
Entering Kubota's house, I found a note on the table.

'I won't be here until one month later, you can use this place as your home for now, just clean after your mess.'

"That's quite kind of her." I mumbled.

Then I climbed the stairs to her room and closed the door and the windows, making this room so dark, so I switched up the lamp and then looked at the notification in front of me.

[Main quest: Tournament:

Get in the top three and win the tournament while joining S+ class.

Tournament won (0/1)]

[Rewards: Jade physic, Lying skill.]

[Failure: Dick shrinking (Forever)]

[Complete.] [Please press to receive the rewards.]

'It has a relation with pain, right?'


'Sigh, there is nothing I can do.' I thought as I pressed.

Then my body started heating up gradually, which made me underestimate the situation as, after one hour, I felt as if I was melting. Looking at my reflection, I found that my whole body was red as a tomato with steam coming out.

'A bath!'

I ran to the bathroom and filled the whole bathtub with cold water, then jumped in.


My body temperature had decreased, making me feel an inexpressible pleasure and joy, but all of my happiness was gone. After 30 mins my temperature became so hot that the pool's coldness couldn't cool me at all; instead, the water boiled!

"ICE!" I ran to the kitchen, grabbed the whole sacks of ice in the fridge, emptied it on the pool, and then jumped in again.

And even after that hard work, I wasn't cooling off; then I remember my snow element, which made me chuckle at my stupidness and then made the pool extremely cold, making my body return to its normal temperature.

"HAHAHA! What can you do now!" I laughed while lying in the bathtub as if I was taking a normal bath.

[You know, if you depend on your power so much, you'll never improve.]

"Shut up, you only want to see me suffer." I shouted.


"HAUHAHAUHAHHAUAHAHA!" I laughed my usual laugh.

After an hour, I woke up from my quick nap, startled from the awful smell that entered my nose, which made me nearly puke; looking at the water I used to cool myself, I found out that it became black and sticky. Wanting to get out, I stood, and the water seemed to be stuck on me, and it made black threads like mozzarella.

"Eww. Disgusting." I said as I got out.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"I STINK!" I puked again.

After another 30 mins of cleaning my body and the toilet, I noticed the changes. If my skin looked a baby's skin earlier, then now it looked like jade, another level of smoothness. I even wondered if something could get even smoother and whiter than now; my muscles became more compact and full of energy, it even seemed that the durability of my skin and muscle increased.

"Wow." I gasped.

[Pretty awesome right? Only gods will even have the right to dream about this physic.]

"I'm so lucky, I don't even think that my luck can go even higher than this." I said as I stabbed myself with a fork, but the fork got destroyed instead of pain.

[It can as this physic can become even more powerful when absorbing artifacts.]

"Damn, I wonder how will Kobuta react when she sees me," I wondered.

After appreciating my body for a bit, I left the house the test my new passive skill, 'Lying skill.'

"Hello sir, I would like my reserved shirt." I demanded a cloth shop receptionist.

"What shirt, and do I even know you?" He replied.

'Why isn't it working?' I asked.

[It's because you don't have a serious intention to lie, you should lie creatively, or it won't work.]


"The red shirt, don't you remember? I paid for it last month but wasn't able to get it as I had some serious problems to deal. It must be that you have forgotten." I said while looking at him pitifully.

"Emm, I think we have that shirt in our storage let me see." He said as my acting was so believable and stupid for it to not be true.

"Here you go, I must have become rusty." He said while handing me a redshirt.

"Oh, it's not a problem." I replied, then I left the store with a smile on my face.

I returned home to sleep as I was so tired, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling thinking about what I have done this day, then remembered the orb that Finn gave me.

"Let's see our treasure." I said as it appeared on my hand.

I opened the pouch, which revealed a gray orb that seemed to be heavy a lot.

"It's the same process, right?" I asked.

[Yeah, just crush it.]

Crushing it, I saw smoke coming out of it, which I breathed in, then I felt it explore my body, causing some itching, and after 5 mins, everything was back to normal.

[Shadow affinity (B+) Gained!]

[Reached affinity limit, please increase the limit.]

'Oh, no.' I was really fucked as I will need 1000 coins to upgrade it.

[Hehehehhe, guess who's going to have sex more often.]

"Fuck you."

Two days passed, and it's Monday now, which means I will talk with my friends again and see my lost comrade again.

"Hello, Mr.sneak killer," Said Ryan grumpily.

"Come on! I didn't want to fight you! I was going to demolish you so it's better killing you off" I replied while chuckling.

"Okay, I'm going to forgive you, but only if you buy me lunch." He said with no shame.

"Sigh, okay. How about you two? How did you die?" I asked them while grabbing their shoulder.

"Hiii!" They both made a surprised noise, which made me wonder why, as I didn't jump scare them, then I knew the reason.

"Do you think that I'm hot?" I whispered into their ears, making them blush intensely.

"En." Replied Jila while nodding, who found the courage to confess.

"I think that you are beautiful too." I added while grinning, but I stopped as I felt that Ryan would die in rage and jealousy if I continued.

"So, how about we hang out today?" I proposed.

"Yeah, no problem with me, and you?" Asked Ryan.

"No, I have a free day, how about you Jila?" Asked Erza.

"I'm free too, so why not?" She replied.

The day passed quickly, and we had so much fun as we played some arcade games, gone shopping, and pranked Ryan from time to time.

"I got to go now, as I have to study and train. Continue the night without me guys!" Said Ryan before running to somewhere.

"Wanna go to a karaoke?" I asked them.

"Okay, why not?" Replied Erza as the girls had a slight smile as they were expecting something to happen.

We reserved a private room, as I felt that something important will happen and I don't want strangers to interfere with us, and started singing with lots of snacks on our table.

"So, who wants to go first?" I asked and they both looked at me.

"Okay..." I said while sighing.

"Oh, her eyes, her eyes"

"Make the stars look like they're not shining'"

"Her hair, her hair"

"Falls perfectly without her trying'"

"She's so beautiful and I tell her every day"

"Yeah, I know, I know"

"When I compliment her, she won't believe me"

"And it's so, it's so"

"Sad to think that she don't see what I see"

"But every time she asks me, "Do I look okay?"

"I say"

"When I see your face

"There's not a thing that I would change

"Cause you're amazing"

"Just the way you are"

"And when you smile"

"The whole world stops and stares for a while"

"'Cause girl, you're amazing"

"Just the way you are"


"Her lips, her lips"

"I could kiss them all day if she'd let me"

"Her laugh, her laugh"

"She hates, but I think it's so sexy"

"She's so beautiful and I tell her every day"

"Oh, you know, you know"

"You know I'd never ask you to change"

"If perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay the same"

"So don't even bother asking if you look okay"

"You know I'll say"

"When I see your face"

"There's not a thing that I would change"

"Cause you're amazing"

"Just the way you are"

"And when you smile"

"The whole world stops and stares for a while"

"Cause girl, you're amazing"

"Just the way you are"

"The way you are"

"The way you are"

I sang using all of my capabilities, which made me quite romantic in the girls' eyes, then I dropped the mic looking at the girls, and with a nod, they both jumped at me.