Paladin Dad Chapter 13

Nourishing ~

The silver-gray diamond stone blade was scratched on the azure tea tray, and a long scar was immediately scratched.

This celadon tea tray and teapot and cup on the coffee table are a complete set. It was fired by a famous kiln from a famous craftsman. Although it is not an antique, it is worth at least XNUMX. It was broken by Yuan Bin casually. Got the picture.

But it also proves that there is no problem with the quality of the stone blade.

Yuan Bin took Gold Coin, placed it on a tea plate, and then swiped it down with one stroke.

This time, the tip of the diamond-studded blade across the surface of Gold Coin turned out to be silent and left no trace!

Yuan Bin froze for a moment, and some couldn't believe it.

The result is exactly the same!

This time he was a little stunned.

Modern Technology is becoming more and more developed. As early as decades ago, scientists have researched materials that are harder than diamonds, such as boron carbide, carbyne, etc. In addition, some special alloy products are also very powerful, which can completely ignore diamond cutting. .

Is this a special alloy?

Yuan Bin looked up and looked at Guan Zhishang with suspicious eyes, his eyes were quite bad.

Guan Zhishang shivered all over and said quickly: "Young Master Yuan, I brought the tester in the store too. The things are too big, so I temporarily put them on the outside car. Would you like to move in now and test again?"

He is a very savvy person. He didn't have enough grasp on where to dare to give away to Yuan Bin. Before he came, he took all aspects into consideration.

Yuan Bin was relieved, thinking that Guan Zhishang would not be so brain-dead and dare to please himself.

"Can you show me?"

Just then, Ye Yingxue asked suddenly.

This is the first time she has spoken here since she came here. When Chen Mingzhe introduced her, she and Yuan Bin were just nodded, making Yuan Bin's attempt to shake a small hand all fail.

Her voice was very clean and clear, as if the pearl rolled off the jade plate, and it sounded refreshing in her ears.

"No problem at all."

Yuan Bin's remaining soul flew away again, and he hurriedly pushed Gold Coin along with the celadon tea tray.

Respectfully send the diamond blade.

Ye Yingxue waved his hand, and declined the knife he sent. A slender finger penetrated into the tea cup, and the tip of his finger touched the sparkling tea, and then it fell down towards Gold Coin.

The movement is extremely elegant.

What is this?

Yuan Bin stared at her finger without blinking, and her throat squirmed subconsciously.

He noticed that when Ye Yingxue's fingers fell on Gold Coin, there was a flash of cold rays of light on his fingertips.

The surface of the Gold Coin that could not be moved with the stone blade just now, followed by a scar similar to that cut by the blade!

Yuan Bin suddenly opened his eyes.

Such a strange scene reminded him of some secrets he had heard. If he hadn't guessed wrong, Ye Yingxue is undoubtedly the rumored Transcendent!

He turned out to be hesitant about such characters, and had thoughts of hesitation …

Yuan Bin involuntarily clamped his legs, feeling cold all over.


But Ye Yingxue's attention was not on him at all, and the staring eyes of Gold Coin were stronger.

Chen Mingzhe next narrowed her eyes, corner of the mouth twitched, wondering what she was thinking.

I saw the surface of the Gold Coin scratched by Ye Yingxue's fingers. The sharpening scar was shrinking at the speed visible by naked eye, and it returned to its original appearance in just a few seconds. No trace was visible.

It just seems that the rays of light it emits seem to dim a little.

Yuan Bin stunned: "This, this is Memory Metal?"

Ye Yingxue and Chen Mingzhe looked at each other, and the latter coughed and said, "This Gold Coin is likely to be a Rare Item, Young Master Bin. I wonder if you are willing to cut love?"

Yuan Bin hesitated for a moment, then immediately responded: "If Brother Mingzhe likes it, just take it."

When he was sent to receive Chen Mingzhe, the father of Yuan Bin had repeatedly told him that he must make a good relationship with this strong dragon from Beijing. If Ye Yingxue was not present before, he would not necessarily rise up with Chen Mingzhe. Mind.

Now that I know what kind of character Ye Yingxue is, Yuan Bin dare to have any crooked thoughts. I'm afraid that I just accidentally offended the other party by accident, and now I just use this Gold Coin to make up for it.

He is not an idiot, how can he not see that Ye Yingxue really wants this Gold Coin.

