Paladin Dad Chapter 14

In the morning, Zuo Yi awoke from a chair.

He found that he actually slept in the small courtyard for one night. The charcoal fire in the barbecue grill in front had been turned into icy ashes, and bamboo sticks were used to skewer barbecued food on the ground.

Summon out Giant Spirit Shaman Slave to clean, Zuo Yi goes back to the room to clean and wash.

Then he went to town for breakfast and took the bus to work.

Today is Zuo Yi's first day as an Instructor at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, but the start of his Instructor career is not so great.

"Let me introduce you …"

Shang Yulin said: "This is your Sword Technique Instructor Zuo Yi Teacher Zuo. He will be responsible for your basic sword technique training."

When Tianhong Martial Arts Hall was the most brilliant, it had more than XNUMX fighting and Sword Technique Instructors, three senior Teachers, and more than two hundred students. It was quite famous in the Martial Arts circle in Hangzhou.

But that is a thing of the past. Today, Martial Arts Hall has only two Instructors, Shang Yulin and Zhang Dahai, with few students.

Shang Yulin just introduced to Zuo Yi. It is a new recruit recruited this summer. There are only five men and four women, all in their teens.

Her tone was barely fell, and one of the arrogant teenagers, frowned, was dissatisfied and asked, "Manager Shang, why didn't you come to teach us the sword technique, but this guy?"

He glanced at Zuo Yi with a discerning look, pulling the corner of his mouth with a look of disdain.

What a joke, he spent money to enter Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, all he wanted was to learn sword from Shang Yulin, the beautiful Instructor, otherwise there are a lot of better Martial Arts Hall in Hangzhou, why should he come here?


The companion next to haughty youth yelled, "Manager Shang, we want to learn swords from you!"

"me too!"

Shang Yulin got a headache from them, but patiently persuaded: "Zuo Yi is a Rank 3 Rank Swordsman and has the ability to guide your basic sword technique training …"

"Only Rank 3!"

Haughty youth opened his eyes wide, as if he had been severely insulted, with an exaggerated expression: "That's even worse, Manager Shang. If you let us learn swords from him, then we won't learn, and we will quit tuition!"

The next henchman shook his flag and shouted, "Yes, yes, tuition withdrawal!"

A few steps away, Zhang Dahai was watching the fun with several martial arts students.

both of his hands with arms, looking towards Zuo Yi's eyes showed a sense of jokes, apparently taking pleasure in other people's misfortune for the awkward situation facing Zuo Yi.

"okay then."

Several new students clamored for tuition withdrawal, and Shang Yulin had no choice but to compromise.

But she also wanted to save it: "If you want to learn swords with me, then come with me. Those who are willing to learn from Teacher Zuo will stay."

These five new students are almost the last hope of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall. It used to take that much time and energy to recruit people. Now if they run away, all the tuition fees they just received will have to be returned. Not to mention the rest of Martial Arts Hall. Few reputations have to be ruined.

So in any case, Shang Yulin can't let this happen, so she can only work harder to bring her own students.

Haughty youth and the other two boys immediately stood by her side, and then the delicate and pretty girl hesitated and followed, so there was only one chubby boy left on Zuo Yi's side.

Shang Yulin was surprised, and asked, "Would you like to learn from Teacher Zuo?"

The fat boy smiled nodded, "I do."

haughty youth and his companions looked at him with stupid eyes.

In front of this long-legged beauty Yujie Manager does not follow, learn sword with a rough Lord, this is the head kicked by the donkey, right?

At first glance, IQ is owed!

Shang Yulin was relieved: "Okay."

She quickly said to Zuo Yi, "Then he will take it to you."

Having said that, Shang Yulin quickly took his four students away, lest the other party suddenly regret that Zuo Yi could not step down.


Zhang Dahai said "ha" and took his students to practice boxing-the fun was over.

So here are only Zuo Yi and big boys staring at small eyes.


Suddenly Zuo Yi smiled and asked, "What's your name and why don't you go with them?"

"Teacher, my name is Sun Qiang."

