Paladin Dad Chapter 156

Pulling the alarm, Grand Cherokee galloped all the way, and Zuo Yi rushed to the place where the case provided by Zhong Ming happened.

A small town near the sea.

It is far away from the city of Hangzhou and belongs to the administrative area of ​​Dongtang County. Zuo Yi ran more than XNUMX kilometers. When it arrived at the destination, it was already over XNUMXpm.

The place of the accident was not inside the small town, but a large farm on the edge of the town.

At the intersection leading to the main gate of the farm, a cordon was pulled up. Two police cars were parked beside the road. There was also a silver-grey off-road vehicle. A man in a checkered shirt smoked in front of the car.

After seeing Daqing approaching, he immediately waved and greeted, "Here!"

Zuo Yi pulled over, pulled the police ceiling strobe light off the roof, put it back in the storage compartment, and opened the door.

"Hello Advisor Zuo."

The man in the shirt came up and said politely, "I'm Zhong Ming. You have run so far."

Zuo Yi shook hands with him and asked, "What happened?"

"It's a long story …"

Zhong Ming said with a bitter smile: "I can't help it anymore, so I have to trouble the great god to go out on your own."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "What great god am I."

Zhong Ming said resolutely: "Director Lu said that among the hundreds of Advisors in our Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, you are absolutely this!"

He gave his thumbs up.

Zuo Yi did not expect Lu Han to rate himself so high.

You should know that Zuo Yi has been in the Extraordinary Management Office for less than a month, and has only done one mission.

Today is his second assignment as a special Advisor.

"Don't say this."

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "Talk about the case."

"it is good."

Zhong Ming told Zuo Yi the details of the whole sequence of events.

It turned out that at the beginning of last month, there was a problem with this farm. The black pigs raised in the pigsty were missing frequently, and dozens of them were lost in just a few days!

At that time, the boss of the farm called the police and called for monitoring, but the local police never caught the culprit.

By the second half of the month, the situation was even worse, with as many as fifty black pigs lost overnight.

In addition, the surveillance line at the time of the incident was violently damaged, and no pictures were taken.

Not to mention the serious loss, there are also people in the farm. There are various rumors. Some people say that they are devastating ghosts, some people say that the beasts in the mountains devour the pigs, and some people say that Boss's enemies are retaliating.

There are even old people in the town who think that this farm offends the mountain god, and those pigs have been caught as sacrifice!

Because the case was weird, the local police reported it to the Extraordinary Management Office, and the investigation department sent Zhong Ming to investigate.

Zhong Ming investigated for a few days and got a little more or less clue. As a result, last night, the boss and three employees of the farm disappeared from the farm.

Also missing are dozens of black pigs.

Zhong Ming took out his mobile phone and showed Zuo Yi some surveillance video.

The definition of the video is not high, and the night environment, so I can barely look at it. Many black pigs are dragged away by a group of high-speed moving black shadows.

The killer looks like a spider, but there are absolutely no such large spiders in the world.

Unless it's mutated!

Zuo Yi wondered, "Why did they stay in the farm after such a big incident?"

Zhong Ming took Zuo Yi to walk inside, while explaining: "According to the Boss family who reported to the police, he was upset, so he led someone to squat inside and wanted to catch the real murderer."

The scale of this farm is quite large. The livestock it raises are local black pigs, and tens of millions of dollars have been invested in it.

Although some black pigs were urgently transferred and sold after the incident, Boss' losses were still very heavy, and the police had never been able to find out the truth, so he simply took his own recklessness with anger and brought two soils Shotgun and cutter.

As a result, the truth was not found, all planted in!

"I reminded him the day before yesterday to keep him from act blindly without thinking …"

Zhong Ming said angrily: "I didn't expect his temper to be so stubborn, and now I don't know whether it is life or death."

"right here."

