Paladin Dad Chapter 45

Zuo Yi kept his promise to Bao'er and soon returned to Martial Arts Hall.

Then came back and saw little girl and Shang Yulin eating cream cake in the office again, and even Tyke shared a lot.

Bao'er and Foodie Ty also had a lot of cream on their mouths, and they looked happy.

After eating so many cakes, do you want to have lunch?

Zuo Yi couldn't help shook the head.


Shang Yulin is like a good kid caught by adults for doing bad things. Face is red.

She jumped up quickly, grabbed the bag and said to Zuo Yi, "You just came back, I'll go home first."

She turned around and gave Bao'er a wink, and hurriedly left the room.


Bao'er restlessly put his hands behind his back, lowered his head, and looked at Tyke next to him.

A'Ty A'Ty, what should I do?

Heartless and heartless Tyke stuck out his tongue and licked the cream from his mouth, shaking his tail to smile at her with a charming smile.

Bao'er Bao'er, Wang also wants to eat!

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, reached out and picked up the little girl, and asked, "Eating so many cakes, can you still eat at noon?"

Then, Zuo Yi pulled a napkin to wipe her mouth.

woof woof!

Tyke exclaimed excitedly: Yes, I can, woof!

Kicked by Zuo Yi: Get out!

Bao'er guilty of his little finger, stammering: "Then, before the next meal, I, I will not eat snacks."

But cream cake is really delicious.

"now it's right."

Zuo Yi extend the hand refers to a slight tap on her little nose: "Snacks can be eaten, cream cakes can also be eaten, but they can't be eaten as meals, otherwise it's bad for the body, you know?"

Bao'er nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "I see!"

Zuo Yi hehe smiled, sipped on the little girl's face, and said, "Let's go."

He took Bao'er out of Martial Arts Hall for a big meal.

As for Student Little Qiang, who was still sweating in the Sword Room at this time, Zuo Yi had been thrown to the topmost clouds by Zuo Yi.

Anyway, in the following period, Sun Qiang will not give the other party more guidance until Sun Qiang proves his efforts.

Zuo Yi's lunch with Bao'er is a buffet.

Five Star Luxurious Restaurant, the standard of 588 yuan per person, it is no problem to say that it is a big meal.

Although Bao'er had eaten some cream cake before, his stomach was not very hungry, but he still ate happily, because there are so many delicious things here!

It was just that Tyke was miserable and could only lie down and drool in the space capsule, unable to eat anything.

But Bao'er didn't forget it and promised it that when he got home, let father make it a few more steaks.

This appeased Foodie Ty.

After this rich and delicious buffet, Zuo Yi's bank account added another negative number.

But Zuo Yi didn't care, because he planned to go to West Creek Underground Market at night. As long as he could sell two swords, it would be enough for a long time.

At the level of Zuo Yi, money is really not a problem, mainly because he needs to abide by the rules, so Nature has to take more time and thought for this.

In the afternoon, Zuo Yi took Bao'er home and gave her lunch break.

For young children, nap is a good habit, which helps physical development, especially now that the weather is hot, then more rest is needed to ensure a good mental state in the afternoon.

At first Bao'er had the habit of taking a nap, but following these days with Zuo Yi, life was not very regular.

Now that the days are stable, Zuo Yi certainly wants her to return to this good habit.

In terms of childcare, Zuo Yi did not really have much experience at first, but in modern society, it is easy to acquire knowledge, and a lot of relevant content can be searched through the Internet.

He has been studying, and strives to make himself a qualified dad.

Even the world's best father!

It was probably that I was tired of practicing sword in the morning, and in the evening when I came back at noon, Bao'er slept until more than three in the afternoon to wake up.

Zuo Yi simply took a bath for her and changed her clean and beautiful skirt.

It was almost evening.

He simply brought Bao'er back to the city for dinner again, and then headed for West Creek Underground Market.

