
After finishing my training that included training on every weapon on the guide, I asked Kiel a question.

"Can I go out today, Kiel?" I asked him

"Yes, why not? And here is a badge that will let you get out of some troubles." He said as he handed me a golden badge.

"Okay, Thank you!" I said as I run out form the house.

"Hmm, weird." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

And after going around the capital for a bit, I entered a nearby restaurant as I was so hungry after that training.

"Hello sir, what would you like to eat today?" Asked a waiter as I chose my table.

"How about that you recommend me something?" I asked him with a smile.

"Okay, sir, I would personally recommend our traditional beef. And it contains one of the best meats in our country with a sauce that will refresh your mind of all your negative energy…" the waiter was still praising the quality of their product, so to give him some face, I ordered it.

"Nice, I want that meal," I said with a smile

"Okay, sir, it will be ready in no time!" he said with an excited voice as he thought I was some sort of young master.

"Sheesh, I was going to lose my cool back there; it's the first time that I was treated with some respect by someone, but it really felt good," I spoke to myself.

After a while, I heard some commotion somewhere near my table with many people watching with a pitying face, so I got closer and was surprised by what I found. It was a girl facing a guy who was surrounded by 4 boys, who were all probably the same age as I'm.

"Come on, just go out with him! Even both of your families agreed on this!" Shouted a guy on a beautiful silky golden-haired girl with blue eyes and a diamond-shaped face, and most importantly, with a THIC body.

"Please stop! I already said that I would never go out with a man that switches girls faster than how he changes shirts." Responded the girl.


"Watch your mouth, little girl, as my hand gets a little itchy sometimes." Said a handsome guy with curly black hair and brown eyes.

"What a poor girl, getting targeted by young master ray." Said a woman out of the crowd.

"I even heard that he is from the flame crown noble family." Said a man

"Are you stupid? He is the son of the head of the family." Said another man.

"I want silence! If anything about what's happening to my father, I will make sure that he dies most cruelly." Said ray with a cruel face.

"Hmm, so that no one will interrupt us again, how about I say this in another way, you go out with me, and I make sure that your family business doesn't get destroyed, as if it happens, you will probably eat mud for lunch forever. So is it a deal?" He said while extending his hand for a handshake.

The girl was a little bit hesitant, but when she heard about her family's fate, if she didn't do what he wants, she bit her bottom lip, and with a sad expression, she extended her hand.

"Wait, please!" I interrupted them as I got through the crowd.

"So, can we stop and think a little about what we are doing?" I said as I separated them and while "accidentally" touching her voluptuous breasts without her noticing.

"What the hell are you doing?" Said ray while hearing the grasps of the girls around him.

"I'm just trying to make you relax and not bring up a big fight into this beautiful restaurant," I said while smiling a toothy smile.

"Wh- you know what, I don't care, boys beat him up!" He said, then the 4 guys sprinted, and two of them secured me to guys to start punching me. And for some reason, I felt so, so angry as I wanted to tear them up and eat them alive; basically, I didn't accept this humiliation at all.

*Drip* *Drip* *Drip*

The sound of my blood dripping on the floor was the only thing that sounded except for the voices of the boys who were laughing, and I knew that I could break free from this situation, but for I wanted to have a reason to beat them so bad that their parents won't recognize them anymore.

"Guess I need to use the hard way, huh," I said as I chuckled at the show that will happen

I smiled a sly smile as I froze the legs of the two guys who were punching me and took the head of the other ones and slammed it on the floor one time; that was so strong that all of their teeth had fallen off of their mouths. I looked at the frozen ones and slammed their heads with each other. I looked at Ray, who seemed so angry, and started launching flame bolts that were so hard to dodge, but because of my experience in the forest, I could do so; I ran to him and made him face the same fate as the first ones, that was slamming his head into the floor what made him faint.


The sounds of the cheering of the spectators that were so happy that they saw Ray get beaten up that bad, and then I heard the sound of multiple people running to our location, so guessing that those were the guards' sounds, I grabbed the hand of the girl and ran away.

15 min later…

"Hah..Hah, I think we lost them." I said while grasping for some air.

"Yeah, I think so…" She said

"But why did you save me back there? Now Ray's family will be looking to revenge him, and Ray's bullying would be even more intense; he may even r*pe me the next time…" She said while tightening her hands and looking down the floor.

"Oh, don't worry about him; with that damage that I did to him, he will probably won't be able to leave his house for 3 months," I said while reassuring her.

"Thank you, my name is Julia zeria; nice to meet you." She said while extending her hand for a handshake, but this time it wasn't vibrating out of fear.

"My name is Almer, only Almer; Nice to meet you too," I said while handshaking her, and her hands were so soft, then maybe I thought that the reason why Ray was of her beauty.

"Well, I really must go now as I have some stuff to do now," I said

"Okay, hope we meet again, Almer." She said with a kind smile.

"I hope so," I said as I walked away while waving my hand to her.


"That was really close; how can a man be this handsome?" She murmured while looking at my back.

Later at night…

I was lying on my bed while thinking about why I was so angry back there when they punched me in front of people; as I remember, I was humiliated more back at the castle, but I was not that angry.

[It's because of your identity as a desire demon, and demons hate to be humiliated especially pure-blooded demons.]

"Pure what?"

[You are a pure demon, it's only that you didn't reach the required power to unlock it, and there are 5 seals for you to open before you can unlock your pure form.]

"What?! I don't think so! My mother was not a demon!"

[Yea, she was not. But who knows…]

"Come on, tell me!" I said

[When you will be more powerful, I will tell you~]

"Did you just speak with a teasing tone?" I asked


"Fuck it, I will prove myself to be worthy of that information!" I said with a determined face.

The next day…

"And we should be finished for this day." Said Kiel while wiping his sweat off.

"Thank you, Kiel," I replied.

[I recommend you to make your weapon now.]

"Why?" asked

[You know enough information about weapons, and I feel that you will lucky today.]

"Okay…" I said as I didn't doubt his decisions.

"Craft customized weapon," I said that, and a panel appeared with the shape, color, length etc.… And I thought of getting the same weapon that I saw in my dream that day, and sadly it got rejected.

[Weapon is a god-tied weapon, it can't get crafted!"]

"Oh come on!" I said while still being surprised that that weapon was a god-tier one, so I followed my instincts and crafted my first weapon.


[Please wait for 6 months.]

6 months later…

There were 3 days before the opening of the Nepil academy for new students, and I was in my room looking at the count down for my customized weapon to get finished.




[Customized weapon finished, please say redeem to get it.]


"Whoa!" I exclaimed as I looked at the weapon in front of me.