Paladin Dad Chapter 157

"Adviser Zuo!"

Watching Zuo Yi's silhouette disappear into the dark cave, Zhong Ming almost vomited blood.

This wife is too reckless!

Under normal circumstances, such a situation, you should send a remote control robot to find out the situation inside, search and find the target before conducting a risk assessment, and finally determine the battle plan to be executed by the super war team.

If the risk is too high, make another plan.

Zhong Ming's evaluation of Silk Weaver is very high, and he believes that the C-Rank standard has been reached. Now that the basic situation is unknown, Zuo Yi hastily broke into the unknown and searched.

The member of the three investigations knew that Zuo Yi's strength was very strong, and the big Director Lu Han spoke highly of him, but he couldn't die like that!

Zhong Ming leaned down and shouted at the opening: "Adviser Zuo! Advisor Zuo, come back soon, dangerous!"

He shouted twice, there was no echo in the burrow.

Zhong Ming quickly jumped up again, took out his mobile phone and called Zuo Yi, but couldn't get through!

He could only helplessly stamped his feet, praying that Zuo Yi would be fine.

At this time, Zuo Yi, along the passage opened by Silk Weaver, has been deep underground for a long distance.

The diameter of this underground passage is about the same as the entrance of the cave, and also reaches about two meters, so even Zuo Yi, who is 1.8 meters tall, does not need to bend his head and push forward fast.

Although there were no five fingers in the channel, Zuo Yi did not cause any trouble at all.

After advancing for three-four hundred meters, Zuo Yi judged from the position that he should enter the hill behind the farm.

The digging ability of Silk Weaver is amazing, because here, the cave walls of all around are already rocks instead of mud.

With "Dark Vision", Zuo Yi can easily distinguish clear claw marks on the stone wall.

He went on.

But a fork appeared in front of him and Zuo Yi faced a choice of left or right.

Zuo Yi paused and launched Spirit Vision.

In the state of Spirit Vision, all the secrets hidden in the dark are instantly exposed, following Net of Law through the thick rock formations, he only locked the target in just a few seconds!

The next moment, Zuo Yi turned and stepped into the passage on the right.

call out!

Zuo Yi had just taken a dozen steps, and a silver-white spider silk moved toward him from the darkness!

The attack came so suddenly that other people must have been caught by surprise.

However, the silhouette of the sneak attacker was already exposed in Zuo Yi's Spirit Vision, so Zuo Yi was not surprised, and suddenly raised his hand to grab a shotgun that appeared out of thin air.

Remington M870!


Unlocking, loading, and firing, the three-step action was completed in an instant, the muzzle spewed out a hot flame, and eight projectiles roared at an amazingly high speed, just hitting the shot silk.


The spider silk was immediately burst and exploded, and all the projectiles continued to move forward with violent kinetic energy, all hitting an eight-claw spider lurking in the darkness!

Pu! pu! pu!

With a series of muffled sounds, this horror spider, the size of a calf, with black bristles all over it, was almost sieved, and multiple wounds continuously infiltrated the dark green body fluid.

The weapons and bullets distributed by the Extraordinary Management Office are modified and enhanced versions. Although the body of the octopus spider is very hard, it can't withstand the strikers at close range, and it is instantly destroyed.

One of the legs was interrupted directly!

Hiss ~

The eight-claw spider hissed painfully, and the intense pain drove it into a complete madness, waving sharp claw and moving towards Zuo Yi for a lifetime.


Zuo Yi's second shot directly confuses his face and blasts his head on the spot!

The dark green, black, and white slurry burst, and the eight-claw spiders of baring fangs and brandishing claws fell to the ground.

There was a sour smell in the air.

Zuo Yi sniffed and curled up one's lip-too weak. He didn't excite the Rune power of this Fire Bird!

Stepping on the corpse of the eight-claw spider, Zuo Yi moved on.

The voice of OO @@ came from the darkness in front of me. Listening to it makes one have one's hair stand on end.

More octopus spiders appeared in the tunnel, and their eyes were just lit.

