Paladin Dad Chapter 87

Came to Bao'er in the pet play area and first untied Tyke's dog leash.

Because as Tyke's best and best friend, little girl knows that A'Ty doesn't like to be bound like this, and knows that she likes to run and play freely and freely.

If you think about it, you won't be happy if she is pulled by the rope!

Although people are different from dogs, in Bao'er's mind, A'Ty is not an ordinary dog.

It's the smartest and cutest dog in the world!

But father said that everyone must abide by the rules, it doesn't matter at home, but in the city, Tyke must be tied with a dog leash and Bao'er should be a good child with good quality and civilization.

So I can only temporarily wrong A'Ty.

The pet activity area here obviously allows the rope to be released, because she saw that the other dogs were not tied to the dog rope, and they were happily playing with her Master.

Bao'er feels that he likes this place more, and next time with father!


She touched Foodie Ty's head and asked, "Do you like to play here?"


Tyke glanced around: Okay.

Suddenly his gaze was frozen, his eyes brightened, and he ran forward without thinking.

Bao'er giggled and sat down on a small stool next to him.

Sit with both hands and look at A'Ty Sa Huan.

I saw Tyke spread his short legs and quickly ran to the front of a green skirt elder sister.

The little elder sister is sitting on a bench, holding a strip of beef jerky while feeding Samoyed squatting beside.


Tyke, who ran suddenly, surprised her.

But when she saw Tyke's appearance clearly, she was instantly caught, and countless little stars appeared in her eyes.

The tiny Tyke was chubby and plump, his hair was white and flawless, and his two big black eyes were full of agility, as if he could talk, so that he could see his thoughts at a glance.

little elder sister, your beef jerky looks so good!

"Do you want to eat too?"

The psychological defense of the green skirt elder sister was directly penetrated, and the beef jerky in her hand was handed out without resistance.


Tyke opened his mouth to hold the jerky and swallowed it without chewing.

Then she looked at the green skirt elder sister with bright eyes again: Is there any more?


Green skirt elder sister is like losing her soul, and she handed out the second, third, fourth …

She didn't notice the depressed, sad, painful, hopeless, angry expression of her pet at the moment.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, you have another dog outside!

Presumably, Samoyed's grievances were too strong, and Tyke, who was swallowed with beef steak, felt it.


Foodie Ty glanced at each other, and a murderous aura flashed in her eyes.


Samoyed was almost scared by Tyke's eyes, whispered and shivered under the bench.

That pitiful as poor as it looks!

However, all of his Master's attention was on Tyke's body, and he ignored the little samoyed at all.

Until the beef sticks in the dry food pocket disappeared completely.


I grabbed an empty green skirt elder sister and said, "Everything is done."

This dry food pocket contains a full pound of beef strips, all of which she baked herself.


Tyke is dissatisfied: this meat is not enough to gap between the teeth, Wang Bukaisen!

"It's really gone."

The green skirt elder sister was at a loss, feeling as if she had made a great mistake and felt guilty.

She opened the empty dry food pocket and tried to explain to Tyke: "I brought so much today, or I will do more next time, can you please?"


At this time Bao'er hurried over, raised his hand and gently pats Foodie Ty's head: "No gluttony!"

Although it is blame, I can't bear to start.

Little girl sorry to the green skirt elder sister: "elder sister, sorry, A'Ty is too greedy, I will let father pay you."

When she saw Tyke running in front of the other side, she didn't pay much attention, thinking that A'Ty was just playing with curiosity, and then it was too late to find out that the situation was over.

wu wu ~

Tyke lay on the ground and whimpered: Wang is Abyss Cerberus, and Wang Family always eats for nothing!

"It's all right, no need!"

The green skirt elder sister waved her hands repeatedly, her face flushed with excitement: "little sister, all right, I like it very much, it's called A'Ty, ah!"

The scream was because the little elder sister had just discovered Bao'er's cute and cute Q Moe, and a young girl's heart exploded.

What day is it today? She felt like she was Alice in Sleepwalking Immortal Realm!

"Ah, what a lovely puppy!"

"What a cute little miss."

"What breed of dog is this?"

"Wow, I want to keep one too!"

"Meng Meng Meng …"

At this moment, more little elder sisters came around, or yelled, or took pictures, all of them stared at the stars like the green skirt elder sister just now.

The green skirt elder sister immediately caught the savior: "If you guys have dried meat snacks, lend me a bit!"

Because this cafeteria is very pet-friendly, they often bring their pets after opening, and then they know each other and get familiar with each other. It's definitely OK to borrow some dog food.

Several little elder sisters surrounded Bao'er and Tyke, babbling around, and feeding Tyke with the green skirt elder sister, all throwing their pets aside.

Bao'er was not afraid, and answered their questions politely: what's her name, how old is this year …

Tyke is even more fearless, no matter how much dog food comes and eats, there is no discount.

And it's cunning cunning, little elder sisters can feed it, but you can't touch it if you want to touch it, don't even think about waving your tail.

This scene was clearly seen by Zuo Yi sitting in the dining area.

The buffet area and the pet activity area are adjacent, separated by a large floor-to-ceiling glass, which ensures cleanliness and hygiene, and guests can also see the pets playing in the activity area when dining.

He could only say nothing about Tyke's behavior.

The power of evolution is powerful. The Extraordinary Magic Beast of Sadya World was hunted to near extinction by Knight and Wizards, and forced to evolve new survival skills. Their cubs are not only adorable but also exude. A special life fluctuation.

This kind of life fluctuation tentatively is called "adorable power". It has an effect on most predators, and people will not easily hurt the cubs, and they are more willing to raise them as pets.

In this way, the Magic Beast race has been continued.

Tyke has a very high "adorable power" fluctuation. Of course, it has no effect on Zuo Yi, but the ordinary people can't carry it. Just look at the little elder sisters who surround him at this moment.

That's a trick to eat and drink!

It was just that Tyke's appetite was infinite, and little elder sisters had a limited amount of dry food. After it was wiped out, it lost its interest in continuing to sell cute and eagerly ran back to the restaurant.

He also brought Bao'er back.

The "squeezed" little elder sisters also had a satisfied expression on their faces.


Little girl had a hard time complaining to Zuo Yi: "Tyke ate a lot of things."

Tyke hid under the table and pretended to be a dead dog: Wang didn't know, Wang didn't hear it.


Zuo Yi smiled and took her into her arms and said, "You eat lunch first, and take it for yourself if you like it, or father will take it for you, and those things Tyke eats will be compensated by others."

Although it is a cafeteria, there are also premium drinks and food at an additional cost. Zuo Yi plans to buy some for the little elder sisters just now as compensation for Tyke cheating and drinking.

"Thank you father."

Bao'er this time is assured.

Although everything was eaten by Tyke, she felt that she had a responsibility and didn't manage Foodie Ty.


Zuo Yi pointed at his face.

Bao'er understood for a second and immediately tipped his toes and sipped on his face.

Then she said seriously to Tyke, who was hiding on the table, "A'Ty, this is not allowed in the future, you know?"

Tyke raised his claws and covered the dog's face: inaudible, inaudible, unseen, unseen, don't know, don't know!

Bao'er: …
