Paladin Dad Chapter 172

Although it's been more than ten minutes, the pillar of light rising straight into the sky still stands, emitting endless rays of light.

Its existence is obtained by Zuo Yi consuming a large amount of Mental Power and Power of Faith, as if it were a stabilizing force, the darkness of the rays of light receded, and there was no strange nightmare.

Some just strewn on the ground one after another brilliant nightmare beads.

Even Zuo Yi didn't know how many nightmare weirds he had just killed. Although the explosion rate of nightmare weirds was very low, but the base was too large, and the number of falling nightmare beads was really countless.

"40 Friday, 40 Saturday, 47 …"

Bao'er counted as she picked it up, Tyke dragged a large backpack and followed her, and the nightmare beads she picked were placed in the backpack.

An Qier picked up next to her and couldn't stop.

Elf girl is so happy that she wants to cry, but she ca n't wait for her hands to come out, otherwise I do n't know how to pick up time that will never come to pick up so many dream beads.

With these nightmare beads, she can exchange a lot of points, and then buy weapons, skins, and prop cards …

aaaaaah, so happy! !!


Bao'er showed off to Zuo Yi: "I have picked fifty!"


Zuo Yi gave her a thumbs up.

Bao'er giggled, she looked around, and said distressedly, "What else can I do?"

"Let me come."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Father, get it."

Let Bao'er pick up the dream beads purely to make her happy. Now she is tired, of course, she is responsible for sweeping the tail.

Zuo Yi raised his right hand.

His ring finger is wearing Silk Weaver Ring.

In Nightmare space, Mental Power can be used to implement weaponry. As long as all the conditions are met, theoretically even deformed Vajra and space battleship can be embodied.

With the power of Zuo Yi Mental Power and familiarity with Silk Weaver Ring, you can make it easy.

Xiu xiu!

With the idea of ​​Zuo Yi, hundreds of thousands of cobwebs smaller than the hair were blasted out in an instant and shot at one after another nightmare beads scattered on the ground.

This is a clever use of spider silk technology, which cannot be cast in reality, but with the special rules of the nightmare space, Zuo Yi played a cool game!

A spider silk stuck to a nightmare bead. Hundreds of nightmare beads were collected by Zuo Yi in a blink of an eye.

In the same way, he has played several times, so he is very skilled.

After grabbing the backpack hanging on Tyke, all the nightmare beads that were "fished" were loaded into the backpack, and it filled up less than half of the backpack's capacity.

Zuo Yi took out the field tent to make enough space, and asked An Qier to pass her backpack.

At this moment, the Elf girl is already worshipping Zuo Yi to the extent that she has five bodies!

Carrying two large backpacks, Zuo Yi unfolded the wings of light and flew up into the sky again. After taking a few minutes to circle around, both backpacks were already full of nightmares beads.

In fact, there are many more far away, he is too lazy to pick up again.

"this is yours."

Zuo Yi returned Angel's backpack to her.

The bulging backpack has a lot of weight, and the Elf girl almost didn't hug her and fell to the ground. Her eyes were more round than those of Nightmare Pearl, and she said, "Is this all for me?"

It's almost like dreaming!

How many points can be exchanged for so many nightmares!

She had dared not think about it, and felt that life had reached its climax.

"of course."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Thank you for taking care of Bao'er. It's my little care."

Let good people get good news, then this world will be even better.

"Thank you."

Elf's eyes were red, she didn't know what to say, she was happy, happy, and ashamed.

At that time, she accompanied Bao'er to Zuo Yi. She didn't expect to get anything in return.

The result was a prize that was never dreamed of.

"Then let's go."

Zuo Yi picked up Bao'er, took Angel and Tyke as before, and flew back to the lighthouse area # 9.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Zuo Yi chose to land from a distance from people's eyes, and then walked into the Safety Sector.

"Goodbye elder sister."

At the signal of Zuo Yi, Bao'er said goodbye to the superior girl: "Thank you."

"thank you too."

The Elf girl waved goodbye to her with tears and smiles, and then watched her and Zuo Yi's silhouette disappear into the rays of light.


Teleported back to the Tower of Babel, Zuo Yi said to the little girl, "Let's go home."

Bao'er vigorously nodded: "Oh!"

Zuo Yi rubbed her head: "Then you think in my head with me, I'm going offline!"

Bao'er closed his eyes and repeated, "I'm going offline."

When the little girl re-opened her eyes, she found that she had returned home and was still lying on the familiar bed.

Zuo Yi was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her with a smile.


Bao'er raised his arm immediately.

Zuo Yi leaned down and asked her to hug her neck, face to face, and said, "Baby, Welcome home."


Bao'er squinted his face and asked Jiaosheng, "Can I go there again in the future? Have fun!"

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Say it later."

To be honest, this time really scared him. Don't mention how worried you were just now, come again?

Forget it, Zuo Yi has planned to temporarily block the intranet registrar to avoid the same situation.

He estimates that this accident is most likely related to the Perfect Spirit Body owned by Bao'er. I don't know how to get on the "frequency" of the internal network and log in by myself.

Zuo Yi is not a Wizard and doesn't understand the principles, so he can only do this.


At this time, Tyke, who was sleeping next to him, woke up and called for the little girl.


Bao'er's attention immediately turned away from Zuo Yi, holding Foodie Ty and kissing.

Zuo Yi looked at a bit of lemon, reached out and grabbed Tyke, put it on the floor, and said, "It's late, I'm asleep."


Bao'er closed his eyes obediently and yawned Little Ha. "Good night, father."

"Good night Baby."

It took a lot of energy in Liwang. At this moment, the little girl is really sleepy.

So she soon fell asleep.

Zuo Yi sat quietly watching her dreaming while sitting on the bed, making sure she hadn't strayed into the net again, before whispering to Pippi squatting on the bird stand, "You look at Bao'er, tell me immediately I."

Earlier the rapper was a success, without it flying over to report, Zuo Yi didn't really know what happened to Bao'er.

Remember the credit first.

Pippi nodded.

Zuo Yi stood up and kicked Tyke on his side.

He quietly left Bao'er's room.

When he returned to the study, Tyke also followed in-Great Demon King summon, how dare not come!

Zuo Yi said to it: "Tell me what you and Bao'er just met."

Although Tyke can't speak, through the spiritual transmission, Zuo Yi still knows Bao'er's experience on Liwang with no difficulty.

When Zuo Yi heard that someone wanted to plot against Bao'er, he clenched his fist.

If this guy appeared in front of him now, he would definitely be born as a regret!

The temperature in the study rose sharply, and it instantly became hot!

Tyke couldn't help lowering his head, and lying on the floor couldn't breathe, making a low sobbing noise.

Although Zuo Yi's anger was not directed at it at the moment, it still felt instinctively afraid.

Zuo Yi relented, said solemnly: "You continue to say."

After listening to Tyke, Zuo Yi let out a long relaxed breath.

He stunned Foodie Ty, who was flattering and flattering, and nodded said, "You are doing well and you should be rewarded."

After that, Zuo Yi took out a fire red magic crystal from the space ring on the spot and threw it to Tyke.


Tyke stunned with the throbbing bell ringing with thunder, and gu lu swallowed his belly!

For Magic Beast like this, the high-quality magic crystal with the same attribute is the best nourishment.

Call ~

Foodie Ty snorted and let out a contented fire!

Almost did not burn the table legs.


Zuo Yi kicked it and drove it back to Bao'er's room.

Tyke twisted his butt and rolled with joy.

It really made a lot of money. If this fire attribute magic crystal is converted into the summer dollar according to the Gold Coin of Law price, it will start at least 1 billion!
