Yep, I ran out of luck...

(Hanami POV)

After a very long time walking we arrived at the Hidden Village of the Mist. The shinobi accompanying us report it to his superiors so we could stay in the village for now. Before all of this happened, mom gave me a name, Hanami Senju. I legitimately have no idea of why she named me "Senju" instead of Uzumaki so one day I will ask her that.

After a long talk with the Third Mizukage the friendly shinobi reserved a inn for my family to stay until we find a house for us. Inside it isn't the most luxurious place ever but it's nice, the bed is comfortable so I sleep well, I know I was just born but babies sleep a lot ok.

Suddenly I open my eyes after feeling a dreadful presence not to far away. My body unconsciously shivers in fear resulting in my mom picking me up "What's wrong? Ps ps ps ps calm down my baby, calm down, everything is alri-" she felt it too.

Seconds later a loud booms and crashing sounds came and everything goes black, again. Moments after I find myself in front of a familiar person "Hot Goddess?" she jumped in surprise and hid

"H-human!? What are you doing here? Right, only dead people come here. Say no more, shazam, you are now immortal for 6 months and you will revive, bye bye"

"Wait wha-" And I'm back, I look around and apparently I am on the ground on under my mother, she's curling up on top of me. I see the glimpse of a corpse of a black haired man with black scleras "Isn't that the Third Mizukage!? What he fuck is going on!!!???"

I continue to hear the chaos running amok in the village until Aunt Kujo suddenly said "Uzumaki Sealing Technique: Four Symbol Seal! Sorry Little Hanami but no one here will survive if we get the beast inside them, so it has to be you" Excuse me!? Becoming a Jinchuuriki at my first day born, my luck never fails me. I really don't know if this is good or bad, here I probably won't have a Danzo to fuck up my life so no big issue in that, but the problem is, will I be able to befriend it? Naruto did it so maybe I can do it too, it's a huge bet but I will take it, I might be small but it is as they say, small package but big loads, that sounded very wrong...

I feel something powerful and scary getting sealed inside me and then I am in a place with a bad lighting and water at the ground. In front of me there's a big cage holding a enormous tortoise with three tails "Hello? Errr.... Good evening?" the tortoise stares at me dumbfounded

"Who? Are you the baby that old woman sealed me!?" he got pissed, he has a bad temper this will be hard

"Yes and no, technically I am not a baby, but a adult that died and got reincarnated" he stares with even more dumbfounded than he was

"Eh? In normal conditions I would never believe you but as I got sealed in a baby and she's talking to me right now I think I believe you. You can call me Sanbi from now on"

"Then you can call me Hanami. But Sanbi... it isn't your real name right?" As a ex naruto addict I know almost everything about the plot but I will make he tell me his real name even though I already know it.

"How do you know it?"

"I just have the feeling, will you tell me your real name?"

"Not yet, I don't even know you and tailed beasts real names are only revealed to people we respect a lot and consider friends, other bijjus too of course." His voice was very deep and carried weight I every word

"Then I only need to be your friend... just you wait Sanbi, you will be my friend in no time!"

'Those eyes... she's telling the truth, honest eyes with no malice at all. She looks like a good person' Sanbi thought while smirking as I sat on the ground

"First step to become someone's friend is to know what he likes, so tell me what you like!"

"Why do you want to be my friend? Answers this first and I will tell you what I like" It's normal that he is suspicious of humans, many have tried to use his power selflessly but not me

"Honestly, you seem like a nice... Nice Being? Nice Bijju. I obviously think that having a inhuman friend might be nice but the second reason is that you don't destroy anymore villages"

"Fine, I like water and having fun. Now it's your turn" He only likes that? What a odd Bijju

"Well I liked to play games, read and watch TV in my past life. But now in this new one I will need to find new ones. Can you tell me more about this world?" he frowned confused at my answer

"What are those things? TV and video games."

