Paladin Dad Chapter 96

No. 1 Yongan East Road, Shanghu District, Hangzhou.

Zuo Yi stopped on the sidelines in the area marked by the road, and the berths went out and put on their feet.

He stepped off the Harley motorcycle, reached down, took off his sunglasses and hung it on his collar, looking up at the police station building directly in front of him.

This 39-story building seems to be piercing the sky with a sharp sword. It stands towering by the canal. The whole building is tightly wrapped by a dark blue matt curtain wall.

The giant police emblem inlaid on the top corner is shining in the sun and can be seen from far away.

This is the home of the Jiangnan Provincial Police Department.

It is like a Knight, silently guarding the tranquility of this metropolis.

Extraordinary Management Office is in a police station building.

"Mr. Zuo!"

As soon as Zuo Yi came to the front of the building, he saw Qin Qin standing on the stairs and waving enthusiastically.

She greeted quickly and said with a smile: "Hi Mr. Zuo, I welcome you on behalf of the Extraordinary Management Office."

Zuo Yi shook hands with her, said with a smile: "Thank you, Secretary Qin. You don't need to be so kind, Mr. Zuo, you come and go, I'm not used to it."

Qin Qin follows from the good: "Then I call you Advisor Zuo, Advisor Zuo, please come with me."

Zuo Yi understands why the Extraordinary Management Office will send her secretary as a lobbyist-young and beautiful with sweet mouth, self-intimacy and physique, it has a kind of temperament that can kill men, women and children.

Led by Qin Qin, Zuo Yi followed her through two security checks at the police station building, and then boarded the elevator.

Qin Qin introduced: "The sections of our Extraordinary Management Office are set up on the 19th, XNUMXth, and XNUMXth-layers. There are training grounds, testing grounds, shooting ranges, laboratories, and garages on the ground floor. You can go directly to the ground floor in the future. Take the garage up again. "

Paused, she continued: "The restaurant is on the second floor and third floor, and the buffet credit card is free."

Zuo Yi nodded.

Ding ~

While speaking, the two reached the 27th floor.

When the elevator doors opened, the first thing that caught Zuo Yi's eyes was a background wall with blue and white DXCG logos, and a circular arc-shaped front desk with a strong science fiction style.

"Sister Qin Qin."

A young girl in uniform sat inside and saw Qin Qin smiling and greeting her immediately.

Then he looked at Zuo Yi with a curious look.

"Little Ling."

Qin Qin asked familiarly, "Is Director Zhang in the office?"

"I'm here."

Little Ling replied, "Director Zhang has commanded me, and you come in directly to find him."

"Okay, let's talk later."

Qin Qin took Zuo Yi to go inside.

The area here is very large, separating different office areas, the interior decoration is very simple, there is no fancy arrangement, and it is very clean.

It's just that the number of staff is small and seems rather deserted.

Qin Qin took Zuo Yi through a long corridor to the door of an office, and she knocked gently.

"Please come in."

A middle-aged man playing computer in the room.

Seeing Qin Qin and Zuo Yi coming in, he stood up with a smile: "Xiao Qin, I'm waiting for you!"

"Let you wait."

Qin Qin bowed down and explained: "Director Zhang, this is Mr Zuo Yi who came to join Advisor today."

"Hi Mr. Zuo."

The middle-aged man stepped forward and extended his hand to Zuo Yi: "Welcome to the Extraordinary Management Office, my name is Human Resources Department Director Zhang Mingda."

"Hello Director Zhang."

Zuo Yi shook hands with the opponent.

Under close contact, he could clearly feel the special life fluctuation from Zhang Mingda.

Obviously the other party is also a Transcendent!

After some polite greetings, Zhang Mingda asked Zuo Yi to sit down, and then he called a staff member.

The entry procedure is actually very simple.

The Extraordinary Management Office has previously completed a review of Zuo Yi, and now it is mainly a procedure.

The Human Resources Department provided Zuo Yi with an Advisor agreement.

The content of the agreement is not much different from the one Zuo Yi saw last time, but the treatment has been improved. In addition, the agreement period is three years, and the contract will be renewed when necessary.

Zuo Yi saw no problem, and signed his name on it.

Then, the staff collected a fingerprint, palm print and pupil information of Zuo Yi with a bio-recorder brought by them.

This is a required procedure.

