Paladin Dad Chapter 123

At XNUMX pm, Zuo Yi received an Extraordinary out of control investigation report from Qin Qin.

It was only more than two hours before Cheng Hao was arrested at this time, but because he cooperated with the interrogation and the information provided by Jinshan Village, he had compiled the preliminary findings.

The grievances between Cheng Family and the victim Dai family existed many years ago. The most intense conflict was ten years ago, when Dai family occupied the home base of the Cheng Family while building the house.

Compared to the crowded Dai family, the Cheng Family is not an opponent at all. As a result, Cheng Hao's father was injured by Dai family's eldest son.

Cheng Hao was just in junior high school at that time.

Although Cheng's father was not seriously injured, the Dai family also paid a price and lost a lot of money. Not to mention, the Dai family eldest son was detained for half a month, and the hatred between the two sides deepened.

The matter of Cheng Family being taken away from the homestead is not over.

The grumpy Cheng father had been bitter about this, and died of sudden cerebral hemorrhage three years later.

When Cheng's father died, Cheng's mother was still pregnant with Cheng Hao's younger sister.

Cheng Yu was born a few years later, just the day after Cheng Hao's 18 years old birthday, Cheng Mu committed suicide due to depression.

This hit Cheng Hao badly. He gave up the college he had just enrolled in and chose to farm at home and take care of his younger sister.

Today, the cause of the outbreak was that when Cheng Yu was playing in the village, Toy was taken away by Dai's little grandson, and when she wanted to recapture it, she was seen by Dai Third Old Third.

Dai Family Old Third fanned Cheng Yu and slapped her with a slap, calling her a dead species with no father or mother.

When Cheng Hao learned that his younger sister had been bullied, the Dai family ushered in a sect-destroying disaster!

A Transcendent's anger erupted, and ordinary people were powerless to resist.

According to Cheng Hao's preliminary confession, his awakening was probably a year ago.

At that time, Cheng Hao often went to Xiaoqingshan to collect medicine ingredients, mushrooms, and other mountain treasures. Occasionally, he also picked up wild game such as pheasant and hare, and suddenly one day found that he had a special ability.

At the beginning, Cheng Hao was very frightened by this, and slowly adapted and got used to it. He quietly exercised his own ability in the deserted Xiaoqingshan, and even the younger sister Cheng Yu did not disclose anything.

Until Cheng Yu was slapped and kicked by Dai Family Old Third!

As for how he was awakened, Cheng Hao himself was inexplicable. It felt like someone suddenly instilled a lot of Extraordinary knowledge into his mind, letting him grasp the relevant Extraordinary skills a little bit.

It's just that his Extraordinary ability has been completely destroyed, and even the Extraordinary knowledge has disappeared from memory.

The Extraordinary Bureau re-evaluated the Extraordinary runaway time and determined it to be a D-Rank event.

Zuo Yi, as the solver of the incident, will get the corresponding reward.

After reading this rather detailed preliminary investigation report, Zuo Yi put down his phone and thoughtfully touched his chin.

He felt like he was overlooking something.

At this time, a pair of small hands quietly reached out from behind Zuo Yi, covering his eyes.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Don't guess I know you too!"

The little girl behind laughed and drew into his arms: "father."


Zuo Yi hugged his little cotton jacket and asked, "After listening to the story told by Pippi?"

"Pippi is not finished yet."

Bao'er grumbled and said, "I'm a little tired. Take a break."

Zuo Yi had an idea and said, "The father will make you a big toy."

Listening to stories all day will be boring!

Bao'er really got interested: "What toy?"

"Temporarily confidential."

Zuo Yi laughed and said, "You stay at home obediently, father will buy some materials to come back and do it for you, soon."


Bao'er expects nodded hard.

So Zuo Yi left the house again, but this time he didn't run very far and bought some materials in town.

So he came back soon.

Zuo Yi brought back the logs, a European lounge chair and accessories such as stainless steel chains, cable hooks, bolts and more.

Just under the big Camphor Tree, he set up a swing frame with five rough logs, and then hung the lounge chair with rusty steel chains, cable hooks and bolts.