"A TV is one object with complex electrical circuits that could play almost anything. A video game is another complex electrical object that you can play and have fun, there are hundreds of thousands of games that you could play." His eyes flared up in excitement

"I will tell you more about this world if you tell me more about your old one" That's actually a decent deal

"Deal." I kept talking for a very long time, I can hear mutters from outside. The most likely situation here is that they are selecting a new Mizukage and looking after me, their new Jinchuuriki. "Now talk about this world" He lays down in a more comfortable position

"I will first talk about us the tailed beasts, there are 9 tailed beasts: Ichibi, Nibi, Sanbi, Yonbi, Gobi, Rokubi, Nanabi, Hachibi and the Kyubi. We all share the same amount of power the only things that differ us are the elements we control, names and appearance. The people in this world have a energy called chakra that allows you to bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...." He continued to explain everything, a few things have changed like tailed beasts all having the same amount of power but different elements and unique traits. Then we continued to talk for hours until my body went to sleep....

(6 years later)

"Hana, I think it's time that I finally tell you my real name. You are my first friend, the first person that I ever trusted so you are worthy of knowing my true name." Sanbi and I became great friends, we are together 24/7 after all "My name is Isobu"

"Now I think it's time to remove this stupid seal. Can you lift me a bit? It's to high" he stretched his paw and pulled my up and I grab the tip of the seal "Pull me down on three. One! Two! THREE!!!" he pulled me down fastly and the seal was off, the cage dramatically opened

"Hanami! Dinner is ready!!" Izumi called me from the dinner room. We all live happily in a very big house, after the Sanbi incident we are all considered heroes for keeping such a "dangerous beast" controlled and sealing it. Pfffft can you believe it? They think that Isobu is dangerous, it's like those expectation vs reality meme. Expectation: Dangerous and cold blooded monster. Reality: Hot headed big ass turtle and a very funny and sweet bijju.

Since I didn't had a Danzo to fuck my life up almost no one feared or bullied me, only those old ass people that think that just because Isobu is sealed in me I am a monster and evil, thankfully it's less than 5 people that are like this.

I walk to the room and my mom was putting the ramen bowls in the table "I made your favorite ramen today. Eat before it gets cold" we both sat on the chairs and begin to eat "Do you feel anything different?"

"Hm... You put more garlic on the recipe right? It's perfect"

"Great! I made much more today so you can eat as much as you want" Yes! Extra ramen, I love her so much

"Thanks Mommy!" I smiled at her, I see that every time I call her Mommy she gets very happy, now I shall eat my ramen and then resume my training.

In these six years I've been training chakra control with Isobu's assistence of course, right now I can perform some very basic water, earth wood, academy jutsus ( Henge, Clone, substitution, tree and water walk) and the Taijutsu wich is very odd to practice with this small body but I still have a bit of time until the academy so it's fine.

All the time I show this to my family they get surprised and mom almost faints. The one that almost "Killed" her was when I showed a glimpse of the wood release, well not only my mother fainted but Aunt Kujo almost did too. Eventually they got used to it though.

I also made a few friends, I don't think they can be considered friends but we hang out in the park sometimes but definitely not people that I will stay together for a long time.

After dinner I went back to my room and begun meditating to talk with Isobu and practice chakra control "How do you feel like now that the seal is lifted?"

"I feel freer, you know that now that it's lifted you will gain actual Jinchuuriki abilities right? Like Coral Creation and extreme affinity with water chakra. Coral Creation creates coral in the place you hit your enemies so they get somewhat imobile and you can finish them off, if they have high brute force it's not that hard to break it but in time it the corals will get stronger and tougher." I didn't knew that much about the Sanbi, very interesting indeed

"What about chakra sharing? Like me transforming into you or something. Borrowing your chakra, is that possible?" If he didn't know me he would have gotten angry but he knows that I didn't befriended him for his power

"It is possible but your body is too weak, in some more years you will definitely be able to do it" My body would just get wrecked with that much chakra...

"Isobu, what do you think about going to the academy this is year? This year's trainees will go in about a month and I can definitely pass easily, I can even graduate in less than a year" I said confidently "these weak hearted shinobi will be no match for me!" Isobu chuckled at my confidence

"If you are this full of yourself then we shall go to the academy. We will be first place in everything and all women will fall for us! Muahahaha"

"Fall for US? Fall for me, we are together in all of the previous one but the romance that's on me dude" he scoffed and looked away

"*cough* Anyway, these ninjas wannabe better get ready, because Isobu and his Jinchuuriki are coming to crush you all!"