Paladin Dad Chapter 147

system hint: "Iron Man" just used teleport card props for you. The teleportation location is Azure Dragon martial arts stage. Do you agree to teleport?

Zuo Yi also learned from Lu old man that only four major martial arts stages and research institutes in the summer capital can use Extraordinary ability, but most areas do not limit the use of prop cards.

The item cards are extremely rich in variety and have various functions. You need to use points to buy in item card stores, which are usually expensive and all are disposable.

In fact, Zuo Yi didn't have much distance to the Azure Dragon martial arts stage. Iron Man used the teleportation prop card so eagerly to him, which shows that his revenge, no, is how strong the desire to send points!

So fistful, how can Zuo Yi not be touched?

Without hesitation, he chose to agree.

Zuo Yi's figure disappeared on Azure Dragon Avenue in an instant disappear without a trace.

The next second, he appeared on a huge ring.

Heavenly platform!

Not far from Zuo Yi, a heavily armed Iron Man stood.

Although it is the same ID, it is different from the Iron Man I saw at Tianotai Zuo Yi last time. This Iron Man's equipment has been significantly strengthened. Lift at least half a meter.

It's more like being wrapped in a battle Mecha, and it looks a lot more powerful and domineering.

And a sci-fi gun barrel was added to the back.

He obviously learned the last lesson of Zuo Yi's one-armed punching effect. Not only did he have painstaking efforts in defense, but also increased the attack firepower!

It is only in Zuo Yi's opinion that the other side is completely treating the headache and the head and the feet, not the symptoms.

system hint: "Iron Man" challenged you. Accept?

Zuo Yi chose to agree.

system hint: Iron Man VS Zuo Yi, countdown starts, 60, 59, 58 …

Tianji Yantai gave both parties, or more precisely, Zuo Yi one minute of preparation time.

Although Zuo Yi doesn't need it.

"This time, I will beat you!"

Iron Man moved towards Zuo Yi clenched his fists, and the lenses inlaid in the mask revealed awesome red light.

The last time he was defeated by Zuo Yi on the Tiantai platform, he was regarded as the greatest shame of his life, especially after the test video made people spread maliciously, and it attracted countless smirks.

So far, a lot of rumors about him are circulating in the net.

Iron Man has endured these humiliations, working hard at his recklessness, and at the cost of inviting experts to customize equipment for himself, today he came to revenge.

Without defeating Zuo Yi, he could not afford to look up in Liwang in this life!

Fortunately, Zuo Yi is in the summer capital at the moment. Fortunately, Zuo Yi had not previously hidden the ID, otherwise he would not find the goal if he wanted to scrub the shame.

"My luck today is your misfortune!"

Iron Man stared at Zuo Yi, the power furnace on his chest was running at a crazy speed, making him feel that the small universe within the body was erupting, and the invincible power was about to brew!

At this moment, all silhouettes appeared quickly in the auditorium all around the Tianji platform.

Some of them were members of relatives and friends who just received an invitation from Iron Man and teleported to watch the latter's vengeance. More often, they saw system hint in the martial arts stage and chose to watch.

Iron Man is undoubtedly a celebrity in the Azure Dragon martial arts stage, and the crowds who came to eat melon couldn't help but talk about it.

"I'll take it, really Iron Man!"

"Who is this PK? He has never heard of it before."

"I heard that Iron Man was beaten up in Tianhuatai last time. Really?"

"Well, haven't you watched the video?"

"Which hero is Zuo Yi?"

"It's off, it's off!"

The 1-minute countdown soon ended and the duel between the two sides officially began!

Iron Man took a big leap forward, and the Iron Boots stomped heavily on the ring, and it thundered.

The barrel mounted on his back instantly switched from vertical to straight, and the black hole's muzzle aimed at Zuo Yi.

The dazzling rays of light flashed, and the recharge was completed in no time, and it was about to launch!


Many viewers can't see it-they put a layer of turtle shells and hit people with cannons, but also Face!

Zuo Yi was wearing a regular costume, and was bare-handed.

But Iron Man doesn't care about other people's views at all, because he not only has the Strength Type Transcendent, but also possesses the super-ability of Science Type. What kind of shameless is it to use his own advantage to crush the opponent?

Not to mention how powerful Zuo Yi is, he couldn't understand it!

It only took 0.5 seconds for Iron Man to complete the lock on Zuo Yi.

However, the moment he was about to attack, Zuo Yi moved.

No one in the audience could see the movement of Zuo Yi clearly, but just blinking for a moment, he had disappeared in place.

The next moment, Zuo Yi appeared like a ghost in front of Iron Man, and the distance between the two sides was shortened from the original two thirty meters to one meter!

Close at hand, people make every enemy!

Before Iron Man could react, Zuo Yi punched strikes on his chest armor.

It's almost exactly the same as last time!

Although Iron Man paid great attention to Zuo Yi at this time, without any slight enemies and underdogs, desperately strengthened his defense and battle strength, but in the face of a simple, unremarkable punch, he suddenly felt his own Small and fragile.


The fist fell, the hard and thick armor burst into pieces, and Iron Man flew out a dozen meters away like a kite with a broken line, and fell heavily on the ring.

This time his steel armor was not completely broken, but except for the big hole in the chest, the rest was covered with large and small cracks like spider webs. Even the gun barrel was distorted into twists by the fist strength. The power furnace It's completely gone.

Absolute silence.

Iron Man not at all died immediately, he coughed and struggled, straightened up, and said to Zuo Yi who walked over, "Why, why?"

He wondered why Zuo Yi's fists were so powerful, and why his armor was ineffective!

"Do you want to know why you died?"

Zuo Yi stood in front of Iron Man and sighed, "Because your pay is too high!"


It is another punch, and it will completely send the other party back-if you say two punches, you will get two punches without any discount!

After solving the opponent, Zuo Yi ignored those challenges and friend invitations, and chose to leave the Tianji platform.

Back at Azure Dragon Street, he had to close all private messages from strangers before choosing to hide the ID.

There is no way, there are too many kinds of harassment information.

It was finally quiet after closing and hiding.

Shook the head, Zuo Yi reached out and stopped a carriage just passing by: "Take me to the Tower of Babel."

The carriages that come and go are the taxis in Xiadu. As long as you pay points, you can go to different places in this city.

With rental carriages, Tower of Babel soon arrived.

This towering tower is undoubtedly the landmark of Xiadu. Its height is breathtaking, and it can be seen basically in any outdoor area of ​​Xiadu.

After paying 1 point, Zuo Yi stood before Tower of Babel.

The bottom of the high tower is moved towards different directions, opening doors in different directions. In groups of three or four or singlehanded Transcendents come in and out through different portals, a busy scene.

"Hey, this brother!"

While Zuo Yi was looking at the Tower of Babel, a tauren came by.

With a thick smile on his thick cow's face, he asked kindly: "Are you going to take a risk in the Nightmare Space? Guide to the Nightmare Space Adventure"? As long as you have 5 points, you ca n't afford to lose 5 points 5 points you ca n't afford to be fooled … "

Zuo Yi froze the dark green horns on his head and said decisively, "Come!"

The tauren is still very eye-catching, seeing that he is a newcomer to the newcomer, and the customer target is very accurate.

Just for his eyesight and this thunderbolt cliff skin, Zuo Yi was also willing to support one.

Paying Tauren 5 points, he got a "Nightmare Space Adventure Guide".
