Paladin Dad Chapter 44

Hu! hu!

Little fatty was paralyzed sitting on the floor of the Sword Room, his eyes gasping for breath, a miserable look of being played.

Bao'er secretly said to Tyke, "A'Ty, big brother Sun Qiang is so pitiful."

Tyke disdainfully nodded: fighting five dregs.

In fact, Student Little Qiang really can't be regarded as a war five scum. At least he insisted on completing ten movement exercises, and finally had to sit down and rest because of lack of energy.

Sun Qiang himself didn't expect it at all. He had been practicing the other day, and he was already very proficient. In addition, Zuo Yi had just taught him how to breathe.

Simply unscientific!

The breathing method taught by Zuo Yi to Sun Qiang requires him to complete the Body Refining Method simultaneously.

At the beginning, Sun Qiang was a bit dismissive, thinking that breathing is so simple and easy, you should be able to get it done quickly and master it.

As a result, after practicing a few times, he experienced the pain, and almost did not faint on the spot.

In fact, what Zuo Yi taught him was just the most basic method in Giant Dragon Breathing Method.

At Sadya World, Giant Dragon Breathing Method and Knight Body Refining Method have extremely long inheritance, and their history can be traced back to five epochs, that is, fifty thousand years ago.

At that time, Sadya Plane was Dragon Race ruling the world, and all other intelligent creatures, including Human Race, were all targets of giant dragons' enslavement and hunting.

In order to resist the rule of giant dragon, Human Race continuously seeks powerful forces, has made countless sacrifices and efforts, and has unearthed the mysteries of Battle Qi and Magic in Dragon Race.

Knight and Wizard continually emerged, defeating the impeccable Dragon Race, forcing the giant dragons to flee the different plane, and opened a new era of Sadya World.

Going back to the roots, the Giant Dragon Breathing Method and Knight Body Refining Method come from Dragon Race. After five epochs of inheritance development, it can be said that they have reached an extremely perfect level.

How about Xiaorong?

As the first practitioner of Knight Body Refining Method and Giant Dragon Breathing Method on Earth, Sun Qiang, who was personally instructed by Zuo Yi, is probably the chance to hit the ground with his good deeds and knock through countless wooden fish.

"stand up!"

The wooden sword in Zuo Yi's hand ruthlessly slaps on the shoulder of little fatty: "Go out and run a few laps."


Sun Qiang gritted his teeth. He struggled to get up, dragging his heavy footsteps to the outer hall for a circle.

Zuo Yi tossed the wooden sword, and said lightly: "You will practice what I teach you in the future. When I pass, I will teach you new ones."

As Martial Arts Hall's Instructor, Zuo Yi fully fulfilled his duties and even gave Sun Qiang the opportunity to change his destiny.

Then it depends on Sun Qiang himself. If he can meet the most basic requirements, then Zuo Yi doesn't mind continuing to teach him more and higher skills, and even training him to become Earth's first Knight.

But if Sun Qiang fails to meet the requirements, regardless of is innate talent or effort, Zuo Yi will not waste time on him.


Zuo Yi's tone barely fell, and the wooden sword fell on the sword rack at the same time.

Sun Qiang shook his body, clenched his fists and said, "Teacher, I will work hard!"

His within the body had an extra strength out of thin air, and stepped out of the Sword Room.

Zuo Yi retracted his gaze and focused on his obedient Baby, showing a petting smile.

"Baby, come, let father see how your Sword Art is doing."


Bao'er held Dragon Blood Wood Sword and raised his head confidently and said, "Father, look at me!"

woof woof!

Tyke next to her cheered for her.

"Hmph!" "Ha!" "Hey!" "Ah!"

Under Zuo Yi's gaze, Bao'er seriously began to practice the Faston Court Cross-Shaped Sword Technique just learned yesterday.

Previously, when Professor Sun Qiang Giant Dragon Breathing Method of Zuo Yi, she did not just watch the excitement and was always practicing.

There was sweat on his forehead.

Zuo Yi seemed to laugh.

He taught Bao'er yesterday to practice Cross-Shaped Sword Technique, but he didn't teach her to "hmph hum" when he did this.

