Paladin Dad Chapter 106

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

The original two swords are moved to the corner of the hall, while the fighting ring is moved to the center of the wall, freeing up more space.

Seventy-eight new and old trainees lined up in seven lines, maintaining a sufficient distance from each other, standing Dao Field full.

They wear uniform new Martial Arts clothing, with an average age of around twenty, of which a quarter are women.

In addition to the 10 old students, some of the new students are students who are reading, some are ordinary white-collar workers, some are from other martial arts, and some are even professional martial artists.

They all came here after watching the video of Zuo Yi kicking hall Mountain and Sea. They were fortunate enough to pass the first round of screening of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall and became the first new students of Zuo Yi.

Usually, with their qualifications and conditions, it is simply impossible to become a student of Martial Arts!

Martial Arts is generally not responsible for teaching ordinary students. Selecting apprentices has strict requirements. At most, it is a name in a large Martial Arts Hall, and usually only teaches skills to direct disciple.

Excitement, excitement, excitement, and anticipation, all eyes are focused on Zuo Yi standing on the platform at this moment.

The sights were hot.

Zuo Yi's eyes swept from the young faces of the students one by one, and he could clearly grasp everyone's breath, heartbeat and even emotions.

The quality of these new students is uneven, and most of the materials are mediocre. Normally, even with hard work, it is unlikely that there will be many achievements and achievements in Martial Arts.

But it doesn't matter, whether they are innate talent or different minds, there is not much difference for Zuo Yi.

Because this group of students is the beginning of his preaching in the main world, even if there is only a person who stands out in the end, it is totally worth the effort now.

"From today, I will teach you a basic set of boxing skills."

Zuo Yi said, "I named it Hongwu Boxing. There are XNUMX moves in total. Today you will learn three."

Zuo Yi's voice is calm and powerful, and has the power to make the mind solidify. All the students, old and new, all stare at him with a concentration attention completely, afraid to miss any details without blinking.

"The first move."

The boxing was unnamed, with chests raised, heads raised, legs split, sideways, arms stretched, and fists punched.

The action moves are simple and unobtrusive, and the fist road is straightforward and simple, but after being exhibited by Zuo Yi, there is a kind of solid and powerful that is difficult to describe!

"The second move."

"Third move."

The three strokes are repeated to form a cycle, and the entire routine of recruiting recruits is adopted.

"I'll do it again."

Zuo Yi walked back and forth three times, and then said, "Now you follow me."

Unconsciously, the atmosphere in Yanwu Hall became solemn and solemn, and even those students who were naturally detached and lively closed their mouths tightly and followed Zuo Yi to learn Hongwu Quanshu.

None of them knew that such an atmosphere was deliberately created by Zuo Yi's imposing momentum, the purpose is to keep everyone focused and serious during the learning process, to achieve the effect of twice the results for half the effort!

This approach is already within the scope of Extraordinary.

Zuo Yi rehearsed three times and asked the students to follow up nine more times.

After the practice, he said: "You should have remembered the three techniques of Hongwu Boxing, so the number of exercises today is one thousand times, tomorrow is two thousand times, and the day after tomorrow is three thousand times."

"After three days, I will teach you new moves."

Zuo Yi looks around and has a profound meaning: "The number of exercises per day is not a mandatory requirement. I have given you the opportunity. As for whether you can grasp it, it is your own choice."

The "Hongwu Boxing" just taught by Zuo Yi to the students is actually a combat boxing technique that incorporates the warrior body technique!

This set of boxing skills is not the original of Zuo Yi, but the Martial Arts craftsmanship inherited from several epochs of Sadya World.

Unlike the Knight Body Refining Method and Giant Dragon Breathing Method taught to Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao by Zuo Yi, Warrior Fixation and Fighting Boxing are mainly used to train warriors.

Although Knight has always been the elite and main force of the Empire and Kingdom Legion in Sadya World, any Legion must not lack a large number of fighters.