A solid and reliable swing hanging chair was announced, and it only took more than half an hour.

For Zuo Yi, a rune master craftsman, doing such a job is a piece of cake.

But for Bao'er, it was definitely a big surprise.

"Father father!"

She yelled happily, spinning around the swing chair and couldn't wait to yell: "I want to ride on the swing, I want!"

Zuo Yi laughed and wiped off the dust on the lounge chair and hugged the little girl.


Bao'er moved his small butt and leaned himself comfortably on the chair, showing a sweet smile: "So comfortable."

Zuo Yi gently pushed the lounge chair back and forth.


Bao'er was shocked and happy, and crisp laughter echoed in the yard.


Tyke ran over, squatting in front and curiously watching the little girl swinging.

Bao'er opened his arms to it: "A'Ty, come!"

Tyke took a half step back, and Suddenly jumped up at the right time, falling right in her arms.

"A'Ty is awesome!"

Bao'er gave Foodie Ty a kiss and let it take advantage of it.

"Bao'er, here I come!"

The rappet flew over to make fun and landed on the swing frame, above Bao'er's head.


Tyke: Get out!

Pippi Squint: No birds, no rolls!

Tyke: This is the dead end of the bird, Wang …

In the end, before it was threatened, he was gently touched by Bao'er. After a few touches, he just had to give him a favor.

The setting sun shines on the Zuo Family Old Residence. The golden sun shines through the lush canopy of the Camphor Tree and falls on the ground of the yard, casting a light and shadow.

Zuo Yi pushed the swing chair, and Bao'er hugged Tyke and sat with a smile on his eyes, all so beautiful!

Zuo Yi would like everyone in the world to have such beauty, but no matter how strong his power is, he cannot wipe away people 's Evil Thought desires—just as darkness always exists with light!

At night, after Bao'er fell asleep, Zuo Yi quietly came to the outside balcony.

He moved towards the southwest, gazing quietly at the distant night-covered ground, and then leapt upright.

A pair of almost transparent white golden wings spread silently behind Zuo Yi.

Wings of Light!

The next moment, Zuo Yi went straight into the sky, climbing to 1000 meters in the air, and immediately moved towards Xiaoqingshan!

It only took less than two minutes for him to visit the sky above Xiaoqingshan, overlooking this mountain.

After reading the incident investigation report from the Extraordinary Management Office in the afternoon, Zuo Yi felt faint.

Because Cheng Hao's ability is too strong-relative to ordinary Transcendent.

He only awakened for only one year, and possessed the archery and hidden ability of achieved perfection, and was able to perform wild beast metamorphosis. His battle strength was high in the ranks of D-Rank.

Not only Cheng Hao himself, his younger sister also awakened a similar ability.

Coupled with Cheng Hao's confession, after careful analysis, Zuo Yi judged that there might be another mystery in this mountain!

As for whether the judgment is correct, he needs to come and verify it himself.

The altitude was lowered, and Zuo Yi hovered in the air, urging Mental Power to inspire Spirit Vision.

This time he took the effect of Spirit Vision skills to the utmost. The dark eyes blinked the rays of light intertwined with silver and golden, and the range of exploration swept through the mountains and rocks into the mountains.

A dark green glow buried deep in the ground suddenly appeared in his Spirit Vision!

found it!

Zuo Yi moved towards the target without hesitation, dived down, and instantly penetrated the barrier of the mountain canopy, landing on the piece of mountain region steadily.

Tonight a large cloud covered the moon, the forest was dark, countless leaves falling down one after another, and there was a faint smell of corruption in the air.

Zuo Yi's eyes flickered, and he lifted his right foot and slammed heavily: "Get out of me!"


The shaking on the ground was more violent than the "War Stomp" that he had forced Cheng Hao to appear before, as if the entire small green mountain was shaking for it, making the birds and beasts perched in the mountain forest feel distress and fleeing.

Bang bang bang!

Around Zuo Yi, a pile of mounds arched and exploded at the same time, and dark green vines thick like python burst out of the soil, moving violently towards him from all around.

The unknown being buried deep in the ground is completely angered!