These Silk Weavers were awakened by the sound of the fighting just now, and they crawled out of their hidden caves, up, down, left, right, and left, blocking the entire passage completely!

call out! call out! call out!

Multiple spider silks sprayed at the same time towards Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi couldn't avoid it, and raised his hand again.

But the muzzle of the muzzle was at least ten times brighter than before, which instantly illuminated a large area and exposed the Silk Weaver in front!

Bang! bang! bang!

The Remington M870 kept blasting out flames, one after another. The crimson projectiles moved toward the spiders as if they were pouring down their heads, like a torrential rain, and they were blown away.

In order to give these blockers a bit of color, Zuo Yi just inspired the High Level rune "Flame" engraved on Fire Bird, and used his Battle Qi as the Energy to bless each projectile.

Lethality has increased at least tenfold!

The Silk Weavers crowded in the channel immediately suffered the annihilation. Their paws were broken, their heads were broken, their abdomen was blasted, screaming and wailing, lying down in the burning flame among.

The bristles on their surface were ignited!

Zuo Yi kept walking, stepping over the corpses and flames across the ground, and easily crushed the entire passage with the force of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

At the end of the passage, the front suddenly opened up!

It was a huge cave inside, a cobweb with an area of ​​at least hundreds of squares hanging on the uneven rock wall, and a gray-white spider bigger than the Cherokee Cheroki hanging from it.

Its four legs are entangled with spider silk, and its gigantic belly falls downward, and six silk cocoons nearly two meters high are hung on the left and right sides, all of which take on the shape of a human body.

Surprisingly, this cave is not out of reach with five fingers, the cobwebs and silk cocoons on the rock wall are faint rays of light, so I can barely see the situation inside.

When Zuo Yi broke into the cave, the big gray spider opened his eyes stunned, and his eyes were scarlet!

Zuo Yi's gaze suddenly turned sharp.

How keen his eyesight was, he instantly saw the truth.

The six silk cocoons hanging on the cobweb clearly wrapped six living people, and it was horrifying that the big spider was nourishing itself by drawing their blood through the silk.

Real Silk Weaver!

Zuo Yi put away the Remington M870 and switched to Scarlet Dragon Sword.

hiss! hiss ~

Big Silk Weaver made a disturbing hissing, and Extraordinary's instinct told it that Zuo Yi was extremely dangerous.

Staring hard at Scarlet Dragon Sword, a dreadful expression flickered in its eyes, releasing his spiritual thoughts.

"Peace ~"

Zuo Yi, who had a sensation in a moment, was slightly surprised. I did not expect that this big spider not only possessed a high level of intelligence, but also mastered the skills of communicating with spirit.

Spiritual communication can directly transmit information regardless of language barriers. It is the most common communication method in the Big Multiverse.

Just need to consume the amount of Mental Power.

After a deep groan, Zuo Yi responded: "Surender, surrender!"

Since everyone is alive, he is willing to leave a way out, but he must surrender and surrender.

Mainly, Zuo Yi felt that this matter was not simple. The big Silk Weaver didn't seem to be the product of Nature's awakening, so he needed to find out more truths through the other party.

Its spiritual communication is very skilled!

"Do not!"

Unexpectedly, the big Silk Weaver showed extremely strong resistance. Its eyes revealed blood light, and the eyes were full of violentness and resentment. The huge abdomen swayed violently, extruding a large mass of mucus.

The slime dropped on the ground and exploded, and an adult fist-sized spider moved towards Zuo Yi swarming, very fast!

The spiders burst apart just a few meters away from Zuo Yi, spraying out numerous green venom, and enveloped densely packed Zuo Yi.

"courting death !"

Zuo Yi coldly snorted, his left hand fisted out.


The fist burst into an invisible force, and all the venom from the spiders smashed against an invisible wall and fell to the ground.

Zuo Yi stepped forward, leaped into the air and jumped high, waving Scarlet Dragon Sword and slashing towards the big Silk Weaver.

sword energy The flames are rising!