I do n't know where the little girl learned from, so I added sound effects to the Sword Art moves.

Not to mention, it's really fun.

The serious expression on her little face, coupled with the cute child's voice, is so cute!


Having just completed the four strokes of Sword Art, Bao'er put down the wooden sword and frowned, and said to Zuo Yi bitterly, "Father, I have forgotten another stroke. What should I do?"

Zuo Yi laughed, squatted down and held her in his arms, and said, "It's okay, father will teach you again!"

Bao'er smiled again: "Thank you father."

So Zuo Yi once again taught her the basic sword styles of the Faston Court Cross-Shaped Sword Technique, and corrected the wrong movement she just appeared in the practice.

Although Zuo Yi taught Bao'er to practice the sword technique, the main purpose was to make little girl exercise, not to train her to become a Swordsman or Knight now-she is too young.

However, Zuo Yi found that Bao'er was not only very intelligent, but also very skilled in sword technique innate talent. She had learned a few tricks in the palace, the Cross-Shaped Sword Technique, and learned the ability quite well.

Zuo Yi is therefore proud to guess that this is probably the inheritance of his innate talent.

Zuo Yi has a very high Martial Arts innate talent. At the beginning, Shang He had thought of training him to become a top Professional Swordsman.

Ask Bao'er to practice it again. Zuo Yi took the towel and wiped her sweat, and said, "Let 's do it today, father now takes you to the elder sister."

Bao'er nicely nodded: "Well."

He left Bao'er with Sword Room and returned to Shang Yulin's office.

Shang Yulin, who was clearing the bill, asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"I have something to go out."

Zuo Yi explained, "Thank you for taking care of her."

Shang Yulin is happy: "No problem."

She blinked at Bao'er, and they exchanged a little secret.

Zuo Yi smiled and explained to the little girl, "You follow the elder sister here, don't be naughty or run around."

He promised: "Father will be back soon, and take you to dinner at noon!"


Bao'er was pleasantly surprised and asked, "Will the elder sister Yulin have a big meal with us?"

How long has it been so close to Shang Yulin? Do n't forget the elder sister Yulin for a big meal.

Zuo Yi is all lemons: "Okay."

Shang Yulin said with a smile: "Thank you, but the elder sister is going home at noon, so I can't go with you."

She took Bao'er's hand: "Next time."

"okay then."

Bao'er was a little disappointed, because Shang Yulin had previously asked her to eat cream cake, and cream cake was delicious, so she wanted the eder sister to have a big meal with herself.

Zuo Yi touched her head and left Martial Arts Hall.

Coming downstairs from the Blessed Peace Building, Zuo Yi quickly drove away his Harley motorcycle.

Ten minutes later, the giant shell-shaped Hangzhou International Exhibition Center main building appeared in his sight.

Zuo Yi in the vicinity found a place to park his car, took off his helmet but did not remove his sunglasses.

He took a long look at the Exhibition Center that he had traveled back through at that time. At this time, the 2019 China International Animation Exhibition was over, and the banner hanging at the entrance of the venue was changed to another name.

Along the long sidewalk, Zuo Yi hastily arrived at a Jewelry Store near the Exhibition Center.

Gold and Jade Luck Jewelry!

Just like when Zuo Yi came here for the first time, two beautiful female clerk still stood at the door of the Gold and Jade Luck Jewelry store, and he still remembered the appearance of one of them.

But this time Zuo Yi not at all went in.

He stood outside the Jewelry Store display window and looked in through the thick glass windows.

Zuo Yi is here to "visit" the store manager here, Guan Zhishang Manager Guan!

In addition to doing bad things, after killing the wild boar and Clown last night, Zuo Yi has put this behind-the-scenes messenger into the ranks of the "enemy of the camp" and the list of must-kill!

Zuo Yi quickly found his goal.

Today, Gold and Jade Luck Jewelry has a good business and there are many customers in the store, so Guan Zhishang also came out to receive guests.

He was recommending a diamond ring for a young couple. Suddenly he felt a jerk in his heart and subconsciously turned his head to look at the display window.

People outside the window came and went without any strange situation.

Also don't see the silhouette of Zuo Yi!
