Paladin Dad Chapter 94

"Zuo Yi, where are you?"

A slightly anxious voice came from Shang Yulin.

Zuo Yi, who just picked up the phone, answered, "I'm at the door, please help me open the door."


After a while, the door opened and Shang Yulin asked with a stare, "Did you not go out and save the World? Why did you come back so soon, then you saved the World?"

Only a few minutes have passed since Zuo Yi left abruptly and returns now.

Because the lightning flashes and thunder just outside started to rain again, Shang Yulin couldn't help worrying about Zuo Yi, so he called to ask about the situation, but he didn't expect him to come back!

The confused Shang Yulin felt that he wasted his feelings in vain, and could not help saying a few words to Zuo Yi.

No matter how rich her imagination is, it is impossible to believe that Zuo Yi really saved the world.

"All right."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Now the world is peaceful."

Shang Yulin gave him a white look and said, "Come in, we haven't finished the meal yet!"

When Zuo Yi returned to the small restaurant, Liang Xuemei just brought out the soup pot from the kitchen and saw him immediately saying, "Little Zuo, sit down and drink a bowl of sweet ravioli, your favorite Osmanthus wine stuffed meatballs."

"Thank you Master's Wife."

Zuo Yi sat down in the original position and reached out to touch the face of the little girl next to him.

Bao'er blinked and asked, "Father, where have you been?"

Zuo Yi hasn't answered yet, Shang Yulin said for him first: "You father, he went out to save the world, hehehe!"

The more she thought, the more funny.

As a result, Liang Xuemei, who was being sweet, was glaring.

Zuo Yi touched his nose.


The little girl believed it: "Father, is it true?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "en en en."

Shang Yulin saved Zuo Yi's face, but he did not poke it. He passed the bowl for him: "Hurry up."

Bao'er raised his hand: "I want it too!"

This osmanthus wine stuffed meatball looks so delicious, it also smells sweet and sweet.

"you also have."

Liang Xuemei said lovingly, and also served a small bowl for the little girl.

She now likes Bao'er more and more, and she can't wait for Bao'er to become her Granddaughter, so she can love her every day.

She couldn't help saying, "Little Zuo, if you don't want to cook in the future, take Bao'er to Master's Wife's house to eat. Don't eat out often. The food outside is not always clean. Just call me in advance Just fine. "

Zuo Yi to blush with shame: "That's too much trouble for you."

"What's the trouble!"

Liang Xuemei shouted: "I and Yulin also have to eat, how much can it cost to add two more pairs of chopsticks. My body has recovered a lot now. I went to the hospital today to check that the doctor said that the situation is fine. I buy vegetables every day. It's time to exercise when cooking. "

Zuo Yi had to promise that he would bring Bao'er to come for dinner frequently, and Liang Xuemei was satisfied.

After finishing this warm dinner, the heavy rain outside also stopped. Zuo Yi saw that it was almost time and left Liang Xuemei and Shang Yulin to leave.

Liang Xuemei didn't make any extra effort, but told Zuo Yi not to forget what he promised.

Take Bao'er back to Linjiang Old Residence. After the little girl fell asleep, Zuo Yi quietly came to the outside terrace.

The night space was clear at this time, and a bright moon hung above the sky.

The moonlight obscures the starlight, and radiates with the Wan Family lights on earth, and the hustle and bustle of the city under the night is far away.

Zuo Yi turned on Spirit Vision.

The huge and rigorous Net of Law immediately appeared in his vision.

Zuo Yi explored the source of the law and once again saw the huge World Tree-that is the incarnation of World Consciousness.

He stared quietly for a moment, then immediately exited the Spirit Vision state.

The World in front of her immediately recovered.

At this point Zuo Yi was able to determine that World Consciousness really fell asleep.

Although it doesn't have much impact on World itself and Net of Law, it's hard to say that nothing will happen as a result.

World variables have been added.

The next few days were calm and calm. Hangzhou entered its hottest season, and Tianhong Martial Arts Hall ushered in the most lively day since Shang He died.

