Paladin Dad Chapter 122

Zuo Yi didn't move.

He allowed the sudden silhouette to fall on himself and hugged his thigh tightly.


Holding tightly to Zuo Yi was a skinny girl who was six or seven years old. She was wearing a floral skirt covered with dust and broken grass, her face was full of dirt mixed with tears and black soil, and hissing screamed exhaustedly: " Big brother, run away! "

Cheng Yu, the younger sister who fled into Xiaoqingshan with Cheng Hao, is only seven years old this year.

Zuo Yi discovered her existence long ago.

The little girl screamed and opened her mouth to bite Zuo Yi's thigh.

However, even if her big teeth were broken, it was impossible to bite the slightest bit of Zuo Yi, which was totally futile.

But she did not give up.

"Light rain, cough cough!"

Cheng Hao coughed violently, and coughed up a lot of blood, and hissed, "You don't care about me, you will be fine when you are young, you have to be obedient, cough cough!"

"I don't, I don't want to listen!"

Cheng Yu can't bite Zuo Yi, so he fists hard with his fist, trying to stop Zuo Yi from hurting his big brother.

She cried while crying: "Scoundrel, you are scoundrel, you are all big screlrel!"

In the heart of this little girl, her big brother is the only good person in the world, who is really good to her.

The Zuo Yi Nature that hurt the big brother is scoundrel.

Zuo Yi shook the head.

"Please don't hurt the light rain …"

Cheng Hao struggled to sit up, his naked body shivering.

He trembled and said, "I killed everyone, I confessed my sins and had nothing to do with Xiao Yu!"

Zuo Yi looked down at the little girl who was still working hard with herself, nodded.

He threw his suit and threw a suit over Cheng Hao, saying, "Put on and follow me."

Zuo Yi's space ring often has a few sets of clothes. After returning to Earth, I bought a few more to add.

After all, apart from playing Cosplay, Sadya World's clothing is not suitable for wearing on Earth.

Cheng Hao was transformed into a cheetah in the previous battle, so his clothes were all torn and he couldn't continue wearing them.

Although he doesn't have any good feelings for Cheng Hao, even if the other party is an outrageous criminal, Zuo Yi is still willing to give him basic respect as a person until the conviction is formally tried.

This is Honor and Uprightness as Knight!

Pause, Zuo Yi added: "You can go with your younger sister and I believe she will be taken care of properly."

"Thank you."

Cheng Hao was completely calm at this time.

Putting on his clothes and pants slowly, he helped Dashu to stand up hard.

He has lost the power of Extraordinary, and is now so weak that even ordinary people are not as good.

"big brother !"

Cheng Yu finally gave up the attack on Zuo Yi and burst into tears in the arms of Cheng Hao: "I don't want to leave you!"

"Will not."

Cheng Hao touched her withered hair, lovingly, and said, "The big brother will always be with you!"

There was a hint of Mercy in Zuo Yi's eyes.

His Mercy was only for Cheng Yu, who was about to lose his last loved one, not Cheng Hao, who was even a five-year-old girl.

In fact, with Cheng Hao's ability, his future is infinitely bright. Even if there are any grievances, he can justly and honorably recover justice, but he chose the most extreme way to return.

This is probably the so-called personality determines fate.

Similar characters, Zuo Yi have seen more than one time, never good end.


Under the escort of Zuo Yi, Cheng Hao led the younger sister step by step down Xiaoqingshan.

At this point there were already a dozen more police cars and two ambulances flashing.

After seeing Zuo Yi leading people down, a large number of police officers gathered around immediately.

"big brother !"

Cheng Hao was put on special handcuffs and fetters without resistance. A policewoman pulled Cheng Yu away from him, who was desperately struggling to cry.

No one noticed that her fingers showed sharp claws at the same time, and the pupils of her eyes suddenly erected!

Except Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi stepped forward, and reached out and pressed gently on top of her head.

Cheng Yu immediately passed out.

"You promised me!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Hao thought that Zuo Yi had acted a poisonous hand on the younger sister and couldn't help going crazy.

"I'm helping her."

Zuo Yi said coldly, "Do you want her to be like you?"

Cheng Hao is dumb.

He took a deep look at Zuo Yi and allowed the police officer to take him into a police car with a prison cage.

Zuo Yi was sighed gently.

"Adviser Zuo …"

At this time, Qin Qin came over and said, "Tough work for you."

She came with the Extraordinary Management Office support team.

Zuo Yi asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

Qin Qin explained very seriously: "I'm your liaison now and I need to be responsible for you. Today is your first time participating in the mission, of course I have to come and see!"

Zuo Yi laughed abruptly: "Tough work for you."

Qin Qin could not help rolling his eyes.

She keenly noticed that Zuo Yi's gaze was still on Cheng Yu's body and said, "You don't have to worry about her, the police will send her to a child welfare agency for placement."

The Extraordinary Management Office secretary sighed, "It's too bad."

A family of ten was completely destroyed, and only one lonely little girl remained in the family—Cheng Hao, who caused the extinguish sect tragedy, was mortal.

Thinking about it makes people sigh.

"Ordinary child welfare agencies may not."

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you don't know. She's also a Transcendent, she just woke up."


Qin Qin suddenly startedled: "Really?"

"of course it's true."

Zuo Yi replied affirmatively: "The Extraordinary Management Office should have a detection method, and the test will know the results."


Qin Qin said quickly: "Then I have to ask the Leader to follow the normal procedure. Since it is an awakened Transcendent, she must make another arrangement."

"That you're busy."

Zuo Yi didn't care about the program of the Extraordinary Management Office, saying, "I'm going back first, my daughter is still waiting for me at home."

Qin Qin nodded: "Okay."

Saying goodbye to Qin Qin, Zuo Yi was about to get in the car and leave, and a few special soldiers hurried around.

Don't get me wrong, they didn't come to Zuo Yi.

"Adviser Zuo!"

The young player just said excitedly, "Thank you for saving us Captain. I want to invite you to drink!"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "This is what I should do. Drinking is avoided, and your kindness is in my heart."

The players look at each other in shock, but they can't force it.

The young team member said, "Can you leave me a contact?"

Zuo Yi thought about it, or told the other party's own mobile phone number before he could get away.

Driving Dache, he returned to Linjiang Old Residence.

It 's just that it 's not official duty to come back, so I took off the police lights and drove at the prescribed speed, so it took a lot longer to go home.

But all together, Zuo Yi did not leave home for more than an hour.

In his heart, he always remembered the little girl at home.

Park your car in the garage, come into the yard through Small Sect, and see Bao'er and Foodie Ty playing the game of chasing after you around the Camphor Tree, having fun.


Seeing Zuo Yi's return, Bao'er rushed over and flew into his arms.


Zuo Yi leaned over with a smile and hugged her, kissed fiercely and asked, "Do you love father?"

At this moment he remembered the little girl named Cheng Yu in his heart.

Since returning to Earth and having a daughter around him, Zuo Yi's heart has also become much softer.

Bao'er simply answered, "Love!"

Zuo Yi teases her: "How much love?"

Bao'er is firm: "I love very much!"

Zuo Yi eyes shined: "How much is that love?"

Bao'er opened his arms in his arms, as if hugging the entire world: "Love as big as the sky!"


Zuo Yi couldn't help but kiss again and asked with a smile: "Who told you the answer?"

He was really cute.

Bao'er pointed to Pippi who had just flown over, and said, "I heard it from the story that Pippi told me. This story is very long, very long, very nice!"

Zuo Yi wondered, "What's the story?"

Before waiting for the little girl to answer, Pippi replies first: "Star father Baby girl!"
