Paladin Dad Chapter 158

Zuo Yi's free counterattack fell into the eyes of a pair of spiders in Big Silk Weaver, but it seemed as if the end of Heaven Falls and Earth Rends was coming.

The sword flame illuminates the huge cave, burning aura fills the entire space, and the mountain-like power slams it on the cobweb. Unable to move even a little bit, I can only watch Scarlet Dragon Sword beheading himself Come!

The head of Life and Death Trial, this gray-white spider burst into full force, and issued a mental attack on Zuo Yi by a sharp hissing hiss.

The invisible Mental Power was condensed into a sharp, long needle, which stabbed to the head of Zuo Yi's head like lightning!

By communicating with Zuo Yi's spirit just now, it locked Zuo Yi's soul, so he aimed extremely precisely.

However, this invisible needle embodied by Mental Power, not at all, pierced the soul of Zuo Yi as the big Silk Weaver wished, but fiercely hit a thick steel barrier.

Iron Will!

This is Zuo Yi's strongest psychic defense, the wall of Xeon that even Abyss Lord cannot shake.

The mental attack of the big Silk Weaver is ridiculous.

The invisible needle broke instantly, and Zuo Yi's counterattack came faster than Scarlet Dragon Sword.

God-Killing Thorn!

An eye for an tooth for a tooth, Big Silk Weaver immediately tasted the "wonderful" taste of being pierced by the spirit, fiercely inserted into its skull like a burning red steel needle, and then stirred desperately.


Extremely painful, the large Silk Weaver made a desperate hissing. He desperately swayed his skull, trying to threw the "steel needle" away from the brain. As a result, his head quickly expanded …


Exploded directly!

Its brain is mixed with a large amount of body fluids, and it sprays the rain, splashing on the ground.

The mighty spider twitched a little, no more movement.

In fact, at the moment when it was hit by "God-Killing Thorn", it wanted to beg for mercy, but the chance of surrendering to surrender was gone!

Zuo Yi was still in the air, and he was still waving Scarlet Dragon Sword, but the target was changed to six hanging silk cocoons.

pā pā pā pā pā pā!

As a sword light flashed, the six silk cocoons fell off almost simultaneously.

Zuo Yi followed the landing, and he waved the long sword again, cutting all the big cocoons apart.

As Zuo Yi's previous insights showed, the silk cocoons wrapped six large living people. Although all eyes were closed and unconscious, the chest was undulating and breathing was not the worst.

As the so-called save people to the end, Zuo Yi took out a Healing Potion and gave the six people a drink.

This is enough to ensure that they can survive.


Just after the treatment was completed, Zuo Yi's attention was attracted by a silvery white bead on the ground.

The diameter of this pearl is less than two centimeters, and most of it is covered by the brain of the large Silk Weaver. If it were not for the faint rays of light, Zuo Yi might not have found it.

He reached out and picked up the beads.

Silver Bead started cold, lingering in a weird breath. Zuo Yi put a thumb on the palm of his hand and rubbed it a few times to know its origin.

This silver bead is the source of Extraordinary of Big Silk Weaver, condensing its original power.

Because this big spider died tragically in the God-Killing Thorn cast by Zuo Yi, its original power was kept intact and abundant, and it also greatly increased the value of this pearl.

For Zuo Yi, this silver bead is nothing at all. When the big Silk Weaver is dead, the strength of B-Rank is left in Sadya World. At most, it is not an elite-level Magic Beast. How much is it worth?

But Zuo Yi just found out with Mental Power that it comes with two innate talent capabilities, so it's interesting.

Hold the silver bead with your thumb and forefinger. Zuo Yi tried to inject a trace of Mental Power, and only heard the sound of "xiu". A silver-white spider silk that was as thick as a finger burst out and hit it. The rock wall was more than ten meters away, and it was firmly adhered to it.

The other end is connected to the silver beads, as if extending from the beads.

But Zuo Yi is very clear that this is just appearance. In fact, this spider silk is the embodiment of his Mental Power, but it is only a part of Power of Laws, so it shows the characteristics of Extraordinary.

Silver beads are equivalent to skill conversion stimulators. Without it, even Zuo Yi would not be able to embody spider silk.

He tried to pull the spider silk, and tore a rock with a big fist.

Gossamer is very tenacious.

Quite interesting.

Zuo Yi smiled and controlled the silver beads to retract the spider silk-in fact, the amount of Mental Power just released.

Although lossy, Zuo Yi's valuation of it is higher.

Holding Silver Bead in the palm of his hand, Zuo Yi fists in front and suddenly spreads his five fingers.


A three-meter-square cobweb suddenly appeared, flew forward in an instant, and fell on the ground not far away.

This is Silver Pearl's second innate talent ability!

Spiderweb and Spider Web Art.