"Young Master Bin …"

Chen Mingzhe said with a slight smile: "You may not know what a Rare Item is, so to speak, for the ordinary people, this thing is a Gold Coin worth thousands of dollars, but I like it People, selling a few thousand thousand is no problem. "

"I don't take advantage of you. I buy it for five hundred thousand."

Yuan Bin didn't do it: "That won't work, Brother Mingzhe, if you want me to give it, give me money that look down on me!"

Does he dignified Young Master Bin like a five hundred thousand person?

Chen Mingzhe hehe smiled and didn't insist: "That's many thanks."

Yuan Bin haha: "It's Brother Mingzhe. It's very kind."

As a result, the atmosphere in the room became more harmonious.

Ye Yingxue suddenly asked: "Sir, can you tell me its origin?"

She pointed at Gold Coin and looked at Guan Zhishang.

Yuan Bin and Chen Mingzhe looked towards Guan Zhishang at the same time, causing the latter to sweat uncontrollably.

Guan Zhishang swallowed saliva and said, hurriedly explained the process of receiving Gold Coin in the Jewelry Store yesterday, even the buyer's appearance and dress are described very carefully.

The people present could look at each other in shock.

Man wearing leather armor, Cosplay, magic, 7300 Yuan…

Yuan Bin moved in his heart and said, "Brother Mingzhe, if you are interested in this person, I can check it for you. The monitoring in the store must have captured his appearance. As long as he is not a foreigner, he should be able to find out his identity. of."

The Yuan Family is a local Great Family in Hangzhou. It has deep-rooted connections and broad connections. The Gold Jade Fu corporation started out as a jewelry business. It usually pays attention to the relationship with the police section. It is not a hassle to want to check individuals.

So Yuan Bin is confident.

Chen Mingzhe thought for a moment and said happily, "It's troublesome for the Young Master Bin."

This time Yuan Bin felt that he was full of face, his teeth were exposed after he laughed, and he didn't even feel that he had exposed the true nature of the soil.

The XNUMX-year-old Wang family and the XNUMX-year-old Aristocratic Family, the Yuan Family's rise in Hangzhou is only a few decades away.

But just out of the scope of Frigid Sect.

Of course, for the ordinary people, the Yuan Family is also an unattainable existence. On the three-acre land of Hangzhou, they can't really do much.


At the same time, Zuo Yi had just returned to Linjiang Old Residence.

It was almost dark when he returned, because in the afternoon he completed a big purchase in the mall, purchased a lot of daily necessities, and bought a lot of fruits, vegetables, fish and meat ingredients in the mall's underground supermarket, making the deposit in the payment account disappear one third.

At home, he took everything out of the space ring and placed it on the ground.

It's so convenient to have a space ring. When you buy something, you can find an unoccupied place and push the object inside. You don't need to carry a large bag to death. It is most cool.

Then Zuo Yi summon came out of Giant Spirit Shaman Slave and asked Giant Spirit Shaman Slave to store the supplies and ingredients he bought separately.

Giant Spirit Shaman Slave has been given Zuo Yi's memory seed and has been able to adapt to Earth's Science and Technology.

So it can do everything like cleaning, drying clothes, washing dishes, washing dishes, cleaning up garbage, and so on. It can also be called "Super Model Housework Expert".

Just can't expose people.

When night fell, a barbecue grill was set up in the yard, and a string of kebabs washed clean and marinated for a short time was placed on a charcoal fire. Under the action of heat, zi zi rang and radiated. Delivers the unique aroma of roast meat.

The barbecue grill was moved out of the basement. The ingredients were fresh beef, grilled to the outer coke tenderness, and sprinkled with cumin and pepper. Zuo Yi ate with beer.

He doesn't have any innate talent in cooking, except that his barbecue skills are almost full, like a familiar oil seller.

Sadya World also has spices, but without cumin, there are peppers, but they are particularly spicy, and ordinary people can't stand it. They call it Demon fruit, which is used by Wizards as a material.

When Zuo Yi followed the team's adventure, others saw him sprinkle paprika on the barbecue to eat, all turned pale with fright.

However, some teammates took him with him and fell in love with it, and thus cultivated the first spicy parties in Sadya World.

Looking back, Zuo Yi could not help but smile.

And now he has returned to his World and has a daughter.

After drinking cans and cans of beer, and allowing alcohol to burn in the blood, with a slight drunkenness, Zuo Yi fell asleep.
