister, got captured by him." He added while rubbed his eyes.

"That… I accept it!" I said with conflicted feelings, as I had teary eyes as maybe I found my mom's family. And while holding my laugh as my revenge is soon.

|What a crazy bastard I'm!| I said to myself

1 day later…

[Main quest: A great man is nothing without knowledge:

Read library books for 2 hours (0/120mins)

[Rewards: Statue inspector, 5 points.]

[Failure: 5 years of horrible luck.]

[5 hours left…]

"Augh, what is this?" I said as I was woken up by a notification.