Paladin Dad Chapter 131

As the so-called night owls come into the house, nothing comes. Zuo Yi has guessed about the purpose of this group.


He said calmly, "Are you doing anything?"

"Hi Mr. Zuo."

The smile of the middle-aged man became even more enthusiastic. He took a business card from the side OL girl and politely presented it with both hands: "Surprising surnamed Xu is the chief business negotiator of the joint development company of Jiangnan New City. It's my business card. "

Zuo Yi took a glance at the business card, and his name was Xu Huaijin.

After a deep groan, he asked straightforwardly: "Are you guys trying to buy my land?"

When Zuo Yi returned from Sadya World, Uncle Zhong told him about the relocation of Linjiang City, and then Ding Xu reminded him specifically that it was Jiangnan New City.

According to Ding Xu, Jiangnan New City's investment is as high as tens of billions of dollars. The nature of the investor's origin is huge, and Ding Xu Boss's bosses are not eligible to get water in it.

Once the Linjiang City area is developed on a large scale, this Feng Shui treasure ancestor of Zuo Yi cannot be ignored.

At that time Zuo Yi not at all cared, and then suddenly Bao'er was added, so I quickly left this thing behind.

Unexpectedly, there are so-called business negotiators coming today.

Xu Huaijin laughed and said, "Mr. Zuo, can we go in and talk?"

Zuo Yi said lightly, "No."

If the visitor is a kind visitor, even a stranger, Zuo Yi doesn't mind asking him to have a cup of tea.

He traveled to Sadya as a modern man, and achieved eight Virtue Sacred Domain Knights in the high-dimensional World. This is certainly not lacking in mind.

But if the other party has speculation, then Zuo Yi does not need to pretend to be polite, and hold his nose to tell what is polite.

He doesn't have a humble, polite Virtue Faith!

The other party was polite and polite on the surface, and his attitude was impeccable, but Zuo Yi saw through the false mask he wore on his face at one glance, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him at all.

Xu Huaijin's smile froze.

Before visiting the house, he researched Zuo Yi's information and was very confident in winning Zuo Yi.

Although the land currently owned by Zuo Yi is not in Linjiang City, the location is excellent. If Jiangnan New City is regarded as a giant ship about to sail, then this is the bow!

Of course, Xu Huaijin didn't dare to say that he had the certainty to win. He was seriously prepared for the possible problems, but did not expect Zuo Yi's attitude to be so cold-hearted.

He immediately realized that his judgment on Zuo Yi was biased.

Thousands of thoughts instantly turned in his mind, and Xu Huaijin smiled again: "That's my pretense, I'm really sorry."

He lowered his posture very low.

This is normal for Xu Huaijin, because if he can talk to Zuo Yi about this sale, then the rewards he earns will be enough to spend more than ten or even decades.

So don't say you won't let in, even if Zuo Yi is now letting him kneel down and lick the soles, he will be very willing!

However, Zuo Yi does not eat this set at all: "You don't need to say sorry to me, I will tell you directly, my land is not for sale, and I will not sell it for any amount of money, so I advise you to die for this Heart, don't waste time with me. "

Xu Huaijin smiled unchanged: "Mr. Zuo, I think everything has a price, you don't want to listen to my offer?"

Zuo Yi said, "You can go back."

Zuo Yi's attitude was so tough, making Xu Huaijin's smile a little unsustainable: "Mr. Zuo…"

"Can't you understand people?"

Zuo Yi without the slightest hesitation interrupted: "Now, please leave!"

"What if we don't leave?"

A man in a suit who followed Xu Huaijin couldn't help but said, "Do you still want to do something?"

There was a tinge of light on the corners of his lips, and his scornful look towards Zuo Yi couldn't even cover it with sunglasses.

Ka-cha !

Next, the disdain in the eyes of the man in the suit turned into a shock!

Because Detective Zuo Yi grabbed a brand new shotgun, his wrist shook to complete the loading action!

No one can see how this gun weapon appeared, and no one knows where it was hidden by Zuo Yi just now. Whether it is two suit men or Xu Huaijin and OL girl, they all changed their faces.

The suit man who mocked Zuo Yi couldn't help but take a step back.

He instantly recognized that the guy in Zuo Yi's hand was the well-known Remington M870. Listening to the sound of the gunload, he knew that it was a real guy, not a bluffing toy!

China's management of firearms has always been strict, and suddenly seeing such a weapon, several people were suddenly afraid.

Zuo Yi said lightly, "Get out."

Xu Huaijin rolled away immediately, and returned to the car with his assistant and two men in suits as fast as possible: "Walk, walk!"

Xu Huaijin cherishes his life very much. If Zuo Yi suddenly blows him with a brain shot, even if someone can make Zuo Yi pay the due price afterwards, what can he do?