Warriors are the foundation of Legion, supporting, supporting, logistics, and cannon fodder.

Although a real warrior is not Transcendent, his strength is still far above that of ordinary people. Warrior fixation and combat boxing are the Basic Skills used to train qualified warriors.

The Battle Physique hammer body refinement has strong muscles and strength, and the combat fist cultivates the spirit of bravery. Both of them have already reached the perfect level through the powerhouse modification and adjustment.

So don't look at the Hongwu boxing skills learned by this group of students, it is far worse than Knight Body Refining Method and Giant Dragon Breathing Method, but comparing the tuition fees they paid and the value taught by Zuo Yi themselves, it is already a big profit!

However, Zuo Yi is not a nanny, and will not be upset for their growth. Of course, he will not be beaten, kicked, kicked and whip-educated like the soldier instructors of Sadya World.

He gave the students the same opportunity. Whether he could grasp the opportunity depends on their own efforts and persistence.

Zuo Yi speaks clearly and plainly here!

All the trainees in the Yanwu Hall also heard clearly and clearly.

Everyone dared not have the slightest slack, and immediately began to practice the boxing skills they had just mastered.

Many of them wanted to win the favor and attention of Zuo Yi, so they showed extra hard work and seriousness.

And in such an atmosphere, even if someone feels hard and wants to be lazy and relax, I'm afraid to just think about it.

Zuo Yi stood on the ring with his hands on his back, expression indifferent.

"Hello teacher is handsome!"

The door of the Sword Room opened a gap, and several heads sneaked out, looking curiously.

The top head is from Wang Jiaojiao. She stared at Zuo Yi on the ring, staring at her face, full of worship.

A little idiot.

The middle head is Bao'er's, she is nodded hard.

Father is the most handsome of course!

The head shaking up and down below was from Student Little Qiang-don't be surprised, he was squatting on the ground.

Then Tyke's head was drilled beside him-what are you all looking at? Wang also depends!

Only Pippi didn't come here for fun, and he ate peanuts in the Sword Room.

In fact, their actions did not escape Zuo Yi's eyes at all, but Zuo Yi was too lazy to ignore them.

In addition to his own daughter, although Zuo Yi's skills taught to Sun Qiang Wang Jiaojiao and new students are quite different, they are not at all essential in the purpose of teaching.

His level is really too high.

Everything Zuo Yi has done since joining Tianhong, in addition to helping Shang Yulin revive the splendor of Martial Arts Hall, the most important thing is to cultivate a few Martial Arts seeds and to promote the power of the main world in a subtle way by little by little .

Especially after two exposures to World Consciousness, some of his ideas changed a lot.

This dynamic World is constantly rising, and it has reached the edge of being promoted to a higher Dimension. Therefore, a large number of Transcendents have emerged in just a few decades. The essence of the World dimension enhancement is the enhancement of the World power level. .

However, there is a crisis hidden in the opportunity. From the perspective of Zuo Yi, the power of the main world is still too weak, and what he saw in it last night proved this.

As a member of the main world today, shouldering the responsibility of guarding the main world, Zuo Yi has the obligation and responsibility to do something.

This is also Zuo Yi's nurturing of Earth, which gave birth to him.

But in Earth today, there is a clear distinction between Transcendent and ordinary people. The pattern of the two worlds inside and outside built by the Extraordinary forces and the Martial Arts Alliance is huge and stable.

Under such circumstances, Zuo Yi, who adheres to Virtue Faith, cannot easily break this pattern, or jumps out with his own powerful and unmatched strength to unify Earth, forcing World to run according to his own wishes.

As a consequence of that, he must lose all his Faith and power, and sink completely into darkness.

So Zuo Yi is going to step by step, he also has enough time and patience.

And one day in the future, when Earth successfully promotes to a higher dimension under the influence and drive of Zuo Yi, the Faith might bring him to a higher level of life.

On that day, it is not far from Zuo Yi to realize his biggest dream!
