Nira's help.

Holding my weapon in my hands, I started the hunt, and the first thing I needed to do is get a player tracker as it will help me clean off most of the survivors, which I will find in a drop.

Going to the drop location, I waited for one hour, as they drop loot every two hours. There were ten people like me hiding in bushes waiting for the first person to make a move, which was Ryan, surprisingly, who could easily defeat all the nine other persons without breaking a sweat by using the cruelest method, crushing them alive.

I sneaked up to him with a regressive expression and sliced his head, making his 'death' peaceful.

"Sorry bro, I need this win." I whispered.

Looking at the loot that I got from this drop, I cracked a smile as the thing I needed was here. There was a pack of noodles, bottles of water, and a tracker; suddenly, I remembered that I already had a more advanced tracker on my map.

[Finnaly remembred?]

"Fuck, that means that I could let Ryan live?" I said while holding my tears as I felt as if I didn't give the win to a noob in a battle royal game.

[Yes, you heartless demon.]

"NOOOO!" I cried as I dropped to the ground while 'sobbing.'

After a short minute of crying, I got up with a determined face.

"I will win this game for you, lost comrade." I said as my face shone.


After killing more than ten people, I realized that I could easily kill everybody here using my weapon, so with a smirk, I decided to kill the last two persons using my fists and to kill the 30 people left using my old dagger.

"Please, we can talk abo-"

"I can give yo-"


"I will show you my bo-"

I killed the three remaining people by stabbing them in the face and neck, not giving them even one chance to plead for their lives. Some may think that I'm heartless, but I'm just helping the school by eliminating the teamers.

Assuming that the last two people would be easy to kill, I left the campers hideout while singing a song until a blade flew right past my head.

"You were able to dodge that. Not bad." Said a feminine voice as the blade that's supposed to be on the ground was pulled back by her.

"Hmm?" I said as I turned my head to see the attacker but was surprised by foot right in front of my face.

"Little violent aren't you?" I smirked as I caught the girl's foot.

"Hmph!" She snorted as she retracted her foot by jumping in the air and flipping five times like a ninja.

"Huh?!" She blushed a bit when she saw my face, but shook her face trying to forget what she saw.

She had a piece of black cloth covering her whole body, thus hiding her face and hair except the area of her eyes; the only that I knew that she blushed is the redness around her eyes.

Throwing a smoke bomb on the ground, she 'duplicated,' making me lose track of which one is the real her. They all started to move around the fog while rotating their weapons which were two blades attached by a chain which I thought that the name of the weapon was Kyoketsu-shoge.

'A ninja?' I thought as it will be a real problem to face her if she was one.

Ninjas were silent killers and quick ones who are able to hide their presence which was the reason for me not knowing her behind me.

They all started throwing their weapons at me from different directions, making me unable to do anything except dogging, which wasn't perfect as some hits were able to damage me. Seeing their attacks working, they all jumped at me, making smirk at their foolishness.

"You are thought that I would be defeated that easily?!" I shouted in excitement as I used three death slashes, making most clones disappear with a *Poof*.

But what made me worry more is that all of the clones made a worried expression, so I couldn't find the real one using her emotions. While gritting my teeth out of frustration, I made a big wave-like fire attack, thinking that it would make the fog that was covering my vision disappears, which didn't work as the fire seemed to disappear in the mist, which made me very angry.

But then, I remembered my other skill, 'Charming eyes,' so I used it on a clone without expecting anything.

"Help me kill the clones." I ordered as my eyes came in contact with a clone's eyes.

"Yes." She responded in a plain voice; then she started killing her 'friends' mercilessly.

'What?' I thought, surprised it worked on a non-living being, so I tried it on another clone.

"Help your comrade." I ordered, which worked! But then I saw that my mana was decreasing in a fast way, ten mana every sec! Which will last for 30 secs maybe.

So while panicking, I thought of a way to kill her before my time is up as I will not have any mana left, then I thought about her blush when she saw my face, then as a last recourse, I shouted.



'Found you.' I thought as I jumped into the middle of the clones.

"Game over." I snickered as I slashed her face with my claws.

"What?" She whispered before disappearing.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

A guy clapped his hands as he got out of the bushes while smirking.

"You won against my sister. Impressive." Said the guy that wanted to get help from Marcel.

"Jack isn't it?" I smirked in my bloody state.

"Oh, you know my name? But doesn't matter as I will kill you now." He shook his head as he brought out to draggers to gouge out my eyes.

Accepting my fate, I closed my eyes, ready to die, but then Nira appeared in front of me and breathed hot magma fire out, making Jack vapor in seconds.

"Im.... Alive?" I whispered as I saw the exhausted Nira lying on the ground with traces left of Jack

[VICTORY! Congratulation, Almer, on winning the battle royal tournament!]

[Please get ready to get teleported in 5 seconds!]

"Wait telep-" I wasn't even able to finish before I teleported.

"orted?" I completed my sentence until I sensed a chilly atmosphere.

"Uhhh?" I smiled awkwardly as I saw the principal, Tuto, Kubota, and seven other people looking at me dead in the eyes.

"Hello guys!" I said as I removed the dust from my clothes while looking at them.

"Sooooo, what's going on?" I asked, trying to keep my cool.

"Almer Goregrip, the winner of the battle royal." Said the principal.

"Please don't add Goregrip to my name anymore." I seriously said with a dark face.

"Ara ara, relax Almer-kun. We are only here to talk." Said Tuto while tapping my shoulder.

"So as what Tuto said, we are here to talk about something important that will affect your whole life forever. Which is...." Said the principal.

"Choosing one of us as your master." He grinned.


"I'm sorry, principal. I already have a master." I cut him off.

"Oh, a personnal master." He remarked.

"No, they are Tuto and Kobuta." I replied.

"What?" He questioned with a shocked face.

"I said-" I answered.

"Do you mean that these two bastards snatched you for themselfs?!" Shouted a bulked man with black hair and brown eyes wearing a martial arts outfit.

"Fuckers, I knew that they would do that." Added a long-back-haired woman that was chewing gum.

"I'm feeling so offended." Said an old man wearing a chef's costume.

"Hm." Said a fat guy sleeping on a cloud with a bow in his hands.

"Kakaka, they stole my plan like the thieves they are." Said a tall skinny guy who looked like a lizard licking a katana.

"Should I kill the boy so we wouldn't fight?" Said a creepy short girl.

"I'm so angry that I think I would make this whole place explode." Shouted a short man holding dynamites in his hands.

"Now, now. Why do we stay calm and think like old men we are." Said the principal with a calm tone, but with a hidden message that made all of the 'fighters' tremble.

"So we are all calm now, let's ask the boy about who he wants as his master so we make it fair for everyone." He suggested.

"Ok, let's go with that." Said the muscular man.

Then all of their intentions were on me again, so I said bluntly.

"Why don't you all be my masters?" I said like a child who wanted both of the games in the supermarket for his birthday.

were all silent.