Life is his own, and no matter how much money is spent, it's ridiculous, and he wants to be clear!

"This crazy man!"

It wasn't until the Audi car drove several hundred meters away that it was safe. Xu Huaijin, who was sitting in the back seat, wiped his cold sweat and cursed: "Where did he get the shotgun, it's his mother!"

His soul was scared just now.

The female assistant next to her had a lingering fear and doubts: "It wouldn't be a frightening fright?"

"Absolutely genuine!"

Sailor man driving solemnly: "America goods of Righteous Sect cannot be bought in China."

"That's smuggling firearms!"

The female assistant suddenly eyes shined: "This is a big sin, as long as we report his hidden weapons and see how he dies!"


Xu Huaijin slammed his thigh: "This is the door handle!"

Although he failed to win Zuo Yi, that grabbed such a big handle, playing Zuo Yi with the Energy of the corporation should not be too easy, and just and honorable.

He also counted as a success.

The female assistant took out her cell phone and said, "I'll call the police now."

"Do not!"

Xu Huaijin held her down and said, "I report to it first, and if I catch him, I will get his personal stolen money.

He picked up his cell phone and hurried out of the number to dial.

At this time, Zuo Yi held Remington and stood at the door watching the Audi car fall into the desert.

He is coldly smiled.

Three hundred years after the founding of China, the government system of the kingdom has changed a few times, and the constitutional laws have been continuously modified, but one rule has never changed: private property is sacred and inviolable!

The land under Zuo Yi's feet is an ancestral product of the Zuo Family. In theory, he can expel unwelcome people at will, and has the right to defend the illegal Intruder.

I have to say that firearms and weapons are really good at some times. I scared a few of the persecutors and scared my pants.

Zuo Yi put away Remington and turned back home.

But at the same time he was also very clear that this matter must not be over, and the other party would never give up.

Zuo Yi is also ready for this.

Zuo Yi does not like to get into trouble, but he is never afraid of trouble. Whoever exceeds the bottom line of Zuo Yi's tolerance, then Zuo Yi will let him know what regret is!

Virtue Knight is not Holy Mother, and Zuo Yi's Faith's Eight Virtues is the result of careful selection. He didn't know how many enemy corpses were trampled along the way. He never feared any challenge.


Bao'er is still listening to Pippi's storytelling. Because A'Gu applied sound insulation, she didn't know what was happening outside, and moved towards Zuo Yi, who just returned, opened her arms and said, "Where have you been?

"Father is something."

Zuo Yi smiled and nodded her little nose, and said, "You're tired of watching Pippi, let it rest. How about going upstairs to watch TV?"


Bao'er reached out and touched Budgetrigar on the hanging chair: "Pippi, it's hard, let's go watch TV!"

Pippi clutched her palm intimately, making the little girl giggling.

"Really clever."

Zuo Yi lifted her from the hanging chair: "Go."

Watching Bao'er take Tyke and Pippi back upstairs with joy, Zuo Yi waved his hand to A'Gu to follow up.

Then he sat back in the chair and continued drinking tea.

Before a large pot of red robe was finished, Gargoyle crouching on the Camphor Tree sent a warning.

Zuo Yi heard siren from far and near.

He didn't feel any surprise, and he got up in a hurry and walked out the door again.

The battle this time back is great-the first two police cars with flashing lights are on the way, the third is a black special war armored car, and the last one is an Audi car that goes back and forth!

Zuo Yi watched calmly as a dozen police officers and heavily armed special combatants got off the car.

The special squad that just got off the bus discharged the battle formation and quickly rounded towards Zuo Yi. The special squad rushed to the front to see Zuo Yi standing in front of the door.

"Adviser Zuo?"

This is a coincidence!

Zuo Yi couldn't help saying with a smile: "It's me."


The young special warrior immediately put away his weapon and shouted, "I'm wrong, this is my own!"

His words didn't fall, and the other special warriors stunned: "Adviser Zuo!"

"Really Advisor Zuo!"

"Hahaha, today it was the flood that drove the Dragon King Temple!"

"Who reports false alarms, go back and choke him!"


It was just the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent, and they met in an instant, and they were very harmonious, so several police officers who did not understand the complete truth looked at each other in shock.

The special warriors surrounded Zuo Yi and greeted him cheerfully!

They were the XNUMXrd Operation Team of the Flying Leopard Special Forces who had been rounding up Cheng Hao in Xiaoqingshan last time. Although they are not in Gaogang now, all the players who were rescued by Zuo Yi are all there.

There is also a young special warrior who uses Zuo Yi as an idol-Ren Zhanpeng.

After catching Cheng Hao, I thank Zuo Yi for saving Zhan Peng, Gao Gang, and asked him for contact information. He wanted to invite Zuo Yi to drink.

I did not expect to meet again in this way today!