Paladin Dad Chapter 90

In five minutes, Zuo Yi finished reading the documents Qin Qin submitted to himself.

The content of this document is actually a recruitment letter for the staff of the Extraordinary Management Office. The document provides three different types of on-boarding. The obligations and benefits involved are quite different.

First of all, the first member is a full-time incumbent member, which is equivalent to a national public official. It enjoys all the legal treatment benefits of civil servants. All aspects of protection are very good, and it can also benefit children and families. There is huge room for promotion in the future.

Of course there's no free meal in the world, to enjoy superior benefits, it is necessary to bear the corresponding responsibility obligations, to become a member of the system, it should be subject to the constraints and restrictions of the system, many times unavoidable.

This option was abandoned directly by Zuo Yi.

He was interested in the acquisition of the Extraordinary Management Office because, as Eight Virtues Knight, it is easy to consolidate Power of Faith within the system, Order, Honor, Heroism, Trust, Staunchness, Uprightness, Honesty, Mercy …

All Virtue Faith can find corresponding points in the system!

At that time, Zuo Yi joined Knight's Heart in Sadya World, joined the Imperial Army through the guidance of Knight Teacher, participated in countless plane battles, held many positions, and explored a lot of strategies and methods for brushing Faith in the system.

This is probably the "Cultivation in the Public Door" of Different World.

So he did not reject Qin Qin's invitation, but was very interested.

However, the disadvantage of the system is that it is too restrictive and the people's mind is the most complicated. Today Zuo Yi is not the little Knight of that year. Even if you want to brush Faith, you don't need to devote yourself to it.

What's more, he helped Shang Yulin revive the splendor of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, which conflicted with the first choice.

So pass directly!

The second is a part-time member who joins the Extraordinary Management Office by signing a contract. Compared with the official position, the basic salary is unchanged, but the benefits are reduced a lot, but there is also a work performance bonus.

Corresponding part-time members have a much higher degree of freedom. As long as they ensure the completion of prescribed tasks, they can arrange themselves at other times, and other occupations are allowed, but there are some restrictions.

Zuo Yi only thought about it for three seconds, then turned to the next page.

The third gear is an Advisor member.

Adviser members have the highest degree of freedom, and the terms of the onboarding agreement are the most lenient, but there is no basic salary but only task subsidies. Compensation is calculated based on the performance of the task. There are no additional benefits.

However, as an Advisor, you can reject the instructions from the above, without any mandatory tasks, the status is aloof.

But Advisor's entry requirements are higher than the previous two, at least E-Rank Transcendent.

"Let me choose the third gear."

After reading it, Zuo Yi did not hesitate to return the Advisor inauguration agreement in the file to Qin Qin.

Qin Qin has just finished drinking the third cup of tea and is feeling a little embarrassed. He immediately puts down the tea cup and picks it up.

After glancing at the agreement, she was a little surprised: "Are you chosen to be an Advisor?"

Zuo Yi asked A'Gu to pour himself a cup of tea and asked with a smile, "Is it okay to be an Advisor?"

"No problem, no problem!"

Qin Qin waved his hands again and again: "No problem at all, your strength has reached E-Rank, which fully meets the requirements of Advisor!"

Zuo Yi can easily defeat the arrogant Cheng Yuan. He should at least be E-Rank Extraordinary.

Qin Qin certainly hopes that Zuo Yi can become a real member of the Extraordinary Management Office, but if Zuo Yi is unwilling to be constrained, Advisor is also a good choice, and in the future, Advisor will want to become a full-time editor.

Extraordinary Management Office has been established for many years, and has already established a complete and comprehensive talent recruitment and training system.

Many excellent Extraordinary characters originally chose to be Advisors, but enjoyed the great benefits brought by the system, and they eventually became their own.

So Zuo Yi's choice is definitely no problem, and Extraordinary Management Office is still welcome.

Zuo Yi asked curiously, "How do you judge Transcendent's rating?"

"We have specialized equipment."

Qin Qin explained: "Mr. Zuo, if you need it, you can always go to our Extraordinary Management Office to apply for a rating."


Zuo Yi nodded.

This is not anxious, like his current rating on the Martial Arts Alliance is Professional Rank 3 Swordsman, but in the Martial Alliance forum, everyone regards him as Martial Arts-after all, strength is the most important.

"If you don't want to rate …

Qin Qin commented: "Because you have a track record, our Extraordinary Management Office will evaluate and grade you. You should be E-Rank without any problems."

I value privacy!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "What happened last night?"


Qin Qin explained: "Cheng Yuan's family applied to our Extraordinary Management Office to arrest you, but it has been rejected by our Director, so this matter will not cause you any further trouble."

