Paladin Dad Chapter 148

The price of 5 points of a "Nightmare Space Adventure Guide" is not cheap, but it is still very expected.

The content recorded therein is well illustrated and explained in great detail, and it can be said that it is quite friendly to newcomers.

It took Zuo Yi only a few minutes to watch it all, and he had a basic understanding of the nightmare space, so that he would not be ashamed of his eyes after entering, and everything should be explored slowly by himself.

So 5 points are still worth it.

Putting away this useless adventure guide, he strode into the Tower of Babel.

Inside the Tower of Babel is a very wide hall. The statues of Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Black Tortoise Four Divine Beasts are guarded in four directions from southeast to northwest, and a large beam of light hangs straight from the high dome. Right in the middle.

A bit of Transcendent entered the beam of light and disappeared without disappear without a trace, while someone kept coming out of the beam of light.

Many of those who came out carried huge backpacks, and some were scarred, as if they had just experienced a fierce battle, and apparently had just ventured back from the nightmare space.

But these Transcendents talked and laughed, and most of them had the joy of harvest.

When Zuo Yi walked into the beam of light, a system hint popped out of sight immediately: Please choose a teleport destination.

Below is a long list of options.

The nightmare space comes first, and there are 24 sub-options, each representing 24 lighthouses.

The lighthouse is the transmission point from the Tower of Babel to the nightmare space, and the location coordinates are different, for adventurers to choose freely.

Zuo Yi randomly chose Lighthouse No. 7.

After completing the determination, the system prompts again, telling Zuo Yi that it needs 7 points to transfer to the 10th lighthouse.

Zuo Yi paid 10 points.

Immediately after the payment was successful, his eyes were suddenly magnificent, and his body disappeared instantly.

When Zuo Yi's vision gradually returned to normal, he found himself in not all in the Tower of Babel.

Not far beside him, a giant white lighthouse with a height of 100 meters stands, and the whole tower transmits thousands of soft and bright rays of light, shining on the area of ​​several kilometers square.

The areas closer to the lighthouse are more like daylight, while the areas farther from the lighthouse are shrouded in boundless night.

This is the nightmare space, Transcendent's adventure park and trial ground in Liwang!

Newly arrived Zuo Yi squinted.

He "smell" an extremely familiar atmosphere, although it is very faint, but he will never discern errors!

The next moment, Zuo Yi was attracted by the applause from all around.

"There are already five people in the Eastern District who have dreamed of the nightmare. Let's start with two more!"

"The Black Mountain mining team recruits new people, whoever wants to mine to earn points, hurry up and sign up for me!"

"Are there any Boss you need to bring? The 3-Star level combat team will be happy to provide you with quality services, and you are satisfied!"

"Sell a tent. Is there a need for a field tent?"

"High-priced acquisition of black iron ore …"

Surrounding the lighthouse is a market district, where there are a large number of Transcendents ready to venture, and many vendors who set up a stall. They are selling or purchasing various items, and various screams and cries of sales are one after another, which is very lively. .

Zuo Yi learned from the "Nightmare Space Adventure Guide" that this is the Nightmare Space's Safety Sector. As long as the lighthouse rays of light shine, there will be no nightmare weirdness.

However, once you leave the Safety Sector, the endless nightmare weirdness hidden in the dark will become the biggest threat to the Transcendents who come to adventure!

Although death in the nightmare space is just a loss of spiritual consciousness and memory, it still needs enough courage and courage to enter the dark and brutal weird battle.

Because the fear of death does not completely disappear due to memory loss, it can affect the reality in reality!

So any Transcendent who dares to come into the nightmare space is called an adventurer.

Of course, Nightmare Space will also bring abundant rewards to adventurer. All the ore raw materials are produced in Nightmare Space, and the Nightmare Beads that have been destroyed have a chance to drop Nightmare Beads. Nightmare beads of different grades can be exchanged for different points.

The most important thing is that adventure in the nightmare space can not only improve Transcendent's combat skills, but also exercise his own will and spirit, so it attracts a large number of Transcendents to enter.

One team stepped out of the Safety Sector, and a few Transcendent singlehanded disappeared into the vast darkness.

And Zuo Yi not at all hurriedly left.

He made a round in the bazaar, then bought a large-capacity backpack, a field tent and three torch at a stall, and spent a total of 150 points.

Backpacks can carry spoils of war and field tents. Field tents are a necessity for adventurers, and they can help adventurers safely go offline and go online in dangerous wilderness areas.

Unlike the situation in Xiadu, the adventurer cannot be taken offline instantly in Nightmare Space, and the location for re-login after being offline is in place. It takes 30 seconds to complete the offline and online.

During this process, the adventurer cannot move, and it is very dangerous if it encounters a strange nightmare attack.

The field tent is equivalent to a temporary safe house, but it is only used for the upper and lower lines. It cannot be used as a real shelter, and there is a limit on the number of uses.

This field tent bought by Zuo Yi can be used 10 times in total.

Without a field tent, then back to the lighthouse area, you can pass back to the Tower of Babel through the lighthouse.

As for torch, torch is an auxiliary tool, which can be used in the field to provide a certain range of lighting.

But the presence of firelight can easily attract nightmarish weird attention.


The stall owner saw that Zuo Yi didn't carry any equipment, so he enthusiastically promoted: "Would you like to buy a weapon? My weapons here are all fine products, both have one and two stars, and the price is cheaper than those in the store!"

Zuo Yi glanced at the sword and weapons on the other side's stand, and smiled with a smile: "Thank you, no need."

He turned and left the Safety Sector.

The stall owner watched Zuo Yi's silhouette disappear into the dark, and said the head, "It's a newcomer again."

He has seen many newcomers who come to the Nightmare space, singlehanded and confidently rushed out of the lighthouse area like Zuo Yi, and then torn to pieces by the nightmare weird in the dark fear.

Some even left a psychological shadow because of this, and never dared to come here again.

The adventure in the nightmare space is very important for the team. The newcomers have the old birds to ensure safety and slowly grow up. Although there are lone men, they are always the fewest.

Zuo Yi even bought the backpack tent and torch, which is undoubtedly a 100% pure newcomer. He actually went to the wild without any weapons and armors, and from the standpoint of the stall owner, he was looking for dead end!

By this time Zuo Yi had left the lighthouse area and moved towards the depths of the dark shrouded wilderness.

The nightmare space has no daylight and will always be covered by night, but it is not black with five fingers out of the reach, and the rolling mountains in the distance are full of shadows, like a dormant giant beast.

Choose others.

The ground underneath is a bit soft, with unknown weeds growing.

When Zuo Yi looked back, he could still see the lighthouse standing in the distance in the distance.

With its existence, adventurers will not be easily disoriented.

Nightmare space is not a game map. There are no coordinates to locate here. All known areas are explored little by little by the adventurer. Except for reckless newcomers, usually only experienced people dare to dig into the wilderness and mountains.

Zuo Yi turned around and launched Spirit Vision.

He didn't come to the Nightmare Space to take risks, but to explore the deeper secrets of Liwang!

With the continuous stimulation of Mental Power, the scope and level of Spirit Vision's insights have gradually expanded, and the secrets hidden in this space are presented in the mind perception of Zuo Yi.

But at this moment, all the gloomy rays of light were on, all around moved towards Zuo Yi from far and near!

Unconsciously, he had gone far into the wilderness.

This is the World of Nightmare Weirds!

The encircled Zuo Yi did not care at all, because he had clearly understood the root of the existence of the nightmare space!
