Another marriage proposal.

"...." They were all silent until the principal broke it.

"BUAHAHAHAHA!" He laughed while grabbing his face

"Do you know what you're saying boy?! Don't get too cocky, knowing that you won the competition! Give me one reason for you to take us all as your masters?" He roared.

"Well, I got the recognition of a dragon, and that's not a what a talented person would be able to do." I answered with confidence, knowing that they saw Nina who protected me.

"That's true, only the persons who have godly talent will be able to form a pact with a dragon. I even think that he got a higher talent than all of us in this room." Said Tuto backing me up.

"Yeah, that's true as he was able to finish medical subjects only third years would be able to solve and that's without my help. Who knows what he would've done if he had a healing element." Added Kobuta as I worked really hard these 3 months studying alchemy and medicine.

"Hmm." Hearing their objections, the principal fell into deep thought.

"How about this, if you're able to enter the S+ class, I will take as my discipline, the others can do anything they want, but I won't take you as my discipline until you join that class." Responded the principal before disappearing.

"What a shy guy." Said the black-haired woman.

"So, do we accept his proposal?" Asked the old man.

"I'm taking him, did you see his dagger skills? I can refine him into a good swordsman." Said the lizard man.

"And his physical power isn't that bad." Added the muscular man while 'inspecting' my body.

"Mm." Nodded the sleeping man.

"I guess we all accept sharing this fine young man?" Said the old man.

"Yes." They all said in unison.

"..." I was speechless seeing them forming a circle talking about something until nodding at the same time.

"Ehm! So, Almer, your sessions won't start until you fight the S+ which would be during the bouquet 1 month later. As for your rewards, you will receive them during the gathering." Said Tuto before disappearing.

"Oh, and for you 'studies' with me, they will be stopped until I open them again, so don't bother going to the special place." He added before they all disappeared.

"What a bunch of weirdos." I whispered.

"Wait? How will I leave this place?" I shouted until I saw a shining device with a button and a platform on the ground, so I pressed it, which brought me to the main gates of the school.

'The fuck?' I thought as I saw a lot of people standing near the gates as if they were waiting for someone.

"Hey! It's him!" Screamed a guy

"ALMER! TELL US ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS ON BEING THE WINNER OF THE FIRST YEAR'S!" Shouted a man with a camera and mike directed to me.

"Yes, please!" Added a girl.

"Uhhhh, I worked hard?" I said with a semi-smile.





A lot of cameras were at my face, from reporters, students, even bypassers! It was quite uncomfortable having this much light and camera at my face, and luckily someone dragged me out of the crowd before things got out of control.

"Julia?" I said.

"Shhhh, they may find us!" She said while covering my mouth with her hands.

"Okay..." I responded as I removed her hand.

"So.... We meeted again." She said while blushing.

"Yeah, did Ray do anything to you while I was gone?" I asked.

"No, my family learned what Ray was doing to get me and cancelled the marriage." She replied while smiling.

"He couldn't have gone far! Search for him!" Shouted a reporter.

"Let's go, I have a place where we could hide." She said.

After 30 mins, we reached a huge palace, with a lot of guards at the gate.

"Goodmorning, miss." They said as they opened the gate without asking about my identity.

"Darling! You came back!" Said a middle-aged man running to hug her.

"Wait, who is this guy?!" He said in a protective tone.

"Deer! Julia brought a man!" He shouted.

"WHAT?!" Replied a woman who came running.

"Did she fall in love?" She added.

"NO! It's not like that! He's the one that saved me from Ray that time." Said Julia with a flushed face.

"It's this guy?" Said her father.

"Yeah." She responded.

"Thank god! I really thought that our Julia fell in love." Said her mother who looked... Beautiful in a mature way, she had the same features as her daughter, just older and she was something that I only found in tales. A milf.

"Sorry young man, because as you see we had a problem with youngster not a while ago and we're a little bit protective because of it." Said her father who looked like a pope with grey hair and grey eyes.

"It's fine, my name is Almer." I said while smiling and slightly bowing my head out of respect.

"What a gentleman we have here, my name is Finn Zeria, and she is my wife Reya." He said.

"Nice to meet you." Added Reya.

"So, why don't you eat lunch with us?" He invited.

"Yeah, it will be my pleasure." I said as I became respectful a lot for some reason.


Julia's face became redder as her parents started laughing.

"Do you study in the academy?" He asked without telling the name of it as it was quite obvious to what academy he was referring to.

"Yes, Mr. Finn, and I just won the completion that occurs every 3 months and I came on the first place." I replied while smiling slightly in Julia's direction.

"Hmm, that's pretty good. It must been very hard." Said Reya.

"No, you can say that I had some difficulty's but nothing to serious." I replied.

"Then you must be strong?" Added Finn.

"Yeah, I think so. For people at my age I must be decent." I replied not making a 'fuss' about my strength.


"I wonder from where did this come from." I said with a fork between my fingers which was directed to my head.

"Honey?" Asked Reya.

"Marry my daughter." He said without flinching.

'Oh shit.' I thought as I felt a deja-vu.

"What do you mean, mister?" I asked acting stupid.

" You're the stubborn type, huh. How about this, a beer bottle, and if I win you marry my daughter and if you win you don't." He said with a smirk as the dining table became empty and then it filled with beer cans.

"I don't accept this duel, as I won't gain anything if I won." I said with a smirk.

"Then what do you want?" He replied.

'Is there is another method to gain elements?'

[Yes, elements can be gained by getting element orbs.]


"I would like an element orb." I said while grinning.

"What?!" He shouted choking on his own spit.

"If you don't want to, I can leave." I said while getting up from my seat.

"Wait! Deal." He said while gritting his teeth.

*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*

We were still drinking with a ton of cans surrounding us, while none of us intending to stop.

"Are you guys going to be okay?" Said Julia worried.

"It's okay, just don't interfere us." He ordered.

"Come on sweety, I don't think that they finish anytime soon." Said Reya dragging her daughter out.

"You know what? I can continue drinking all day!" I said as I was thirsty as I didn't drink anything for three days.

"Bring it on!" He laughed.

Even after 2 hours of drinking, this man didn't want to give up, so I said.

"Do you have any strong wine? As we won't finish drinking these beers until tomorrow."

"Yeah, let's do that." He said as all of the beer on the ground and on the table was gone and replaced with one bottle filled with a thick red liquor.

"This is the strongest wine I have, and if you are able to drink to cups of this I will give you the win." He said while grinning knowing that I will lose.

"Enough chit chat." I shouted as I grabbed the whole bottle and jugged it down. Then I felt dizziness but a bearable one so I didn't panic.

"I give up." He said raising his hands in the air.

"We can forget any-"

"Give me my orb!" I said with my hands in front of him.

"Fuck." He cursed as he handed me a pouch.

"If you can't absorb it, return it as it's my heritage." He said with tears.

"Thank you, mister." I said while laughing.


"Okay, now excuse me as I have some business to do. Please tell Julia my goodbyes" I said as I left the house.

"And about the marriage, I will think about it." I added which made his face brighten.

"Why did you that?" Asked Reya who appeared out of nowhere.

"That boy, he will achieve great things..." He responded in complete seriousness.