Paladin Dad Chapter 132

? ? ? ?

Four question marks popped up in the Audi car at the same time.

Although I didn't dare to get too close, the scene at the gate of Zuo Family Old Residence, the four people in the car still saw clearly.

They were all stunned-what the hell happened!

Especially Xu Huaijin, his eyes almost protruded out of his eyes, and the whole person was choking.

He reported the application to the above, then stood in Linjiang City and waited, and soon saw the elite staff sent by the police.

China attaches great importance to gun-related cases and directly dispatched the Flying Leopard Special Forces.

Xu Huaijin thought that Zuo Yi was dead this time, and quickly followed to watch the good show, but I did not expect to really see a good show!

Police people fish and water situation?

The scenario he envisioned was this: Special forces surrounded the Zuo Family and shouted for surrender. Zuo Yi either raised his hands up and was fiercely pressed to the ground, or he stubbornly resisted the special forces who were knocked in by the door.

No matter which result can help him achieve his goal, of course, the result of the killing on the spot is the most ideal.

I did not expect that the members of the Flying Leopard Special Team even knew Zuo Yi. The two sides even talked and laughed very close!

"I'm afraid this person's identity is not simple."

The man in a suit in charge of driving said with a bitter smile: "He should have a legal gun license, which is probably related to the police system, and we all underestimated his identity."

It's up to you! !!

Xu Huaijin listened to beating, but his own face had been swollen.

As the so-called fan of the authorities, at that time, thinking that he had seized Zuo Yi's big handle, he thought of winning a great job without fighting. Without careful consideration of other possibilities, he made a big oolong.

Xu Huaijin feels that his post of chief representative is shaky.

In the final analysis, his judgment of Zuo Yi was wrong, and the investigation of Zuo Yi was not thorough enough, which led to a serious disregard of Zuo Yi and at least shouldered most of the responsibility.

But then again, even knowing Zuo Yi is not easy. After seeing him take out his shotgun, Xu Huaijin still chooses to report to the police-how can he know the weight of Zuo Yi without trying? It is also the duty of citizens to report illegal acts!

Zuo Yi is always a fact, right?

He tried to comfort himself in his heart and said flatly, "Let's go!"

I have to go back and investigate again. I can't make mistakes anymore, otherwise …

Xu Huaijin shivered subconsciously.

He reluctantly looked at Zuo Yi for a final glance and raised the window glass.

The Audi turned quietly.

At this time Zuo Yi also noticed the departure of this car, but didn't care-it was just a few clowns!

He just took out his Advisor card and gun permit to the police officers who came to investigate.

At the same time, it briefly explains what happened.

Zuo Yi doesn't need to deny anything at all, his approach is completely legal and compliant.

After inspecting the documents, the police officer apologized and said, "Adviser Zuo, I'm really sorry to disturb you."

"It doesn't matter."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You are doing your duty, nothing is wrong."

The police officer immediately sighed in relief: "Thank you for your understanding."

Although they did nothing wrong in the execution of their official duties, in case Zuo Yi complained to it, it would be a bit of a hassle.

Ren Zhanpeng said with a smile next to him: "This time, it really hit the Dragon King Temple!"

Zuo Yi agrees: "It's a coincidence."

"It's not a coincidence."

Ren Zhanpeng explained: "The jurisdiction of our team is here."

The Hangzhou Feibao special squadron, affiliated to the Jiangnan General Police Station, has a total of 27 combat squads and is stationed in different areas. Once a major case occurs, the special squadron closest to the place where the crime occurred is first deployed.

Such a system guarantees that when a serious situation suddenly occurs, the elite special operations team can rush to the disposal as soon as possible, reducing the harm to a minimum.

If the situation is very serious and a team cannot resolve it, they will call for support, including the Extraordinary Management Office.

The area where Ren Zhanpeng's third special operations team is responsible is the southwestern part of Qian Jiangnan Bank, including Linjiang City and the surrounding area.

So last time, the third special operation team went to Xiaoqingshan to round up Cheng Yu who committed the big extinguish sect case. This time, they also came to arrest Zuo Yi who "illegally holds a huge might weapon".