The fat boy scratched his head, and replied a little slyly: "I, I don't like to be with Zhao Shaohui."

Zuo Yi nodded, and asked, "Why do you learn swords?"

The fat boy Sun Qiang swallowed saliva and said, "I think, I want to lose weight, and I don't want to be bullied."

With that said, he also turned to look at the haughty youth who could not learn far from Shang Yulin.

Zuo Yi already understood.

This apparently is often bullied, and then the person who bullies him is similar to that haughty youth, so he would rather learn from himself than mingle with the other.

"Student Little Qiang …"

He reached out to pats each other's shoulder and said, "Come with me."

"My name is Sun Qiang."

The fat boy protested weakly, but obediently followed Zuo Yi to the Sword Room.

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall has two independent Sword Rooms. When the Wushu Pavilion flourished, the Sword Room had to be reserved in advance to use it, and there was a time limit. Now it is used when you want to use it, and no one is competing for it.

The Sword Room that Zuo Yi chose was the one he used to study at Hong Martial Arts Hall many years ago. Compared with that time, the equipment and facilities inside were basically the same, but they looked a lot old and no doubt lacked. maintenance.

Looking back, Zuo Yi's attention turned back to the students in front of him and asked, "Have you learned fighting or sword techniques before?"

Sun Qiang's head shook like a rattle.

"Then there is no basis …"

Zuo Yi groaned and said, "Let 's do this. I will teach you a movement. You practice it for a while before you learn swordsmanship."

Without waiting for Sun Qiang to answer, Zuo Yi staggered forward, suddenly flashed behind him, stretched out his right hand and forefinger to land in a lightning-like position on the back of his neck, the position of the first vertebra.

Sun Qiang was too late to react, and felt a burning aura penetrating from the cervical spine, which instantly penetrated the entire spine, and immediately moved towards the extremities and bones to the end of the fingers and toes!

At this moment's sourness, it was impossible to describe in words. Student Little Qiang's hair was raised, his eyes turned white, his limbs twitched and trembled, and he almost urinated on the spot.

The next moment, he involuntarily retracted his head, opened his arms, raised his legs, and stood up, like a marionette controlled by him, stiffly and mechanically completing a weird movement.

In less than half a minute, Sun Qiang, who had just completed his movements, was sweating. The sweat beads of large grains burst from his forehead, and quickly slipped off the thick face, looking extra funny.

Zuo Yi retracted his finger.

Sun Qiang seemed to have his spine removed, and he sat on the floor weakly, screaming like a pig.


In fact, he just wanted to scream just now, but unfortunately, being controlled by Zuo Yi couldn't say anything at all. The soreness, pain, tingling, and itching within the body accumulated to the apex at this moment, which can only be released in this way.

The door of the Sword Room was open, and Sun Qiang called so terribly, so everyone in the outside hall could hear clearly.

Shang Yulin, who was coaching the new student practicing sword, heard the complexion changed, and rushed to Sword Room without thinking.

Others look at each other in shock, and follow up to see what happened.

First, Shang Yulin, who ran to the Sword Room, saw Sun Qiang sitting on the ground, embarrassed, his face twisted, and it looked like he had just experienced a painful torture.

Such a situation shocked Shang Yulin. She couldn't help shouting at the casual Zuo Yi: "What did you do?"

Her tears flowed with the roar: "How can you do that!"

Since Shang He's death, Shang Yulin has taken on the heavy responsibility of taking care of her family and martial arts. During this time, she has been under great pressure, worried and anxious day and night, and her strings have tightened to the extreme.

Now it's so hard to recruit a few new students, but absolutely did not expect Zuo Yi to come up with such a thing!

If something serious happens to Sun Qiang, Martial Arts Hall will not only pay a large sum of money, but it will also hurt its reputation.

It will also make all the efforts and efforts of Shang Yulin to maintain Martial Arts Hall go to waste!

Shang Yulin even suspected that Zuo Yi was collusion with others, and came to Tianhong to make trouble.

She also regrets that she promised Zuo Yi to come to Martial Arts Hall as Instructor yesterday!
