Paladin Dad Chapter 92

"who are you?"

Adler's voice did not fall. A black gem inlaid on the top of the staff he held in his hand suddenly revealed the black light, instantly condensing a bunch of black glow and moved straight towards Zuo Yi.

Sixth Rank Spell: Death Ray!

This is where the Black-robed Wizard is deceitful. The moment he completed the teleportation, he started to prepare for it, and then suddenly launched a sneak attack by questioning, hitting Zuo Yi and caught off guard.

Adler relied on this method to pass the opponent more than once and succeeded again and again!

However, he is facing Zuo Yi.

Just as Death Ray was about to hit Zuo Yi, a large red sword appeared silently and out of nowhere, standing in front of Zuo Yi, and it was worthy of blocking this sinister attack!

Nourishing ~

Death Ray slammed into the sword, and immediately spit smoke, dissipating immediately without a trace.


The big sword held by Zuo Yi right hand rang loudly. Numerous runes emerged from the surface of the sword body, and a hot flame rose up, and it surged and rolled up instantly, like a burning torch.

The flames twisted fiercely, as if it were a roaring Fire Dragon, faintly able to hear the sound of the dragon roar!

"Scarlet Dragon Sword!"

Adler who witnessed this scene suddenly changed greatly.

At this moment, Zuo Yi, holding a large sword, overlapped with an image he had seen in his memory.

He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe his eyes!

"You are Dragon Knight Zuo Yi!"

The Black-robed Wizard growled wildly: "Are you not with Demon Witch King Saul perish together in Sadya World? Why are you here, ah ~"

Scarlet Dragon Sword is a legendary Extraordinary weapon. It is said to have been crafted from the bones, teeth and Dragon Crystal of an ancient Fire Dragon, and has incredible power.

But more famous than this big sword is its master-Dragon Knight Zuo Yi!

Zuo Yi is the Knight who has been promoted to the Legendary Rank the fastest since Sadya Plane's recent epoch, and is also the eighth Faith's Virtue Knight.

Although Adler is not a Wizard in Sadya World, he has also heard the famous name of Dragon Knight, and has seen each other's images in the bard's record crystal.

Zuo Yi 's battle at Thorns Town in the Black Mountain Forest has spread a lot of planes, and even Adler, who has been hiding in the Star Tower to secretly dig space channels, has heard of it!

He recognized Zuo Yi as a result.

But Adler didn't feel a little surprised, he was going crazy! !!

Touch the fish and touch the big shark.

Obviously it is only a low-latitude Plane World, who can think of a giant dragon hidden in it!

There are no more rules! !! !!

According to rumors, Zuo Yi broke through the promotion to Sacred Domain in the decisive battle with Saul, forcing the latter to make a big move of perish together.

Now that Zuo Yi is not dead, does that mean that he is facing a Sacred Domain Knight?

Eight Virtues Sacred Knight!

Black-robed Wizard Think about your head bursting!

Zuo Yi was surprised: "Do you know me? Who is your Wizard?"

Dragon Knight Zuo Yi.

The name of speaking of which Zuo Yi was almost forgotten by himself. After choosing to exile himself, he hiked in Sadya World under the True Name of "Zuo Yi" until he returned to Thorns Town.

The costume and casting style of the opponent are quite different from Sadya Wizard, so Zuo Yi guesses that he is not from Sadya World.

If it is from Sadya, the problem is extremely serious!


Adler grinned-knowing Zuo Yi's true identity, all his efforts and efforts were lost.

With five fingers clenched, another silvery white gem on the top of the staff he held stunned the rays of light, and the rune engraved on the staff excited at the same time, and the surrounding space flashed a wave of silver!

Adler went all out to expand his field!

After being promoted to the Legendary Rank, both Knight and Wizard can have their own exclusive fields. The field is equivalent to the force field, and its coverage depends on the strength of the exhibitor himself.

Within the realm, all opponents in the second rank will be severely suppressed and weakened. In some realms, there are attack attributes that can be used to easily destroy a large number of enemies, which is very awesome.

Only domains can compete against domains, or higher-level domains!

