The Leviathan

(Hanami POV)

"We have two months till the academy starts and we already know all the basic jutsus and elemental ones so we are probably more advanced and stronger than anyone there. But I still have one question, the Coral Creation how do I use it?" I asked Isobu

"How can I explain it... you punch the opponent and the corals will form there" Huh? This was completely useless

"But how do I make them?"

"It's like making a jutsu you transform your chakra just like in a jutsu and you're good to go" This actually makes sense "There are also a few other things about the coral, you can't control how much they spread or their hardness and you can train it on inanimate objects too" Guess my new training will begin tomorrow

"Tomorrow we will wake up early to train!" I go to bed earlier I need my energies for tomorrow...

"I'm going out for a while okay?"

"Where are you going?" Mom asked

"I am going to train a secret technique!" she stares at me with curiosity

"*sigh* Come back before dinner"

"Okay! Bye" I waved and left our house and went to my secret training place in the woods. It isn't exactly a secret it's just a place in the middle of the forest that I could freely tests jutsu and other things "So I just need to think "Coral Creation" and touch something?"

"Pretty much. Now focus!" he's a good teacher. I prepared a punch and hit the tree, to my surprise nothing happened, the only different thing is that there is a small hole on the tree "It didn't work? Just keep trying until you can do it!" I could visualize that he was doing something close to a thumbs up and that image made me laugh "What are you laughing at?"

"I just pictured you making a thumbs up" he frowned

"Don't laugh at me like that! My thumb is perfect! Focus!!!"

I kept hitting trees until finally a 50 centimeter wide coral formed on the tree "We did it!" I celebrated

"Now do it 50 more times" Words that hit harder than a sledgehammer.

"Yes!" *POW POW POW POW* I punched them until I made 50 corals "*pants* It's over" The two hours that felt like centuries were finally over "Can we go home now?"

"Try one more jutsu, but a water jutsu now."

"Any jutsu?"

"No no no you know that one from that walking octopus? Errrrr... from that anime with the guy that has a bitchy curse inside him." Is he talking about Jujutsu Kaisen? I showed him most of my memories except the spicy ones and when I was watching Naruto "He had some very cool skills that you could technically use, like that big wave that he used, and when the characters were all in a island"

He's talking about Dagon, he really needs to get better at remembering names "I know who you talking about and the moves. Disaster Tides and Horizon of the Captivating Skandha plus the Death Swarm...." I fall into deep thoughts about how I would use them "The Disaster Tides and the Death Swarm are the easiest ones, one you just cast a ultra high pressured water and the second summon sea creatures. The real problem here is the Horizon of the Captivating Skandha, how am I going to integrate my chakra in the world to create a different space that all my attacks hit?"

"Oh! There are other anime that you watched wich some characters had water powers, like that man with the water sword that killed monsters."

"The Demon Slayer breathing!!! I can actually use that, not exactly the breathing but the sword style and the forms in jutsu! You're a genius Isobu, we can't train them until we have a sword tho" I can hear him humming faintly

"Can't you just ask one for your birthday?"

"You think my mom would give me a sword?" Don't disappoint me when I just told you I were a genius

"You have a point... then let's practice jutsu until we get one. Try to use Disaster Tides"

"They don't use hand seals to cast it so how will I do it?" Isobu smirked giving a genius vibe

"Just make your own, I already showed you all hand seals that I know wich is pretty much all that exist so it won't be hard for you" 'He has a point, if I know hand seals then I can simply create the jutsu'

I begin to make some hand signs "Disaster Tides!" a small wave came and took down one tree "It wasn't as powerful as we expected but it's progress"

"Agree but you have a lot to improve so keep going until you exhausted!"

"OSU!" This is going to be a long day...

(3 hours later)

I was now panting loudly in the ground after this hellish training session. I am not out of chakra or that exhausted but using Jutsus for hours non-stop is very tiring. The waves are much bigger and stronger than before

"Hana I figured it out! You can't use Horizon of the Captivating Skandha BUT you can create large amounts of water and do one mass summoning jutsu to replace the Death Swarm" Isobu suddenly said, he was silent for a long time I thought he was sleeping or something but apparently he was breaking the equations.

"Hmmm.... that would work if I didn't need to make a contract with a race of sea creatures"

"You can make a contract with the representative of them, like the Kraken and the Leviathan. The Kraken contract will allow you to summon him, octopuses, squids, crustaceans and other creatures related to them. While the Leviathan's can summon him, sharks, whales, eels. My recommendation is to make it with the Leviathan, not only his summons are quicker but they are more powerful, although the Kraken has more combat versatility than him because he has 8 tentacles." Isobu explained how everything works to me but he only left one thing out

"Where do I find them?"

"Somewhere in the sea." I stare at him deadpanned "*cough* We can find the Leviathan in the sea between the Country of Lightning and the Country of Earth, even more precisely in the Gold Sea (I am using the map in the paragraph comments), we will need to cross the Port City, the old Whirlpool Country, Hot Water Country, Frost Country and close from the Hidden Cloud Village" He sure knows a lot

"Can you show me the map telepathically?" I go to our shared mind space, he puts his finger in my forehead

"Here" 'HOLY FUCK! This is so big' (That's what she said), I see a huge amount of differences from the canon, so many countries and villages. I annalise the map for a long time until learned some names and directions "We need to wait until I am like 15 or 16 for this journey, we never know what we can encounter so, sorry to tell you this but we still need to wait 9 years" I frowned with my eyes closed and then my mood dropped. Seconds later I leave the shared mind space and when I open my eyes cold sweat runs through my back... it was already dark wich means I am late for dinner.

I get up and run towards my house, in the way I bump into some people but I simply apologized and continued to run and when I open the door mom was cooking dinner "I'm home" pretending I am not late I take off my shoes "Just going to take a shower before dinner"

I hop into the bathtub and turn on the hot water, inside the water was so comfy and warm that I ended up staying in there until my mother knocked on the door "Hana, dinner's ready!"

"Okay! I am almost ready!" I get and dry myself to finally put on my Ultra Comfortable pajamas and eat a delicious dinner, this is life. When I arrive downstairs I see a third party sitting on the table, the person is very familiar to me, he's the Fourth Mizukage....