Paladin Dad Chapter 88


When Bao'er woke up from her nap, her eyes opened and she saw Zuo Yi sitting next to the bed.


Zuo Yi set aside the laptop he was playing and asked with a smile, "Baby, you're awake."

The little girl yawned lazily and stretched out her hands to Zuo Yi: "Father hug."

Zuo Yi smiled and hugged her, then let her sit on the edge of the bed and asked, "Where do you want to go in the afternoon?"

During this time, Zuo Yi went to Martial Arts Hall to guide Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao in the morning, and accompanied Bao'er at home in the afternoon, but a large number of new students will come in the next few days, and I am afraid that will not be so leisure by then.

So cherish the time before you.


The little girl tilted her head and thought hard, and said, "Father, I want to pick wild herbs."

Picking wild herbs is fun, and wild herbs are delicious.

Then come again.


Zuo Yi reached out and nodded her little nose, and said, "Let's go pick wild herbs and touch the snails, can you say that?"

"Touch the snail?"

Bao'er was pleasantly surprised: "Is it the snail in the river? I have seen it in books."


Zuo Yi explained: "We touched inside the stream."

Bao'er claps: "Good acryl good acryl."

Tyke crawled out of the bed and called woof woof, and Pippi flew around and shouted, "Touch the snail."

These two guys are the most excited every time I go out to play.

So Zuo Yi took Bao'er, plus Tyke and Pippi, and also brought a bamboo basket, a small bucket and a straw hat.

These items are left over from the past. Although they have a long history, they are still usable.

Last time when Zuo Yi cleaned up the basement, he cleaned up a lot of garbage, but there were a lot of things left.

Even what is left behind is not worth it.

Because on these things, there are countless beautiful memories belonging to the past.

Now he wants to share it with Bao'er.

It's still the wilderness path, it's still the flowing stream.

Zuo Yi and little girl first collected a basket of fresh wild amaranth, then he took off his pants and took off his shoes, and carried a small bucket into the cool stream.

The afternoon sun shone on the stream, tens of thousands of gold scales appeared, winding down like a band of overflowing gold.

Zuo Yi bent down and reached into the water, breaking the gold scales and turning his head to look at the little girl.

Bao'er didn't dare to go into the water, she was squatting beside the stream with Tyke, wide-eyed and curiously watching Father touch the snail.

She is wearing an embroidered straw hat.

This is the straw hat Zuo Qingyun used.

At that time, Zuo Qingyun also wore a straw hat, pulled up her skirt and crouched beside the stream, watching with a smile, Zuo Yi tossing in the stream.

Time flies, years are gone, and the past is left to be remembered!

Staring at Bao'er's innocent face, Zuo Yi slightly smiled, his hands fumbled over the stones in the water.

噼噼pa pa!

Every snail was touched by him and was thrown into a small bucket, hitting the bottom of the bucket and making a crisp sound.

Bao'er stretched his neck and asked, "Father, have you caught a lot of snails?"

"Not in a hurry."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Let father pay more attention and fry you at night."

These snails he touched were different from ordinary snails. The conical shell was black and only grew in clean and pollution-free mountains and streams. There was no earthy smell and the taste was much stronger than ordinary snails.

When he was young, Zuo Yi touched the snail in this stream, and then Zuo Qingyun took it home and fired him with perilla.

He still can't forget the taste!

You don't have to buy shisos, there are growing ones nearby, and it's enough to collect a few.

Why Zuo Yi would rather die than sell land, not only because it is the resting place of Zuo Qingyun, but also has too many memories of him and mother.

Now add and little girl.

Zuo Yi hopes that in the future, when Bao'er grows up, he can come back at any time and re-experience the happiness and joy at this time!


Because I have n't caught it for a long time, there are a lot of snails in this stream. After a while, Zuo Yi grabbed a lot and handed the bucket to Bao'er for a fresh look.


The little girl held the bucket with both hands and looked at the bottom of the bucket full of snails. She couldn't help but exclaim.