Adler's Legendary domain is the space domain. Once Shi is deployed, he can freely teleport within the domain, and the spatial attribute will greatly reduce the attack intensity from the opponent.

Adler doesn't expect the space field to be able to fight Zuo Yi. All he needs is time to activate the Spatial Teleportation array so that he can escape back to his World.

The Black-robed Wizard has made up his mind. As long as he can go back alive, he will report the new plane coordinates to the Tower Alliance as soon as possible, even if he does not get any rewards.

By then, once the Tower Alliance sends out a plane to conquer Legion, how can Zuo Yi's strength be able to withstand it!

His idea is very good, but unfortunately it depends on Zuo Yi agreeing or not.

Adler's space has just begun, and Zuo Yi staggers forward.

At the position where his right foot was stepped on, a halo after another appeared quietly, and suddenly moved towards all around, spreading out, white, red, orange, blue, green, purple, cyan, yellow …

The layers of halo with different colors are stacked on top of each other, and Adler 's space domain collapses and collapses everywhere he goes!

What Zuo Yi does is precisely the knight aura he possessed after he was promoted to Sacred Domain.

A Faith Mark corresponds to a Knight aura. The aura can be cast on top of itself and acts on itself and teammates. The effect and range of the aura are proportional to Knight's strength.

The Knight halo is actually a domain. Zuo Yi owns Eight Virtues, so he can inspire eight auras at a time. Each aura has a special attribute, and then the eight auras are superimposed to form the Sacred Domain.

Sacred Domain is a higher level domain!

Zuo Yi is the first time to use his new skills in actual combat. Although a bit jerky, his power is still powerful.

Adler had already lost Zuo Yi by a big order, facing the Sacred Domain power superimposed by the eight-night Knight aura, he knelt on the spot without any doubt!

Pa! pa!

The two precious stones inlaid on his staff exploded at the same time, the pieces were flying and the sound of bursts was endless, and numerous shocking cracks appeared on the staff.

Under the magic backlash, Adler's eyes, nose, ears, and mouth simultaneously burst with red blood. The entire face was distorted and deformed due to pain, screaming and kneeling on the ground.

The multiple defenses Spell that he had blessed just now also dim the rays of light, which may collapse at any time.

Adler, who has already entered the field of Legendary, actually has a lot of Spell in hand, and his combat experience is also very rich. However, under the suppression of absolute power, he cannot resist at all-Zuo Yi will not give him another chance!

Adler even destroyed the most important staff, unable to control the Spatial Teleportation Formation.

This means he is already dead end!

Zuo Yi stepped in front of Adler, and Scarlet Dragon Sword pointed to the latter's head: "I have a few questions for you, and I hope you answered them truthfully."

Adler knelt down on the ground and hissed his head and asked, "Can you let me go if I answer truthfully?"

He knew exactly what Zuo Yi wanted to ask, and he couldn't help feeling a little more hope.

Who lives to die?

Adler has lived for more than XNUMX years, but he wants to live another XNUMX years!

Zuo Yi looked at the black gas lingering around the other person's body at this time, shook his head and said, "No, I will still kill you."

Under the glorious pressure of the Eight Virtue Sacred Domain, Adler exposed his own camp-evil.

The faction's deadly enemies have no mistakes or let go, not to mention the existence of the other party is also related to the safety of Earth.

So Wizard must die!

"Honesty Virtue, hahaha!"

Adler laughed heartily: "Go to Mad, it's all dead anyway, why should I answer your question?"

"You have succeeded in angering me."

Zuo Yi's eyes became cold: "If you think that I can't take you then, you're totally wrong."

He changed Scarlet Dragon Sword to his left hand, held his right hand and grabbed a golden scroll from the space ring.

Adler's laughter came to an abrupt end.

The Black-robed Wizard stared at the scroll in Zuo Yi's hand, hiding the fear in his eyes: "Light's Judgement?"

Adler's teeth fluttered involuntarily as he spoke.

Zuo Yi slightly smiled: "Guess right, there is no reward."

There is no smile in his eyes!
