Gaining knowledge.

I complained as I felt some sort of deja-vu, but I didn't have the time to think about it as I will have a heart stroke because of that bad luck, so I sprinted to Kiel's location.

"Goodmorning! Do you have a library inside this house?" I hurriedly asked.

"Yea, it on the underground floor." Responded Kiel with an astonished face.

"Thanks!" I responded while running.

"Don't forget! Training starts at 3pm!" he said

"Okay!" I responded.

"Hah, kids these days…." Said Kiel while smiling.

"And this should be the history row." I hummed while looking at a ramp full of books, then I took a book with the title " World history During and after the second Great war. (Humans perspective.)"

"There are 4 continents; three of them are confirmed to exist, while one is not. Lybia is occupied by the beast kind, Urta, the fairies and elves, and Yuta, the humans continent.

Last but not least, Kounta, the demon's continent, is not confirmed to exist until now. Sadly, in the previous years, we were utterly miserable. We didn't know how to defend ourselves; we didn't have a God to guide us, someone to show us how to awaken our powers had nobody except ourselves.

So the other races took advantage of our situation, and ravaged our lands, enslaved us, and killed our families. They did everything that made us lose hope in the future.

But one day, a hero was born, a hero that helped us learn how to awaken our power, how to defeat our enemies. By using their own powers, systems, and his name was Erik laywok.

He helped us get the humanoid creatures out of our lands and earn our freedom by fighting the other races.

And after 25 years of battle, we won, but sadly our hero was killed by his own wife that turned to be a demon.

After his decease, demons roamed the continent and taught some ungrateful ones the wicked magic. Dark magic, sadly the ones who had practiced this magic, had either gone insane or died, some people had kept their sanity, but those were so rare that you could count them on your fingers.

The problem was that they tried to rule over humanity, and we were close to losing.

Still, suddenly a person with a long beard had fallen from the sky, and with one move, he killed all of the demons on our continent that even lucifer had run away!

Then he started lecturing us, "There are 5 great gods and goddesses. Layla comes as the destiny goddess, Unas as the underworld god, Roderos as the god of time, Kratos as the god of chaos, Phara as the goddess of desire. And one supreme god, me Hura, the god of all, and more than 50 normal gods. And I had come to save you." And then he taught our king Ronald the third how do the world and systems work.

Systems have three categories; first, the elemental system, when awakening this system, will awaken your elemental power, such as fire, water, earth, etc.…

In second comes the special systems; special systems can be good for one and can be bad for another, as you can get a special system that will grant you the power of flying and another can give you the power of changing your hair color, so it's not always granted to have a powerful special system, but there is one exception, that is when you are blessed by the gods with a special system, and those who were blessed were all taken by the church as heroes and subordinates of the gods.

And lastly comes the commoner's systems, a system that doesn't have an ability; you just get an upgrade on the things you know.

Let's say you were practicing bakery; if you were unlucky, you could get a baker system. But it doesn't mean that it will always be a flawed system, as sometimes you could get a bakery system that will make you the best baker and such.

And after that, our supreme god had taught everything necessary to our king; he helped him build the perfect church and named it "The god's church," and led the priests to the magic of the church that will help them exterminate any evil being, but with a sacrifice, that is losing their system.

And before leaving, he told the king and the popes important advice. "let me give you a piece of advice, children, don't trust dark beings and dark gods, as they will try to lure you to the dark side. And with that, I hope that you will embrace the religion that I gave you and taught you." And after that, we never saw him again, but there were some rumors that if you pray enough, you will be able to talk with him.

Written by The pope of the "Gods church," James yuto the year: 4300.

"This was written 300 years ago," I said as I remembered that this year was 4521 and then wondered if the pope was still alive.

"Bruh, of course, he would be dead!" I said while moaning out of tiredness.

[Main quest: A great man is nothing without knowledge:

Read library books for 2 hours (120/120mins)

[Rewards: Statue inspector, 5 points.]

[Failure: 5 years of horrible luck.]

[5 hours left…]

[Complete.] [Rewards had been delivered.]

"Whoa, finally," I said with a lazy face as I looked at a servant to test the inspector.

[Name: Jordan Jacob.

Age: 32 years old

Weaknesses: everything on him is a weakness

Feeling: Happy

Talent: 3/10

System info: Cleaner (F rank.)]

"Wow, that's really overpowered." I excitingly exclaimed as I saw the screen in front of me.

Then I checked the time; it was 13:25 pm, one hour and a half until he starts training me, then I continued reading until 5 min was left for the rendezvous.


"Shhhhhhh," said someone out of nowhere.

"Sorry…" I hummed.

And after running a marathon as this villa was so big, I arrived at the last minute.

"Oh hey, look who's late." Said Kiel while cracking his knuckles with the giggles of his family sitting on a bench.

"Look, I swear that I was reading and lost track of time," I explained myself.

"Ok, I will let it slide only this time; the next time, if you come late, a bunch of beating will greet you, is it understood?" he replied with a commander aura.

"Yes, sir!" I said while doing a salute

"Now, enough chit-chat, to know how should I teach you, I should duel you first, so activate your power and attack me." He ordered.

"Emmm, actually, there is a problem," I said with an awkward smile.

"What is it?" he replied while raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know how to use my power."


"Are you serious?"

"Yeaaaaaah…." I said while sweating.

"Argh, guess we will need to start by the basics." He said while shaking his head.

"So first, you will need to concentrate on the air around to feel the energy around you, and then try to absorb it." He replied.

30min later…

My body was surrounded by blue energy, and I felt as if I was wearing the warmest and coldest clothes in the world; it was quite a weird feeling.

"Nice, so now that you did it, gather that energy in your arm, then imaging a simple flower of snow in your hands." He instructed.

"Okay," I said while sweating a lot, trying to keep that energy inside me and at the same time trying to imagine a simple-looking flower. Then something happened that I would not forget my whole life.

"What is that?" I said while looking at the most majestic flower I had ever seen; it was a 20cm flower with ice petals and veins! Not a simple flower at all!"

"Whoa, that's so pretty…" said Lily with an astonished face.

"HAHAHA, I knew that you would surprise us again." Said Kiel while laughing.

Then suddenly felt so weak that I could drop dead anytime. It seemed that I lost a lot of my energy.

"You should rest, train using your power, and after 1 weak, we would duel again." Said Kiel while tapping my back."

1 weak later...

"Hah, looks like someone is getting to get beaten up!" said Kiel with a grin.

"You better what out as I have some dangerous trump cards up my sleeve," I responded while smiling.

"Bring it on, kid!" Laughed Kiel.