Paladin Dad Chapter 95

Zuo Yi loves Bao'er. In order to make her happy, she gave her two small partners before and after.

The first small partner was the Bloodline descendant of Tyke, Sadya World Abyss Cerberus. It was sealed in the Space Stone before it was born before it knew her mother, and was brought to Earth by Zuo Yi.

When Tyke broke the seal, the first thing she saw was the little girl. The two instantly established a spiritual resonance and became their best partner.

Tyke is not only Bao'er's playmate, but also Bao'er's Guardian. When Zuo Yi is not around Bao'er, it shoulders the mission of protecting partners, and its significance is extraordinary.

The most important thing is that Foodie Ty has a high grade of adorable power, which has won the favor of Bao'er.

The second partner, Pippi, was an accidental product. It survived the Mercy heart of the little girl, and was inspired by Zuo Yi's Fountain of Wisdom water.

Although this Budgetrigar has been nurtured by the Fountain of Life water and Fountain of Wisdom water at the same time, and continuously moved towards Extraordinary life evolution, it has no fighting ability, so it usually only amuses Bao'er.

And this guy is so noisy that Zuo Yi beats it several times, and rushes him home from time to time to be quiet.

If this situation continues, even if Bao'er is not biased, it is likely to be marginalized at home.

Pippi is undoubtedly aware of this, and now it has successfully found the role of Bao'er's side by relying on his articulate advantage.

"Stop here in the morning."

Little Parrot actually learned to hang his appetite and said, "Will you continue talking in the afternoon?"

If you talk too much at one time and talk too fast, it is easy to increase the audience's expectations and is not conducive to long-term development needs!


Bao'er is still easy to satisfy, and also considers the hard work of small partner: "Pippi, are you thirsty?"


Little parrot nodded like pounding garlic: "Hungry!"

Bao'er immediately picked up the water glass on the table and took out the nuts from his pocket.

Little girl has always envied Zuo Yi's magical ability comparable to Doraemon, and then she usually packed a lot of bits and pieces in her pocket, including feeding Pippi's nuts.

Kernel seeds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios …

Then she can also play Doraemon.

Pippi took a sip of water and a nut, and it was elated, stretching his beautiful feathers proudly.

Tyke, lying under his desk, raised his head indignantly, looking at Sao Pipi's eyes like loyal ministers!


After feeding Pippi with two peanut kernels, Bao'er finally saw Zuo Yi standing at the door.

She quickly jumped down from her chair and flew to the front of Zuo Yi, saying with excitement when she found a new continuous: "Father, Pippi told me a story just now, tell The Little Mermaid, listen well!"

Zuo Yi leaned over to pick her up, reached out and nodded her little nose, said with a smile: "I heard it too, well, it's a good word."

Pippi, who had just swallowed the peanuts, couldn't help but be full of cows-it's really hard to get a compliment from the Great Demon King, and it's hard to read through the books and read the story!

At this moment, it decided to devote all its skills to reading and storytelling.

Fairy Tales Collection, King of Stories, Harry Potter, Classic Chinese Novels, Five Years of College Examination, Three Years of Simulation …

Don't miss it!

"What's good?"

At this time, Shang Yulin was back.

She was so busy with sweat, but she couldn't hide the smile on her face and the look in her eyes, the joy from her heart!

"Elder sister Yulin."

Bao'er explained enthusiastically: "Father boasted that the Pippi story is a good story!"

Show it off again.

"Pippi still tells stories?"

Shang Yulin said with a smile: "That's really amazing."

She's no stranger to the bizarre pets Tyke and Pippi.


Shang Yulin said to Zuo Yi: "You are now the teacher of Martial Arts Hall, and you can upgrade your professional certificate."

Now that Shang Yulin mentioned the business, Zuo Yi put Bao'er down and let her play with Tyke Pippi.

He nodded, "No problem."

Although the professional certification level is irrelevant to Zuo Yi, it still makes sense from the perspective of Martial Arts Hall.