68 newcomers officially joined Tianhong on August 8st, becoming new students at Martial Arts Hall, bringing the total number of students at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall to 1, restoring the scenery of the Peak period in the past.

The admission ceremony is simple and grand. Shang Yulin personally distributed a new set of Martial Arts clothes to each new student and warmly welcomed them.

"Good Teacher!"

At the end of the ceremony, the new students who put on the Martial Arts uniforms lined up in a neat line, saluting together to the teacher Zuo Yi of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

The Chief Teacher is exactly the new title of Zuo Yi!

Although Zuo Yi is currently still Rank 3, anyone present will not treat him as a Lower Section Swordsman.

These 68 new students are all running for Zuo Yi.

"Hello everyone."

Zuo Yi stood on Martial Arts Arena with a smile, his eyes swept from his young faces: "Welcome everyone to join Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, I hope you have learned here and become a qualified martial artist, thank you. "

Very simple to speak.


The warm applause sounded like a tide!

The loudest applause was undoubtedly Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao who were among the new students.

Just yesterday, the two successfully passed Zuo Yi's assessment and successfully retained their apprenticeship.

There are basically three types of people studying at Martial Arts Hall. The first is the students and the largest number.

Students learn the corresponding martial skills by paying tuition fees. The relationship between Instructor, Teacher and students is a trading relationship.

The second is an apprentice. Apprentices also pay tuition fees, but have a much closer relationship with Teacher.

Apprentices are often able to get extra guidance and instruction, and study for longer and longer periods.

The last type is disciple, which is a true master and disciple relationship with Teacher, and is eligible to get the true biography and even inherit Legacy!

Like Zhang Dahai, it is Shang He's disciple. Zuo Yi used to be Shang He disciple, and it's also True Disciple.

Now Zuo Yi has become a Teacher, in a way it can be regarded as inheriting the legacy of Shang He.

Shang He has left him the Shang Family Sword Manual, which looks like a treasure!

Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao were the first to get started, and their luck was good enough to confuse their apprenticeships.

The newly joined 68 people are not so lucky. They come from the reputation of Zuo Yi, and they can only be students at present.

Of course, if there is a well-know figure that stands out, Zuo Yi will not be too embarrassed to give an apprenticeship or even a disciple.

"Teacher Zuo!"

When Zuo Yi came down from the ring, he was surrounded by new students.

Some of them are close to Zuo Yi, some are flattering, some invite Zuo Yi to eat, and some want to take a group photo.

The genius Martial Arts is still very attractive.

For such a small scene, Zuo Yi coped with it easily. He declined all the students' invitations and came to the Manager's office in Shang Yulin to hide.

Today is a freshman enrollment in Ceremony, and formal teaching will begin tomorrow.

Shang Yulin was still busy outside, so when Zuo Yi entered the room, only Bao'er was there.

Well, you have to add Foodie Ty and rap.

Bao'er was lying on the desk, she held her chin and face with both hands, and tilted her head to look at Pippi intently.

Budgerigar is standing on the table lamp in a spirited manner, telling her story.

"In the garden, each Little Princess has a small place of her own, where she can plant it at will. Some arrange their flower beds like a whale, and some think it is best to arrange their flower beds like A little mermaid. "

"But the youngest person has arranged her flower bed round, like a sun, and at the same time, she only planted flowers that are as red as the sun …"

Budgerigar's voice is crisp and euphemistic, and he brings emotion into his narrative, vividly describing a beautiful fairy tale World.

The little girl was so addicted that she didn't notice the arrival of Zuo Yi at all.

Zuo Yi did not startle her, and stood quietly at the door watching.

Only Pippi's voice echoed in the room: "She is a weird child who doesn't talk much and always thinks about something quietly. When other sisters use the most bizarre things they get from the wreck When decorating their garden, she would only like to have a beautiful marble statue except for the bright red flowers like the high-altitude sun … "
