The death of an average person

Before the chapter starts. I can't say that I am a good writer so there might be some plot holes or grammatic errors so tell me if you find any. Enjoy the chapter


In a medium sized apartment a short woman is sitting on a sofa watching something on a TV "Hey Obito. Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla" A blonde man told a odd looking man

"Okay I will give up on all my life plans and help you Naruto" Naruto gave him a thumbs up and smile

"Dattebayo!" The woman stared at the screen dumbfounded

"The talk jutsu always work, an S class jutsu that only one man can master, Naruto Uzumaki"


1,50 meters tall, 57 kgs of weight, black hair and blue eyes, that's me, Jessica White, an average american woman, there are only two things that really stand out in me, my short height and my eyes.

At most in life I am exactly what you think, average. Just as the things that stand out I only have two hobbies, being a otaku and martial arts for fun.

I neither a good or bad person, I am just average. Doing good when it's needed and bad when it's needed, but as a average person I do more good than bad, so I guess I am a good person, only God knows.

Well, I WAS an common person until the day that I died. *Breathes deeply* As an almost full time otaku, I always wanted to get reincarnated when I died, with thoughts like "Oh maybe truck-kun will get me someday haha!" or "If I die by an accident I hope it's good ol' truck-kun" but guess what? I DID NOT die by a truck, instead... I WAS KILLED BY ALIENS!!!! Probably, a completely silent and mysterious death only has one explanation, Aliens... I mean, come on I was walking on the street and out of nowhere my head hurts for like a millisecond and everything goes black, the only possible explanation are Aliens!!!!

So now I am here, in a lightless place where it's impossible to see anything, well, it's lightless after all, what the hell did I expect? Even though I can't see I can still move and for some reason gravity barely exists here so I can just aimlessly jump around and make some crazy ninja moves.

It was scary as fuck at the beginning not knowing how far I was from the ground and even though I knew that I wouldn't fall to my death it was still scary. After a couple days I got used to it, so now I was doing some kooky crazy moves when I suddenly thought "It would be nice it I had a training dummy..." and my feet hits something "Huh? What's this? No way!" I touch the object more and it was a training dummy "If this is real then let me try this." I dramatically raise my hands into the "sky" and scream "LET THERE BE LIGHT!!!! AH MY EYES!!!" the entire place lit up and as my eyes were used to the dark it felt like hell.

Minutes later I can open my eyes just to see a completely empty space except for a training dummy "Hmmm... TV! TABLE! PS5!" I yelled and pointed at one area that everything I said appeared there.

One unknown amount of time later a 30 meter radius was filled with objects that I used in my day-to-day, this will keep me occupied for a while

(Unknown amount of time later)

I don't know how much time has passed, I think I went insane. A long time ago I created some female humans and surprisingly they had conscience, they are very sociable and good at fun activities.

When we just finished our activities a enormous figure appeared in the sky "Why is there a human here? Are you a stray soul?" I stare at the gorgeous woman in front of me "What the hell? Did you create all of this by yourself? Even this Se- *cough* humans used for night activities?" The woman said surprised

"Y-yeah and who are you?" She straightened her body after my question

"I am Seras, the Great Goddess of Reincarnation. I felt a presence here a few years ago but paid no attention, but know that I see what was here I regret it. Sorry little one, as compensation I will reincarnate with your memories!" Tempting offer but no

"Nope, why should I leave this place? I have everything I want here" I see a small amount of sweat building up on her forehead

"W-well, if you reincarnate with your memories you can be a genius! And you can fuck real people" Her stuttering is very suspicious

"Still no, I can create as many people that I want, any food I want, anything that I want. Also the normal world is lame, here I can float, use superpowers, pretend to use actually I just make Naruto hand signs and create fire or any other jutsu for fun" Her forehead was shining beautifully with the sweat

"Then I will make a exception for you! The Wheel of Fate!!!! You can reincarnate at any universe possible, even the fictional, your appearance option are random but all of them are hot humans of the same gender as the spinner and I will even let you choose your powers. Do we have a deal?" This is very suspicious, but this offer is just to good to refuse