After signing the agreement, Zhang Mingda's attitude was more enthusiastic: "Adviser Zuo, we will be colleagues in the future. If you encounter any problems or difficulties, then come to me and I will find a way to help you solve it."

Zuo Yi nodded: "Thank you."

Zhang Mingda also said to Qin Qin: "Xiao Qin, since you brought Advisor Zuo, let you guide you on the job."

Qin Qin sweetly smiled: "Okay."

She blinked at Zuo Yi: "Adviser Zuo, let's go, I'll show you the environment."

Farewell to Zhang Mingda, Zuo Yi and Qin Qin left the office and returned to the elevator.

Just ten minutes later, Zuo Yi couldn't help but say, "It's really efficient."

Qin Qin said with a smile: "Adviser's onboarding is much simpler and faster, and if it is a formal position, it will be a lot of trouble."

Under her introduction, Zuo Yi, who has just become the Special Advisor of the Extraordinary Management Office, has a preliminary understanding of the new unit she has joined.

The Extraordinary Management Office is nominally under the management of the Jiangnan Provincial Police General Administration, but in fact it is an independent agency. The two parties are not a direct subordinate relationship, but a comprehensive cooperative unit.

The Extraordinary Management Office consists of seven sections: general office, special service, investigation, personnel, logistics, experiment and publicity. There are multiple sections under this section. Qin Qin belongs to the secretarial department of the investigation department and currently serves as the secretary of the investigation department director Lu Han.

Today Lu Han just happened to be on a business trip, so Zuo Yi couldn't see the Director.

Qin Qin took Zuo Yi first to visit the various sections of the Extraordinary Management Office, and let him brush his face with the person in charge of the main section.

"Adviser Zuo."

After the visit, Qin Qin said to Zuo Yi with a little embarrassment: "The problem with the Human Resources Department is that you need to know your Extraordinary Type so that you can arrange suitable tasks for you in the future."

Extraordinary Type?

Zuo Yi asked: "Is it the six types of Strengththening, Energy, Nature, Technology, Mental and Mystery?"

This is the information he got from Zhou Hong.

It is only that Zhou Hong has very limited knowledge of Extraordinary World. He does not even know the existence of Extraordinary Management Office, and regards China Extraordinary Federation as the only official Extraordinary organization.


Qin Qin quickly nodded and said, "I'm a Nature Type F-rank Transcendent, my ability is Nature Affinity, and there is no battle strength."

speaking of which she looked a little frustrated.

Not all Transcendents are the existence of Superman. In fact, most Transcendents just awaken some special capabilities, such as Zhou Pu's Platinum Pupil and Qin Qin's Nature Affinity.

If they participate in the battle, their battle strength is even less than that of a professional Wrestler and Swordsman.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Nature Affinity may not have battle strength."

But he did not continue on this topic and asked: "Can you tell me the specific distinction between the six categories of Extraordinary?"

"of course."

For Zuo Yi's question, Qin Qin had to answer it unless she couldn't answer it.

Strengthening Type is the physical Strengththening Transcendent. Aspects of Strengththening can be physical fitness, strength, speed, hearing, vision, smell, perception and even taste.

This type of Transcendent has the largest number and the highest probability of awakening, and is regarded as the main direction of human future evolution.

Energy Type Transcendent controls and utilizes a variety of Energy and elements such as flames, lightning, air, water ice, rock and soil, magnetism, rays, and more.

Nature Type Transcendent has the capabilities of Nature Affinity, animal and plant communication, animal control, and life therapy.

Mental Type Transcendent masters the power of the mind, with the ability to mental attack, mental defense, hypnosis and brainwashing.

Mystery Type Transcendent is the rarest in number, and predicting divination and cursing blessings are their strengths.

The final Extraordinary class is Science Type.

Science Type Transcendent has the ability to surpass the times in the field of Technology. Some of them can make Technology products play a role beyond the scope of design, some can instantly repair damaged Technology products, and some can derive a variety of powerful products from Technology products. Function, even drive the development of entire world Technology!

For different types of Transcendent, the Extraordinary Management Office has different employment strategies, so you need to understand the ability of Zuo Yi.

In fact, Lu Han had previously speculated that Zuo Yi was a Mental Type Transcendent, based on his defeat of Cheng Yuan in a mental confrontation.

But this requires confirmation from Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi thought for a while and responded, "I should be able to be a Strongthening Type Transcendent."


This answer was clearly unexpected by Qin Qin.