Zhong Ming and Zuo Yi walked into a large pighouse on the farm. There were police officers wearing masks and gloves investigating and obtaining evidence. The ground next to it was covered with plastic sheeting, and two earthenware were placed on it. Shotgun and two machetes.

One of the shotguns was stained with blood.

There was an unpleasant smell of pig feces in the air, but it was not very strong.

"Originally there were 30-40 black pigs that were not transferred, but now they are gone, Advisor Zuo …"

Zhong Ming greeted, "Come here and see."

Zuo Yi took a look and noticed that there was an extra large hole in the ground ahead. The diameter of the hole was close to two meters, and a lot of blood remained.

Zhong Ming squatted down in front of the hole and took a flashlight inside: "This hole is very deep. The killer should have dragged all the people and pigs from here. In order to ensure safety, I did not let anyone look in."

"and this."

He took a plastic evidence bag from his pocket and handed it to Zuo Yi. It contained a thick silk thread: "This is what the killer left, I call it Silk Weaver."

Zuo Yi took it and took a look. Nodded also gave it to the other party.

Zhong Ming took a deep breath and said, "I have already asked the above for instructions, but the team will not be able to dispatch a super-combat team to come over to support it as soon as possible, so we will miss the golden rescue time."

The best time to rescue a missing person is 24 hours. After 24 hours, the success rate of rescue will be greatly reduced.

But that was an ordinary case, and it couldn't be incorporated into such an Extraordinary incident, and from the current situation, the farm boss and his three employees are probably bode ill rather than well.

"The four missing people are the pillars of the house …"

Zhong Ming sighed: "I also know that hope is slim, but I just can't bear seeing their family members just now."

If four men die, those four families will collapse!

Although it was mainly the boss Boss who died on his own, Zhong Ming couldn't sit idly by.

In his fierce struggle, Lu Han asked him to contact Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi frowned: "You can't even transfer a super team in the game?"

"Recent Extraordinary incidents are getting more and more …"

Zhong Ming said with a bitter smile: "Almost all the people in our investigation department have been dispatched. Several supercombat teams in the special service department are now the same as the fire rescue team. Wherever there is a fire, they run wherever they are. They are also busy working overtime every night. "

Zuo Yi nodded.

He now understands the process of the Extraordinary Management Office's response to Extraordinary incidents. It basically controls and handles according to different levels of incidents. The critical situation is resolved first, and those with insufficient levels can only be postponed.

Extraordinary Management Office has a comprehensive set of evaluation criteria.

But in the final analysis, it is because of insufficient manpower. Although Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office employs a large number of employees, a large part of them work in the logistics and human resources department.

Those Transcendents who are not fighting professions cannot take on the task of combat adventure.

As for the special task force of the police, the last incident of Cheng Yu clearly showed that their strength seemed too weak in the face of the violent Transcendent, especially in an environment that was not conducive to the power of firearms and weapons. That was almost the same as delivering food. .

And this incident is tentatively designated as D-Rank, which is beyond the scope of the Special Operations Squad.

Zhong Ming is currently most worried that Silk Weaver will come out tonight to commit crimes again. Now that the farm has no prey, will it turn the target to other residents in the town?

This is very likely to happen, and he feels that Silk Weaver's strength is increasing rapidly. Originally, he was just sneaking in, but now he can make such a large hole for raids.

Its appetite is growing, and the threat to town residents is also growing!

The most troublesome thing is that Zhong Ming doesn't know how many Silk Weaver there are, one or a few, or a dozen.

He believes that the D-Rank evaluation of this Extraordinary event is low and should reach C-Rank!

However, as a small member of the investigation department, Zhong Ming was unable to change the above judgment.

"I know."

Knowing the whole process of the incident, Zuo Yi flatly made a decision: "You are here to stay, I will go and see."


Zhong Ming suddenly startedled: "Adviser Zuo, that's too dangerous!"

However, his words did not fall, Zuo Yi had jumped into the burrow, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!