Zuo Yi is not afraid of trouble, but it is not a bad thing to have less trouble, so he has a little more favor for Extraordinary Management Office.

At least the sincerity of the other party is sufficient.

Of course, Zuo Yi can't be naive, so he trusts in the Extraordinary Management Office. There are people where there are people, not to mention the system.

However, it seems that joining the Extraordinary Management Office as an Advisor should not be a bad choice.


He continued to ask: "I heard that China also has a China Extraordinary Federation, which is also the official Extraordinary Organization. What does it have to do with your Extraordinary Management Office?"

Regarding the China Extraordinary Federation, the first Transcendent Zhou Hong that Zuo Yi encountered told him that China Extraordinary Federation is said to be responsible for managing domestic Transcendent and handling Extraordinary affairs.

After Zuo Yi mentioned China Extraordinary Federation, Qin Qin's expression is quite subtle.

She explained: "The China Extraordinary Alliance is actually a semi-official organization. It is a cooperative unit with our Extraordinary Management Office. Its main task is to fight against Transcendent forces abroad and to explore the secrets of Extraordinary."

"You can also join Hyperlink at the same time, which does not affect your position in our Extraordinary Management Office."

Zuo Yi suddenly said: "I see."

Qin Qin has some words to say and stop, presumably because the relationship between China Extraordinary Alliance and Extraordinary Management Office is quite complicated, and it is difficult to make clear in a few words.

Then he doesn't ask much, and he will definitely understand in the future, no need to worry.

Qin Qin asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Zuo Yi thought about it: "That's it for now."


Qin Qin said with a slight smile: "Then I won't bother you. I'll go back and report the situation to Director, and then contact you to arrange employment. Can you see it?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you!"

Qin Qin: "You're welcome, goodbye."

When she left, she looked at A'Gu one more time, and she still had incredible expression in her eyes.

I guess I can't sleep at night.

Zuo Yi got up and took Qin Qin out of the door, watched her leave by car, and then returned home.

dīng líng líng ~

As soon as he stepped into the living room, his cell phone rang.

It was a call from Shang Yulin: "Zuo Yi, my mom wants you to bring Bao'er to our house for dinner at night, do you use it for free?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It happened that I picked some wild herb with Bao'er this afternoon, and grabbed some snails. Let's bring them together."

Shang Yulin rejoices: "Then I'll wait for you at home."

After finishing the call, Zuo Yi went upstairs and found the little girl: "Baby, shall we go to Grandma's house for dinner tonight?"


Bao'er raised his hands in agreement.

So Zuo Yi had the time to help her change a clean skirt, and then brought two fuel tanks, Tyke and Pippi, and drove the Harley motorcycle to Shang Yulin's house.

"Master's Wife!" "Grandma!"

This time it was Liang Xuemei that opened the door. When she saw Zuo Yi and Bao'er, she showed a big smile: "Come in."

Bao'er's basket offering: "Grandma, this is the wild herb I picked from father, and snail!"

"Bao'er really clever."

Liang Xuemei took the basket said with a smile: "Grandma makes the kitchen for you to eat."

Compared to when Zuo Yi brought Bao'er to the door for the first time, Liang Xuemei is now radiant, his physical condition is healthier than normal people, and he looks much younger.

Also pleased Zuo Yi.

This dinner was very rich. Liang Xuemei exhausted his craftsmanship to prepare a table of delicious dishes, and then kept putting food in Bao'er's bowl and piled her rice bowl high.

It 's difficult for the little girl, so I can only ask father to help me eliminate the extras—it 's too much.

Everyone talked and laughed as if they were a family, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

However, before this warm dinner was finished, Zuo Yi's Knight's Heart throbbed a strong throb.

Eight Virtues Faith Mark

He complexion changed and suddenly stood up.

Sitting next to Shang Yulin, he was startled. "What's wrong?"

Zuo Yi reached out and touched the little girl's head, said solemnly: "Master's Wife, I have something to go out."

Waiting for Liang Xuemei to answer, he strode straight towards the door.

Liang Xuemei and Shang Yulin look at each other in shock, the latter quickly got up and ran to the door: "Zuo Yi!"

Zuo Yi just came down the stairs, and he answered without looking back: "Senior Sister, please help me take care of Bao'er."

Shang Yulin could not help asking, "What are you going to do?"

"I'll save the world!"

Zuo Yi's answer made Shang Yulin startled and couldn't believe his ears.

What medicine did he take?

When Shang Yulin chased down and wanted to ask exactly, the silhouette of Zuo Yi could not be found.

It's like the world suddenly evaporates!
