Paladin Dad Chapter 91

Earth's outer space, XNUMX kilometers from the ground.

Across the invisible plane barrier, the Black-robed Wizard Adler suspended in the space passage overlooks the blue planet below, and silver-grey eyes flash endless greed.

Like a jackal staring at the fat prey's nest!

Today is undoubtedly his lucky day.

As a Space Wizard, Adler's daily work is to use high towers to observe the infinite starry sky, explore the secrets of stars, and study the laws of the plane universe.

This kind of work is very boring. After years of repeated processes, it is likely that nothing will be achieved in the end.

But occasionally you will come across surprises.

Three years ago, Adler accidentally noticed that a star's star force had a strange fluctuation. He was out of curiosity and tracked it with an array of starry sky, and finally observed a brand new space node!

Adler to be wild with joy at the time.

Because a brand new space node represents a brand new space channel, a new plane can be found through this space channel.

A new plane means endless wealth!

In accordance with normal procedures, Adler should report this discovery to the Tower Alliance in a timely manner.

Then the Tower Alliance will immediately organize forces to analyze the space nodes, determine the coordinates, and then build a Spatial Teleportation Formation.

With the help of Spatial Teleportation Formation, the tall tower Wizards can invade the anchored space nodes, quickly open the space channel and find the new plane connected to it.

Taking the space channel as an outpost fortress, Wizards analyzed the rules of the new plane, and then broke the plane barrier and dispatched "Explorer" to conduct a large-scale search of the new plane to find the World existing in the plane.

Once the target is found and the World coordinates are established, then the battle for the conquest of the plane will begin. Legion composed of elite Wizard and Knight will swarm into the new plane, conquer each and everyone World, and plunder endlessly fortune and resources!

This process may take hundreds or even thousands of years until the new plane is completely conquered.

It has nothing to do with justice and evil, because war on the plane is an eternal chapter in the Multiverse.

If one plane wants to be continuously promoted, it is necessary to conquer other Plane Worlds and draw on nutrients to strengthen itself, otherwise it will either be conquered by other planes, or it will fall into stagnation and eventually fall apart.

It is very difficult to find and discover the new plane. Adler, who observes the sky alone, can discover a new space node. Its luck is like spending two yuan to win ten million lottery tickets!

So he made a not too difficult choice, which is to hide.

Reporting this discovery to the Tower Alliance will certainly be rewarded, but Adler has a deep hatred for the Tower Alliance, how could he be willing to contribute to the cause of the Alliance?

Adler himself analyzed the space nodes, transformed the Transmission Formation within the star tower, completed the first invasion by singlehanded, and then opened the space channel by his own strength.

For this he paid a high price, hundreds of years of savings were wasted, and he owed huge debts.

At the same time, Adler is also taking great risks, because in the process of opening the space channel, it may encounter a sudden space storm torn and shattered, or it may be lost because of failed operations.

In the end, even if the space channel is successfully opened, if the new plane found belongs to the Higher Dimensional Plane, his best result is to sell the plane coordinates to a Wizard family-you have to be careful.

It would be better to report it to the Tower Alliance from the beginning!

At this moment, Adler feels that all his efforts and efforts have been compensated ten million times.

He successfully opened the space channel, successfully found a new plane, and found a new World directly!

Low-dimensional Plane World in sight! !!

How lucky he is! !! !!

"What a fascinating World …"

Staring at Earth, Adler murmured intoxicatedly.

But his heart growled wildly: "Mine, it's mine! The new World is mine, and the new plane is mine!"

For the first time, the Legendary Space Wizard Adler saw the hope of revenge, the hope of a higher life sequence!

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Adler heard someone say, "It's young, full of life and vitality."


Adler subconsciously replied in Kungu Language: "It's too beautiful."

Kungu Language is one of Multiverse's lingua franca. No High Level Wizard does not understand Kungu Language, because many ancient Spells need Kungu Language to excite.

But the next moment, Adler's hair was exploded, like a cat with fiercely on his tail!

The horror in his heart at this moment was beyond description.

This space channel can be said to be Adler's biggest secret. He has spent three years and amazing wealth on it, even the closest ones have not revealed a word.

How could there be a second person!

When Adler felt the most fear, the other party approached him silently! !!

As a Legendary Wizard with very rich combat experience, Adler reacted very quickly. He ignored his fears, blessed himself with several powerful defenses Spell in an instant, and teleported out.

It was only because of the limitation of the space channel that his teleportability was suppressed to a pitiful degree, but at least he successfully distanced himself from unknown characters.

This gave Adler a chance to fight back.

However, the other party not at all launched an attack and greeted with a smile: "Hello, Sir Wizard from different plane."

Adler's face was extremely ugly-even more ugly than when he found out that his wife had put on a green hat for himself!

At this time Adler had clearly seen what the other party looked like.

It was a man in a "fantastic costume", with no arms in his hands and a gentle smile on his face, as if welcoming guests from afar.

Adler grasped the staff in his hand tightly and squeezed out a few words from the gap between his teeth: "Who are you?"

He just thought he was the luckiest, but now …

Want to cry.


Time back to one minute ago.

"I'll save the world!"

Zuo Yi rushed down the stairs and leaped lightningly from the window sill around the corner of the stairs.

He hovered silently in the air, looking up at the dark night sky, with scarlet-red rays of light flashing in his eyes.

Zuo Yi has just received a summon from World Consciousness, and World Consciousness sends him a very strong signal by virtue of his True Name, which is branded at the deepest part of Net of Law.

This world is being invaded by outsiders!

When Zuo Yi returned from Sadya World, he came into contact with Earth's World Consciousness. At the request of World Consciousness, he anchored Earth as his main world.

From the moment the True Name was branded, Zuo Yi took on the responsibility of guarding the World, and it was one of his responsibilities to fight against the external plane Intruder!

So Zuo Yi without the slightest hesitation responded to the summon of World Consciousness.

To be honest, Zuo Yi had no idea that he had encountered the World War invasion so quickly.

But no matter what kind of enemy he faces, he will never run away.

Order, Honor, Heroism, Trust, Staunchness, Uprightness, Honesty, Mercy …

Eight Virtues imprinted the surging Power of Faith continuously, instantly pushing Zuo Yi's power to the top.

The air around it seemed to freeze, and a series of space cracks densely packed like hair strands were weaved into a giant net. The vast force of the law gathered from all around to form a torrent, with Zuo Yi as the core and straight into the sky!

Zuo Yi blinked.

The moment he closed his eyes, he disappeared disappear without a trace in his original position.

And when he opened his eyes again, he was already in the outer space of XNUMX kilometers high, and passed through the invisible plane barrier, and even moved to the space tunnel excavated by Intruder.

This is World Consciousness's original power consumption, helping Zuo Yi complete a super long-range space teleport!

Then Zuo Yi saw the Intruder at hand-Black-robed Wizard Adler.

Zuo Yi, who is extremely familiar with wars on the surface, did not immediately attack.

Because he needs to know whether the other party is alone or belongs to a strong invasion team.

Anyway, in the narrow space passage, this Wizard cannot escape.

Zuo Yi will never give him a chance to inspire Spatial Teleportation Formation!