Following the mobile phone navigation tips, Zuo Yi drove Harley to the West Creek Martial Arts Stage.

West Creek Martial Arts Stage is the largest Martial Arts Competition Arena in Jiangnan Province. It is built in accordance with international A-Rank standards. Its project covers an area of ​​more than XNUMX hectares, and its architectural appearance is magnificent, especially against the backdrop of laser night lights. Extra modern.

This is Zuo Yi's first visit to the West Creek Martial Arts Stage.

When he was traveling to South America three years ago, the West Creek Martial Arts Stage was just completed and the Underground Market was unheard of. If it wasn't for Shang Yulin's recommendation, I really don't know there is such a place in Hangzhou.

Asked the security staff at the gate of the West Creek Martial Arts Stage, Zuo Yi quickly entered the underground parking lot of the martial arts stage.

Finding a place to stop the motorcycle, he hugged Bao'er.

At the same time, Tyke slipped out of the capsule and let Bao'er take him away, lest she be tired.

Otherwise, collar dog ropes worth hundreds of millions of dollars will be done in vain.

Tyke jumped, and the item was now almost adjusted to a collar around his neck.


Bao'er took Tyke curiously and asked, "Where are we going?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Let's set up a stall."

set up a stall?

Bao'er crooked his head and sounded funny: "Okay."

There are special signs in the underground parking lot, and it is easy to follow the signs to the elevator hall leading to the Underground Market.

The elevator lobby is very large, decorated like a 5-Star level hotel, and has eight elevators.

Although there are many elevators, there are still many people waiting for the elevators. There are all kinds of men, women, young and old, and some of them carry boxes or bags in their hands. They are dressed in luxury and simplicity, giving people a sense of incoordination.

But everyone was quiet, no one was loud and noisy.

There are also people who are unwilling to wait for the elevator and go straight down the safety passage stairs next to it.

Ding ~

An elevator door opened and a large crowd poured out from oh la la.

After they all came out, the waiting people in the elevator hall lined up in an orderly manner, and quickly filled the door and descended.

"Is this your first visit to West Market?"

Just then, a middle-aged man standing next to Zuo Yi asked him curiously.

When Zuo Yi was holding Bao'er over just now, this one looked a few times.

Zuo Yi wonders: "West Market?"

"It's West Creek Underground Market …"

Skinny middle-aged man grinned with a smile: "We often call West Market."

Zuo Yi suddenly said: "This is the case, then this is my first visit to West Market."

middle-aged man blinked.

He glanced over Bao'er and finally fixed on the wooden box left by Zuo Yi, said with a smile: "Your daughter is very cute. Did you come to buy or sell?"

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I'm here to sell."

The wooden box he carried was made by himself in the afternoon, and it contained two Inch of Gold Swords.

The main reason is not so eye-catching.

"Sell something?"

The middle-aged man frowned, reminding: "Standing at West Market requires a Membership Card and cannot be sold at will."

He saw Zuo Yi with a daughter and was here for the first time, thinking that Zuo Yi did not understand the rules of Underground Market.

"If you want to sell something, then I can help you …"

He couldn't say any more because Zuo Yi showed the Bronze Card from Shang Yulin.

"Thank you, but don't."

middle-aged man embarrassed: "So you have a Bronze Card!"

Just then another elevator came up to open, he said quickly: "The elevator is here."

After speaking, he hurried into the elevator with others.

When he got inside the elevator, when the elevator door closed and started to descend, the middle-aged man suddenly felt wrong.

What happened to myself today?

Already caught up, can still continue to fool, why flee like a frightened rabbit?

He couldn't help scratching his head and was puzzled.

Zuo Yi not at all followed the middle-aged man. He patiently waited until the next elevator, took Bao'er to board, and then successfully reached Floor B3.

The negative three floors of the West Creek Martial Arts Stage is also the first floor of the West Creek Underground Market.

When the elevator door opens, a heat wave and boiling voices assaults the senses instantly!
