Paladin Dad Chapter 107

"Junior Brother Zhang …"

After standing on the ring for almost ten minutes, Zuo Yi beckoned to Zhang Dahai: "You come up."

Zhang Dahai is right next to Yantai.

Hearing the summon from Zuo Yi, he did not hesitate to stop the practice and strode over the ring.

When Zuo Yi taught Hongwu Boxing to the students just now, Zhang Dahai was also learning.

As the last disciple of Shang He, the Junior Brother of Shang Yulin, when Zuo Yi just came to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, Zhang Dahai also had the idea of ​​breaking up with Zuo Yi.

But to this day, this naive idea has long been disappeared, all that remains is deep awe of Zuo Yi.

After a fiasco defeat to Xiong Wu of Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall, Zhang Dahai became dumb and doubled his martial arts time every day.

Shang Yulin advised several times and he didn't listen.

Actually Zuo Yi can see that this Junior Brother wants to learn martial skills with himself.

Just because of some inexplicable self-esteem, he didn't speak up.

This is even seen by Shang Yulin.

Although Zuo Yi doesn't like Zhang Dahai's personality very much, but everyone is the same sect, and in Tianhong's most difficult time, he always sticks to Martial Arts Hall. There is no problem in character.

So Zuo Yi also gave Zhang Dahai a chance.

A chance to make him really strong!

"You'll be responsible for training in the future."

Zuo Yi told Zhang Dahai, who just came to power: "Be careful to control the rhythm of your practice."

Today, Zuo Yi teaches Hongwu Boxing for the first time. Like all students, Zhang Dahai has just begun to learn this martial skill, but his comprehension ability is significantly stronger than others, and repeated exercises are the most standard.

This is not to say that Zhang Dahai has the highest innate talent, but that he is Rank 4 Wrestler, who has received Shang He's instruction. Martial Arts has a solid foundation, and then learns the basic skills of Hongwu Boxing. Nature twice the results for half the effort.

Now that there is a foundation, that cannot be grasped under the guidance of Zuo Yi's deliberate momentum. Zuo Yi really has to doubt his IQ.

Zhang Dahai now leads the students to practice on the ring. There is no problem.

Zhang Dahai swallowed saliva and said, he nodded hard: "I understand!"

Many students are unable to control the rhythm at the beginning of their training, which can easily cause injury to the muscle membrane or excessive physical exertion. Zuo Yi's task is to properly guide the students in this regard.

For Zhang Dahai, who is the Instructor of the Martial Art Museum, it belongs to the scope of his job, so there is no problem.

After agreeing, he could not help asking: "Senior Brother, do you really want to practice a thousand times today?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Do what you can, not mandatory."

Zhang Dahai is nodded again.

Zuo Yi reached out and pats his shoulder: "It's up to you."

Zhang Dahai was silent for a moment and suddenly said, "Senior Brother, thank you!"

This is the second time Zhang Dahai said thank you to Zuo Yi. The last time was when Zuo Yi returned from the Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall kicking hall.

He thanked Zuo Yi for giving him a chance.

Zhang Dahai understands how precious such an opportunity is!

Zuo Yi smiled: "You're welcome."

Martial Arts Arena was given to Zhang Dahai, and Zuo Yi came down to Sword Room.

In the Sword Room, Sun Qiang is practicing basic sword techniques, Wang Jiaojiao is practicing Knight Body Refining Method, Bao'er is waving Dragon Blood Wood Sword, and Tyke and Pippi are cheering for her.

They were all serious, as if they were hiding in the door just now and it wasn't them who were watching the fun.

Zuo Yi did not pierce, and sat down comfortably in the chair next to him.


Wang Jiaojiao immediately ran over and offered his diligence: "I pour you tea."

She skillfully mentioned the hot water bottle resting on the corner, and soon brewed Zuo Yi a large, fragrant red robe.

This top grade big red robe is still Wang Jiaojiao's secret collection of his father to pay respect to Zuo Yi.


Zuo Yi held up the tea cup and tasted it.

Although the taste of the Top Grade large red robe is not as good as the ancient tea nourished by Fountain of Life water, it is not bad.

Wang Jiaojiao grinned: "Teacher, you've worked hard, I'll help you memorize it."

