The pain of the forgotten.

And as soon as I heard his permission to start, I brought out my dagger and attempted to slash, but Kiel, in his defensive form, sighed and tried to catch my hand, and when I saw that approach, I smile, and then snow spikes of 2 meters started appeared out from the ground.

"Nice try kid! But that's not enough to stop me!" He said while dodging my sharp spikes.

"Hmph," I replied, ignoring his remark. Then when he got cornered because of not having anywhere to dodge, I activated my demon claw and sprinted to him, then slashed his neck like an assassin, but it couldn't get through its stiff neck; then he punched me in the guts making me vomit all of my breakfast.

"What the shit was that?" I weakly said

"Hmmm, so you an offensive type, and a mix of a warrior, a mage, and an assassin, interesting." I heard a voice as the "Kiel" in front of me disappeared. Then I turned my head in the sound direction and saw him standing in the same spot he was at the beginning of the fight. So I threw at him a snow bolt out of frustration.

"AHHH, HOW DID YOU DO THAT! DID YOU TELEPORT?!" I screamed while pointing at him.

"Oh, you're still here; no, not at all; the thing that you were fighting was just a duplicate of me with no powers, basically me but with only 20% of my physical power." He astonishingly said as he acted as if he forgot about my existence.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yep. Are you mocking the previous most powerful man?" he said while laughing.

"Another time!" I screamed.

"No. That was enough for me to know how to train you. And you will break yourself if you continue. An average person would have died because of that punch; even my daughter would die against attack." He replied as he looked in the direction of his daughter, his wife, and Nira eating popcorn, watching the fight in a worried face.

"Okay…" I said while caressing the face of Nira, who jumped at me to check my condition.

The next day…

"What a nice day to train and beat that old geezer," I said while stretching my body, as the medicine they applied to me yesterday had made my body sore, but it did its job well.

"Well, let's take a look at my sta-"



"NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE I FORGOT PLEASE I WILL NEVER FORGET AGAIN PLEA-" As I wanted to finish my pleading, a pain so intense that I thought would be even possible struck me.

"ARGHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! STWOOOOOOOOOOOP! PFEAAAAAAASE STWAP!! PWEASE!" I scream in pain as I scratched my body until my nails disappeared, as I felt as if my own cells started to eating my body. At the same time, as if you slashed my body with the hottest knife you could ever find. It was a feeling that made you want to be off dead. And just as there was nothing else to be eaten, my flesh regrew, and the process repeated itself.

"ALMER, WHAT'S HAPPENING TO YOU!" Screamed Kiel as he entered my room and saw some kind of bugs eating me with the whole house members looking at me behind his bulky body. And even after trying to remove them, he couldn't.

"What is happening to you, Almir? Are you dying? Please don't leave me!" said Nira worryingly. But sadly, I couldn't hear their voices as the torture cut my connection with the outer world.

"PWEAS KILL ME!! PLESAE I GBE YOU PKEASE!" I said as that was the only thing I could think of.

"WE ARE GOING TO SAVE YOU ALMER, PLEASE HANG ON!" said Lina while running to get a doctor.

30 min later…

"….." I tried to plead for mercy, but my vocals cords were cut destroyed because of my screaming; even my tears won't come out.

"I can't do anything. And I don't even think that anyone would be able to. But at least I will tell you what I know about Almer's condition. First, I don't know what's wrong with him as he isn't cursed or sick. Second, it seems as if his life force is getting eaten by these bugs, and when his life force finishes, his body sucks a lot of mana from the air then his life force gets refilled. And that's all I could do, farewell miss Lina, mister Kiel. It's unfortunate to lose a youngster like him this soon." Said the doctor with a sad expression.

*Sob* *Sob* *Sob*

"What do we do now, Kiel?" Said Lina as she ran out of ideas while hearing Lily crying on my chest.

"…" Kiel was silent the whole time while thinking about something in the dark corner.

"Let's go; there's nothing we could do. If he survives that, then lucky for him as even I can't hold myself together in that situation, and if he doesn't… Then may he rest in peace." He quietly said while holding his family's hands out of the sick room.

"Hope that you survive, kid." He said while holding his feelings.

30mins later…

My eyes were losing their colours, and my body started to feel cold; I was close to dying, so embarrassing that feeling I fell asleep and dreamt of something mysterious.

Inside the dream…

"Haha, die trash!" said a kid of 10 years as he pushed a cute child at the same age but with pure dark eyes and hair.

"Please stop bullying me!" he replied.

"Why would I, Kataro?" he mocked.

Then my vision blurred, and I saw the same bullied kid but 7 years older.

"Why are you leaving me?" he asked a beautiful young woman.

"Why would I even want an orphan and a poor one as well be my boyfriend?" She laughed at him while hugging the neck of the same guy that bullied him.

"But I treated you better than him." He defended.

"Ay! Don't speak to my girlfriend like that!" Said the bulky guy with a furious as he punched him in the face.

"UGH!" He screamed in pain while rubbing his face.

"Let us get out of here, my love." She said while kissing the muscular guy.

"Wait! Don't leave me! DAMN IT!" Screamed Kotaro while punching the ground multiple times.

"I SWEAR AT MY LIFE THAT I WILL KILL EVERY WICKED PERSON ON THIS EARTH THAT CAUSED MY SUFFERING!" And when he finished his sentence, my vision blurred again.

When my vision cleared, I saw him training and adventuring in places that no human would ever put a finger in there, without even complaining a single time. And after years, he was venturing a cursed forest, then suddenly he fell at a dark blood pool. After giving up in his life as he knew he would never exist in this place, Kotaro shut his eyes with regrets. A hundred years passed with no signs of life from him, but after 500 years, he woke up. He found that the pool disappeared and felt an enormous power coming out of him with two demon horns on top of his head and an old chest in the centre of the pool region; warily, he opened it and found two beautiful blades with long chains inserted in their handles. Trying to inspect the blades, he touched one of their handles, and suddenly they flew into Kotaro's hands. Their chains got stuck in his arms; it was a painful process, but it was worth it, as when he tried to use them, they nearly cut the whole forest.

Happy he returned to his town to revenge himself but was surprised as the city was all gone and was replaced with modern looking ones. After asking for a bit, he found out that his city was replaced a hundred years ago. Kotaro continued his life simply after that; he learned how to hide his horns, he married a woman he loved, became a dad of 2 kids, and had a normal job. But the gods didn't allow that as one of them descended from heaven and raped his wife and killed his kids as he thought that he wouldn't be able to anything. And after knowing what's happened, he became angry, so angry that he returned to his furious side and build an army and reused his dangerous weapon. After a hundred years, the lower gods were all dead, and he defeated all the upper-class gods and goddesses, and his only target left was Hura, the god of all. Then my vision blurred again, then it recleared. I saw Kataro sitting on a chair with more than 10 women of different races pleasuring him and a lot of demons standing still out of respect, waiting for his command. And then he ordered them to kill Hura. After a thousand years of battle, Kataro won, and Hura disappeared somewhere unknown, but all of his subordinates were dead, and the galaxy is going to break, and sadly with a big hole in his stomach. And like that, he died with a tear in his eyes.

"I will really miss the old days…" and like that, the demon god died.

Suddenly I woke up from my dream and with tears in my eyes as if I was the one that I dreamt about.

"Kotaru…" I said his name as my horns appeared and started to shine.