"I accept your offer, no turn backs." Two wheels appeared in front of me "Here I go, don't fail me luck" I spin it with all my strength, minutes later it begun to stop, my body freezes when I see it was almost stopping at Boku no Pico, but my luck didn't failed me, for a inch it landed on my favorite anime Naruto "*deep sigh* Thank God, now it's time for the second" My luck hasn't failed me yet

"Now for my powers I want a Senju and Uzumaki bloodline with Wood, Water and Earth releases but my wood kekkei genkai will be similar to Hanami's powers, absorb the life force of nature to transform it into cursed energy but in this case it will be chakra and make it so that I can use that absorbed energy to increase my lifespan and heal almost any wound. By the way if one day I learn the Senju mode or whatever it's called don't make a big ass mark in my face, just leave it as Hanami's marks" The Goddess just glared at me with s thoughtful face

"Your wishes will be granted. You will be reincarnated at the same year as Kakashi and crew so you will be 16 when Naruto is born. Your father is a unknown very powerful Senju and your mother is one of the few survivors of the Uzumaki massacre. Great chakra reserves and control what a great combination you made here. Anyway, good luck young lady, bye" she waves her hand for me

"Bye bye Miss Hot Goddess" she flinches and gets a bit red

"How can you say this to me, you'll make me blush" Now let's begin my adventure...

My surroundings shift and now I am at a completely black environment "This feels... wet? So this is what it feels like in a womb... I wonder how much time left I have in here, my hype for the Naruto world is too big" I suddenly feel someone poking close to me "You dare disturb a baby?"

"I am very excited to see how she will look" A woman said and I feel another hand caressing the belly

"She's going to be born in a few weeks at most. I am pregnant for 27 weeks already and the average is 28. I can't wait to see my little baby, it's a pity she will grow without a father..." Aperently my father is gone, my mom seems sweet and this woman is what? Her lover or something "Thank God I have you to help me Aunt Kujo, I don't think I will be able to take care of her by myself *chuckles a bit*. A baby of a Senju and a Uzumaki, she will be unstoppable..."

"She? How do you know it's a girl?" Aunt Kujo asked curiously

"I just have the feeling you know?"

"That's great. But we have other things to worry about, where are we settling? I was thinking about going to the Mist Village, it's not so far away and they have great sword skills, if I didn't knew about this I would never send us there, they stopped doing that thing of making you kill your entire class ever since one man murdered the entire first year. The village got somewhat friendlier ever since. If we start tomorrow we can be there in more or less a week but you are not in condition of waking too much"

If I was as a grown human I would definitely sigh in relief. The hidden village of the mist was always one of my favorites in the anime, not only she's badass with those Kenjutsu, the name is cool as hell, but there's also another very important fact, Mei Terumi, she's likely not even born yet (I searched and she was 27 when shippuden began and Kakashi too so they are the same age) I always thought she was very attractive but she didn't exist, now she does, there's obviously other very hot women in here but I don't like harem, it's so unrealistic, who in the fuck would just be completely ok with you loved one having sex and related with other people? No one! That's why if I am interested in someone else while dating someone I shall breakup! That's my ninja way...

(2 weeks later)

*Plop* The water surrounding me was almost gone wich signalized that I am getting born!!! "WHY.IS.IT.SO.TIGHT!??!!?" My head was almost being crushed by the walls around me "Be strong Jessica! One tight pussy will not stop you! Use the power of Youth!!!!!" after one unknown amount of time later I finally saw light and the rest of my body squirmed through almost if it was being smashed.

It hurt a bit but not enough for me to cry, Aunt Kujo saw this and smacked me in the butt making me cry, a baby's body isn't pain resistant. Izumi held me in her arms and breastfed me (Izumi is her mom) suddenly they both turn their heads to their rights "Who's there? Why isn't anyone answering? I heard screams I am here to help, I am a shinobi from the Mist Village" a man comes out of the bushes "Oh it's a family. Do you need any help"

"Thank you kind gentleman, we indeed need help to get to the Mist Village, we are fleeing for months since our country was destroyed"

"Your red hair... are you both from the Uzumaki clan? Such a pity what you passed, the other villages feared you power and decided that killing was the best option"

"Can you walk? I will take you to the village" this guy is surprisingly nice.

I notice that there are a few changes from canon but I don't think it will affect too much for now....