Life force.

I said as I woke up from what seemed an internity; the dream felt so real that I felt as if I stayed in it for Kotaro's entire lifetime while feeling his accomplishments, happiness, even in the sad times, I felt everything, while thinking about what happened, someone burst from the door.

"Almer you're alive!" screamed the whole family as they all came to check my condition.

"Yep, as strong as a bull," I replied them with a smile.

"We really thought that you will die, and we didn't want that to happen to someone as positive as you." Said Lina with a warm smile.

"Don't worry, aunty, I'm not thinking about dying right now," I responded while scratching the back of my neck.

"Was there something like a horn before on top of your head earlier? I'm sure that I saw it," questioned Lily.

"Yes, I think that I saw it too." Said Lina with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, you probably just imagined it," I said with a confused look too.

"Okay… As it can't disappear like that." They both responded while still having their doubts.

"So, can you guys go out for a bit as I need to discuss with him about his condition." Said Kiel who was quiet the whole time.

"Ok." They both responded with an understating face.


"What were those horns kid?" He said without beating around the bush.

"What horns?" I said while smiling an awkward smile.

"Just spit it Almer, I casted a soundproof spell in this room. I even felt that you were stronger for a bit with them." He said without flinching.

"What are yo- Pff okay, here are they," I said with a defeated expression as I knew that I would not be able to fool a strong person like him. And then a pair of beautiful goat horns had appeared on top of my head.

"What in the hell is this?!" He exclaimed as he pointed at my horns.

"His power got raised by maybe 40% even your charm did so, it may be even dark magic as I did not see on my life magic like this, but it may be even worse, he may be a demon… Interesting." He murmured while scratching his chin.

"Ehm… Are we happy now?" I said with a nervous expression, but while raising my guard, he can attack me anytime because of my identity as a demon.

"So, are you a demon?" He asked while looking straight at my eyes.

"Yes…" I quietly replied.

"Do you want to hurt humanity, and do you have any evil thoughts about my family, and why were you in pain earlier?" He said while throwing questions at me.

"First, no, I don't want to hurt humanity; second, I totally don't as I take you as a family for the kindness you gave me the past week, and lastly, the last one is… complicated," I said while blushing after the second sentence.

"Why is it so?" He asked with an excited look.

"It's just that I need to do some things that do not include killing or eating people to get life force so I can live." I said while expecting him to not believe me.

"Hmmm, what a complicated thing. Do you know that I can report you to the church, then I will gain by that a ton of money?" he said while waiting for my reply.

"I know, but I don't think that you will do so, as like you said earlier that day, you hate our current government." I said while being ready to run if he shows any harmful intentions.

"What a really interesting guy you are; I will not report you or do anything, I will act as we didn't talk today, but if you ever try to harm my family, I will kill you with my own hands." He said with a calm tone but a threatening one at the end.

"Thank you?" I said with a sweaty face.

"Then see you the next day, don't forget 3pm." He said while waving his hand while going out of the room.


"Whew, that was an intense situation, NOAH! Why didn't you warn me about the punishment!" I screamed

[I couldn't as I wasn't able to speak the last 3 days for some reasons.]

"Really? And how do I even keep my life force up?" I asked.

[To keep it up, you need to fulfill your desires; even most of the side quests and some of the main quests will be depending on your desires. But the same desires won't be able to keep your life force up, so let's say that your previous desire was eating chocolate cakes, after 3 days the same thing won't be able to satisfy you, and you will need to do something that will satisfy you more like sniffing panties or looking at naked women.]

"What? I won't do that!"


[Main quest: Learning how to fulfill your desires :

Fulfill your desires gradually (Every 2 days):

Eat something you like (0/1)

Do something you like (0/1)

Look at a naked woman (Everything a guy would like to do) (0/1)

[Rewards: Lottery ticket 1-blue ticket, Lucky pervert skill.]

[Failure: Dying because of low life force.]

[18 days left…]

"Are you serious?" I asked.


"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'M NOT A PERVERT!" I screamed out of frustration as I knew that there were no ways no escape my fate.

[Well, you better get to work....]

"UHH, okay, hey Nira, where are you?" I said when suddenly a beautiful dragon came out of under the bed and hopped into my chest.

"Almir! You are fine!" she said happily

"Yep, I'm fine! Why didn't you talk with me more often these days?"

"Emmm, I don't know, I just couldn't." She replied

"Like Noah… Let's put that thought away for now; I wonder how would I hide you while being in the academy." And when I thought about hiding her somewhere safe, the tattoo shined, and she got sucked into it.

"What happened?! Nira!" I shouted out fear of her getting lost.

~Almir! I'm inside somewhere nice!~ Then I heard her voice inside my head, and when I focused on it, I found myself in a big field with a lot of pools of different colors, and while seeing her in front of me.

"What is this place?" I said while flying around.

"I don't know. But I feel great in here!" said Nira while swinging her tail.

"Guess you are in a safe place?" I said with a doubtful face

"En! En!" She said while nodding her head. Then I thought about leaving this place the I found myself in the same place I was a while ago.

"What was that place?" I asked

[I think that your consciousness left your body inside that tattoo of yours.]

"Yea, I think that's the only logical explanation…."

The next day…

This day, I focused on the system's features so that I don't mess up the next time. I was surprised by them, especially the shop and the lottery. After looking at the shop and its items, I was so surprised to get a guide for weapons plus a customized weapon for free! But I was a little bit disappointed after reading the description of the weapons guide as it had 5 ranks, beginner, intermediate, expert, master, and grandmaster. And I was getting the beginner one, but then I thought about it as a free trial of the guide and accepted it, and for the customized weapon, I couldn't get a god-tier weapon, and there were 6 tiers; first, there is the low-tier,mid-tier,high-tier,heavenly-tier, semi god-tier, then god-tier. And I was only allowed to get from a heavenly-tier weapon or lower, and the tier would be depending on my luck.

But I did not want to be greedy as even a high-tier weapon could bring destruction if used well, so I accepted my "rewards," took a weapon guide, and left the customized weapon until next time where I would least know what weapon is suited to me. And I continued my day normally while training and eating chocolate cakes.

8 days later…

It's judgment day. The day where I would live or I would die…