This is Zuo Yi's name for the two innate talent abilities that come with Silver Bead, which applies Sadya's Wizard skill name.

He walked over, stuck the silver beads stuck to his palm on the spider web, and immediately collected the spider web.

If it is not withdrawn, the cobweb will disappear after a few minutes, and the Mental Power paid will not be able to recover the slightest.

It's just that recycling must touch the silver beads-this problem is actually very easy to solve.

As an interesting spoils of war, Zuo Yi is quite satisfied.

After all, this is Earth at low latitudes, not High Dimension Sadya, which is also a rare treasure.

Zuo Yi's gaze swept away, and he picked up a pair of big Silk Weaver teeth from the ground.

The length of Aoya is nearly twenty centimeters. The black hair is shaped like a meniscus. The teeth are extremely sharp and the texture is extremely hard.

And there is a cavity inside the front end, which is full of venom.

Zuo Yi took out the Meteorite Dagger and cut a piece of the tail of one of the teeth, and put the other into the space ring, and then carved the cut part into a spider ring with a dagger.

Finally, silver beads were set in the middle of the ring to make a ring.

Zuo Yi named it: Silk Weaver Ring.

However, Silk Weaver Ring is still only 5%, and other materials need to be added and engraved with rune to increase its attributes and capabilities.

But that was a delicate job, Zuo Yi and unhurried finished it immediately.

He put Silk Weaver Ring on the right middle finger.

The six undead guys lying on the ground at this moment just woke up.

Although the six were still weak, there was basically no major problem-they were already very lucky, they were not sucked by the spiders, and they came to Zuo Yi to rescue them.

The past life has at least knocked through eighteen wooden fish, or done countless good things to cultivate such good results.


They struggled and climbed up, but when someone saw the large Silk Weaver on the rock wall, they immediately made a frightening cry.

"do not be afraid."

Zuo Yi said, "It has been killed by me. Let me take you out."

The six turned around and looked at Zuo Yi with a shudder.

One of them, a thirties man wearing a big Gold Chain, cautiously asked, "Excuse me?"

"I'm here to save you …"

Zuo Yi is more lazy to say nonsense: "Let's go, whoever wants to stay here, it doesn't matter."

Then who wants it!

They followed behind Zuo Yi in a hurry, and helped each other out of the cave.

Zuo Yi took out his mobile phone and turned on the flash as a lighting tool. He took six people through the long underground passage and smoothly returned to the hole in the pig house of the farm.

The six men were frightened all the way, especially when they passed through the place full of spider corpses, and their legs were trembling.

Several people almost fell.

After finally seeing the light at the front entrance, the six of avoided a catastrophe greeted each other with joy.

"Adviser Zuo!"

Zhong Ming, who was above, heard the movement and immediately jumped down.

When he saw Zuo Yi holding his mobile phone, he could not help but relax. "Are you all right?"

The past twenty minutes or so just now is the most tortured time in Zhong Ming's life.

He called for help from his superiors, and wanted to come down to support Zuo Yi, but he was still worried. In short, he struggled to the extreme.

Fortunately, Zuo Yi returned without incident.


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Man has been saved."

"All rescued?"

Zhong Ming was dumbfounded: "Did you meet Silk Weaver?"

Zuo Yi said: "All killed."

All killed …

Zhong Ming was completely speechless.

Such a dangerous task, Zuo Yi said so casually, as if he just went out to a convenience store and bought a pack of cigarettes.

Not worth mentioning at all.

But whether Zuo Yi is true or not, it is an iron fact that people are saved.

And more than four people, actually six!

With the help of Zhong Ming, the six returned to the ground.

The big Lords were all in tears, and they sat paralyzed on the ground without disdain for the dirt on the ground.

How alive!

What happened just now is a nightmare for them.

Zhong Ming asked Zuo Yi aside and whispered, "Adviser Zuo, I just called for help from my superiors, and soon there will be a support team, thanks to you this time."

Director Lu is right, Zuo Yi is really amazing.

At this moment in Zhong Ming's heart, there was a capital "service"-had to serve!

"It should be."

Zuo Yi asked, "What about these people?"


Zhong Ming understood what he meant, explaining: "Mental Type colleagues will hypnotize and brainwash them and will not leak them out."


Zuo Yi nodded, knowing that this is actually for their benefit.

In many cases, ignorance is a kind of happiness, and knowing more will cause trouble and pain.

drop! drop!

At this time, the whistle of the car and the sound of the brakes suddenly came from outside.

Zhong Ming was surprised: "So soon?"

It's only been more than ten minutes since the time he reported to it. The Extraordinary Management Office is hundreds of kilometers away!

Zhong Ming quickly went out to check the situation.

Zuo Yi thought about it, and then walked out of the pighouse.