If her dad had seen this scene, he would have vomited three blood-his daughter had never been so filial to herself!


However, Zuo Yi stopped eating horseshit: "Go and practice well, don't be lazy by relying on your own innate talent."


Wang Jiaojiao stuck his tongue out and continued to practice obediently.

Zuo Yi put down the tea cup and showed her face to the little girl. Grandma smiled: "Baby is not tired, let's drink saliva first."

This time, Wang Jiaojiao secretly vomited blood: why, why are all beautiful genius girls, so badly treated?

The Lun family is also very patient!

Bao'er wiped the fine sweat from his forehead and raised his head and said, "I'm not tired, I can practice for a little longer."

woof woof!

Tyke dog leg next to: Bao'er mighty, Bao'er is the best!

Bao'er gave it an admiring smiley face.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Well then, you can practice for a while, rest and drink water when you are tired, take your time slowly."

While speaking, the door of Sword Room was pushed open again.

Here comes Shang Yulin: "Are you free? Let me talk to you."

"Then let's talk in the office."

Zuo Yi raised his tea cup and drank it. He got up and went to Shang Yulin's office with Shang Yulin.

After the two sat down, Shang Yulin asked, puzzled, "You have the new students practice a thousand times today and two thousand times tomorrow. Can they do it?"

Just now Shang Yulin also watched it. Although it is said that Zuo Yi Instructor's three strokes are quite simple, it can not be easily done even if it is a professional martial artist!

So she had the same questions as Zhang Dahai.

"It doesn't matter if it can be done …"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "This is just a small test. I mainly want to know what the will of these new students is."

Without tenacious and tenacious will, you cannot become a true martial artist!

With Spirit Vision, although Zuo Yi can directly judge the innate talent situation of new students, Spirit Vision cannot see the willpower.

Some people seem to be cowardly and honest, but they have tenacious perseverance and dare to face difficulties in the face of obstacles. Some people are stubborn on the surface and easily collapse and escape from setbacks.

Faced with an impossible goal, Nature will have students retreat and even resentment. Certainly, students will strive to persist in brave challenges, regardless of success or failure.

The results must be very different.

This small test can help Zuo Yi screen out a group of talents that can be created as quickly as possible.

Practicing Hongwu Boxing, a combination of Sadya World warrior body training and combat boxing, is even more important than innate talent.

When Zuo Yi came out of the Sword Room just now, he noticed that some students began to slacken in practice.

How long has it been!

The reason is actually very simple-it's not Zuo Yi but Zhang Dahai who supervises on the ring.

They are in awe of Martial Arts Zuo Yi, not Martial Arts Hall Instructor Zhang Dahai.

And this kind of person who likes seize every opportunity is destined to have no future and future at Martial Arts!

Shang Yulin nodded didn't ask any more, because she knew that Zuo Yi must have her own intentions. All she could do as the Hall Master of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall was to give Zuo Yi the greatest trust and support.

"Don't forget to complete the Rank 8 certification at the Martial Alliance at XNUMXpm …"

Shang Yulin reminded: "The appointment has been made, and the two assessment teachers invited by the Martial Alliance Jiangnan branch have arrived."

"Do not worry."

Zuo Yi said, "I will be there on time."

The Martial Alliance high-ranking eight certification is actually optional to Zuo Yi, but because it is important to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall and the active contact from Jiangnan branch, he has decided to take a trip.

Get it all in one go, and get the Rank 8 certification for both fighting and sword techniques.

"That's good."

Shang Yulin said, "Yes, it 's getting hotter and hotter now, you should buy a car. You ca n't drive a motorcycle with Bao'er every day, right? It 's windy, rainy and inconvenient. Is not safe for Bao'er. "

"As for the car purchase, Martial Arts Hall can pay you a share first!"

Teacher's share is normally paid after the semester ends, but Zuo Yi is completely different.

In fact, with Zuo Yi's protection, Bao'er could not have any safety issues at all, but he felt that Shang Yulin made sense, after all, no matter how much the car is more convenient than the motorcycle.

Zuo Yi also has a car license.

He said with a smile: "I can't worry about it, I don't lack money now, I will buy a car tomorrow."