Ren Zhanpeng said happily, "Adviser Zuo, we will often see each other in the future!"

Zuo Yi is a special Advisor for the Extraordinary Management Office. The Linjiang City where they live happens to be their area of ​​responsibility. According to the principle of nearby support, in the event of a serious incident, Zuo Yi is undoubtedly the first choice for the Extraordinary Management Office.

Zuo Yi's strength is unpredictable, and there is magical healing ability, which can be called the strongest backup force.

Ren Zhanpeng's worship of Zuo Yi is definitely a deep idol-idol!

Zuo Yi said meaningfully: "I feel that the less chance we have to meet, the better."

Obviously, the deployment method of the Flying Leopard Special Team is not only a criminal heavy case against the ordinary, but it may also be in response to the occurrence of the Extraordinary incident.

According to the internal data of the Extraordinary Management Office, China currently has a total of four lines of defense against Extraordinary incidents.

The first line of defense is a grass-roots security force composed of ordinary police officers + Skynet surveillance system + elite special operations team. The main force of the second line of defense belongs to the local super-control branch, and the two lines of defense cooperate most closely.

The third line of defense is China Super Management General Administration + China Extraordinary Federation, the backbone of the World in China!

As for the last line of defense, that is the strength of the Chinese military.

Generally speaking, the first three lines of defense are sufficient to resolve all Extraordinary events. If all three lines of defense are broken and destroyed, the significance of the existence of the last line of defense is basically the destruction of jade and stone burns together.

Zuo Yi said that the fewer chances for everyone to meet, the better, meaning that the fewer incidents of extraordinary out of control, the better.

It's just that ideals are beautiful, but reality is often cruel.

Ren Zhanpeng's pats head said embarrassedly with a smile: "Also!"

Zuo Yi smiled and shifted the topic: "Your high Captain is okay now?"

"High Captain is healing in the hospital."

Ren Zhanpeng said: "He is in good health. He was thinking of leaving the hospital and returning to the team today, but the doctor did not agree, so I brought the team today."

"Adviser Zuo, we all owe you a drink!"

Zuo Yi laughed: "The next time you have a chance, you have tasks now, don't worry."


Ren Zhanpeng nodded heavily, "Pa" saluted Zuo Yi: "Adviser Zuo, see you next time!"

The other special forces were saluted: "Goodbye, Advisor Zuo!"

Zuo Yi returned a gift: "Goodbye!"

Looking at the young and bloody faces in front of him, Zuo Yi felt deeply that he had the responsibility and obligation to do something.

Of course, there is no need to worry, he also needs to think about it.

Watching the special operations squadron and the police leave, Zuo Yi was lost in thought.

"Little Zuo!"

At this time, a tattered battery car came over, and a fat man was sitting on the car.

He stopped the overwhelmed battery car, wiped the sweat from his face, and asked, "Is it all right?"

"Uncle Fat …"

Zuo Yi was surprised: "Why are you here?"

The eight-foot-tall middle-aged fat man is called Zhong Fei. Everyone calls him "Fat Uncle". He is currently the No. XNUMX landlord in Linjiang City-No. XNUMX Zuo Yi.

Uncle Fei is also a large local planter and has set up a green factory. The two hundred acres of good land in Zuo Yi was just rented to this.

Don't look at him dressed like a migrant worker, riding a broken battery car that no one steals. There are ten houses in Jiangbin District.

Ten buildings, not ten, one 7-Layer tall!

Even so, he usually bought some tool accessories or something, and he drove the battery car in front of the big sun.

Also a talent.

Uncle Fei explained: "I saw a police car running towards you in town, so just come and see. Are you all right?"


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It's just a misunderstanding that makes you worry."

"It's okay."

Uncle Fei shook his head and said, "I watched you grow up, but I don't want you to be in trouble, right …"

He looked around and asked, "Is that Jiangnan New City corporation looking for you?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "Yes, they want to buy my land, then I didn't agree."

"now it's right!"

Uncle Fei patted his thigh: "I saw their Audi car just now, it must be that they are making a ghost!"

Fill in indignation!