His current Professional Rank is too low. Although it does not affect popularity, there are some obstacles for Tianhong.

For example, many regulations of the Martial Alliance have related requirements-the level is too low, and many affairs cannot participate.

Shang Yulin apologized and said, "Senior from Jiangnan Martial Alliance branch just called me and asked if you have any plans to be assessed recently. They are willing to provide you with customized promotion and assessment services so that you can go directly to the professional Badan! "

According to the regulations of the China Martial Alliance, the martial artist's level assessment must be performed by a designated agency. The amateur five and the first three occupations can be completed in the county-level Martial Alliance branch. Branch in the province.

As for Rank 8 and Ninth, you have to go to Beijing's club to get certified!

This requirement has been in place for a long time. Later, due to the strong response of local branches, the general committee relaxed the restrictions and allowed provincial branches to conduct customized promotion assessments of Rank 8.

But the highest Ninth certification is still at Imperial Capital.

In terms of Jiangnan Martial Alliance branch, mainly considering Zuo Yi's current popularity and influence, he took the initiative to offer customized assessment, otherwise there is no such simple thing.


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Then you tell them, I need the highest two-time certification from Wrestler and Swordsman."

The highest value here refers to the highest ranking that can be certified by the provincial branch.

As for the real top nine, Zuo Yi doesn't matter at all, or say it when I have the opportunity to go to Beijing in the future.

"That's the best."

Shang Yulin said happily, "I'll call them now."

Once Zuo Yi has obtained the dual Rank 8 certification, it will be very helpful for Martial Arts Hall's external publicity. After all, the current Zuo Yi "Martial Arts" name is not officially recognized by the Martial Alliance and cannot be used directly. Advertising.

As for the question of passing the assessment, Shang Yulin completely ignored it-the entire Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall was picked by Zuo Yi singlehanded, but passing the Rank 8 test was a big joke!

She hurried back to the outside and called.

dīng líng líng ~

As a result, Shang Yulin had just left his front foot, and Zuo Yi's own phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. The caller ID was actually "Qin Qin".

Jiangnan Extraordinary City Integration Office of Administration, no, it should be Secretary of Jiangnan Extraordinary Affairs Supervision Office Director!

speaking of which These days, Zuo Yi has almost forgotten this one from the Extraordinary Management Office.

Without the other party actively contacting him, it would be impossible for him to call and ask.

Zuo Yi chose to connect: "Hello, Secretary Qin."

"Hi Mr. Zuo."

Qin Qin's pleasant voice came from the mobile phone: "I'm sorry to have called you for so long. I'm here to inform you that your Advisor application has been approved by the leader of the Extraordinary Management Office.

"Don't know if you have time to come to our Extraordinary Management Office in the afternoon or tomorrow? Because some procedures need to be processed in the office, it will cause you trouble."

It really happened!

Earlier, Zuo Yi just said that he would participate in the Martial Alliance's professional level certification assessment. Now he has to run the Extraordinary Management Office to complete the entry procedures.

Tomorrow Martial Arts Hall will be busy!

"Then afternoon."

Zuo Yi thought about it and said, "I'll be here this afternoon."


Qin Qin said happily, "So Mr. Zuo, do I need to pick you up?"

"No need to."

Zuo Yi wasn't so arrogant: "Is the address on your business card correct? I'll be fine by myself."

When he first met, Qin Qin gave him a business card with a detailed address and contact information.

"Right, then I'll wait for you in the bureau, and call me when you arrive …"

"it is good."

Zuo Yi and Qin Qin continued to talk a few words, and agreed to the meeting time, then ended the call.

Folding up the phone, he could not help exhaling.

I feel that my life is getting more and more busy now, and I don't know if it is good or bad.

In fact, this is also the inevitable situation that Hongchen brushes Faith.

Zuo Yi's eyes could not help but look towards the little girl who was playing with Tyke, and her mood suddenly opened up!