"Father is amazing!"


Tyke leaned over with his buttocks, he lay his front paws on the mouth of the barrel, and glanced inward with his head in mind: Wang also looked.

But it quickly disappointed: ah, what's so nice about it, and no steak!

Zuo Yi continued to touch, and suddenly expressed a move.

With the sound of the water, a slender stream fish was removed by him and thrown into a bucket.


Bao'er was taken aback and almost dropped the bucket.


The next moment, she called out, "father, you caught the fish!"

Brook fish desperately tossed in the bucket.

Bao'er was surprised and happy at first, but soon her expression became less happy and said, "Father, this fish looks so pitiful, let's let it go."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Okay, then you let it go."


The little girl immediately put her hands into the bucket and wanted to catch the stream fish for release.

But where can she catch the jumping fish?

Fortunately, Bao'er was very smart. After a few failed attempts, she slowly lowered the bucket so that the mouth of the bucket was facing the stream.

In this way, the stream fish in the bucket continued to plunge a few times and successfully jumped into the water.

Quickly fled.

"go Go."

Bao'er re-raised the bucket and laughed hehe: "Fish, don't get caught by father anymore."

Zuo Yi: "…"

Well, let's continue to touch the snail!

Snail: I don't know if it should be said or not.

After almost touching a small bucket, Zuo Yi stopped it.

Back on the shore, he suddenly turned around and looked towards the direction of Old Residence.

Brow frowned slightly.

Zuo Yi has just received the spirit message from Gargoyle, and he is coming to visit him!

Zuo Family Old Residence is located in the leading place outside Linjiang City. The location is very remote and there are usually very few visitors. The curious tourists who come across this place often come.

And Gargoyle's intelligence is very high, and he incorporates the spiritual seed he gave, which is unlikely to be false positive.

With a little thought, he said to Bao'er: "Baby, let's go home."

Bao'er didn't comment: "Oh."

Carrying a bucket and bamboo basket, Zuo Yi took Bao'er home.

As soon as he entered the villa from the back door, he heard a knock on the front yard.

Zuo Yi puts things in the kitchen and says to Bao'er, "You can play by yourself. Father is out to see who's here."

See who is the uninvited guest.

Bao'er sensible: "Then I'll go upstairs with A'Ty."

Zuo Yi nodded: "Go."

He came to the front yard from the living room and opened the gate to the yard.

I saw a young woman standing in front of the door. She was in her early twenties, she was pretty in appearance and petite, and she looked quite pure with her student head cut off.

On the side of the road, a silver-gray sports car was parked. A tall and thin man was leaning in front of the car door. He chewed gum and looked like a dangling man, a handsome face with a hint of pride .

Zuo Yi didn't know anyone and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

When she saw Zuo Yi, the pure woman suddenly showed a sweet smile: "Hello, may I ask, are you Mr Zuo Yi?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "I am Zuo Yi, are you?"

Pure girl self introduced: "Hello Mr. Zuo, I am Qin Qin, Director Secretary of the Extraordinary City Integration Office of Administration in Jiangnan Province. This is my business card."

"Extraordinary City Integration Office of Administration?"

Zuo Yi sounded a little stunned by the name: "Is it the City Management Office?"

He took the business card from the other party, and the name of the unit was clearly printed on it.

"Do not."

Qin Qin said with a slight smile: "It's Extraordinary Management Office, and we have another internal name called Extraordinary Affairs Supervision Office!"

"I understand."

Zuo Yi stunned and said, "Let's come in and talk."

Qin Qin crossed the threshold and asked curiously, "Mr. Zuo, have you heard of our Extraordinary Management Office before?"

She was surprised to see Zuo Yi not surprised at all.


Zuo Yi shook the head said, "But now I know."

Zuo Yi knows very well that the other party must have been here for last night-isn't Cheng Yuan a Transcendent?

Extraordinary Management Office? interesting!
