Paladin Dad Chapter 173

On Friday morning, after breakfast, Zuo Yi still took Bao'er to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

However, he did not stay in the Martial Arts Hall for too long. After handing over the little girl to Shang Yulin, he returned to Linjiang City.

Today Zuo Yi is going to do something very important.

He drove to the front of a large mansion at the southern end of the town.

The master of this house is Uncle Fei, and Zuo Yi comes to discuss the transfer of land with the other party.

"Little Zuo."

Uncle Fei was waiting at home for Zuo Yi to come in because he had called by phone. He opened the door and greeted him with enthusiasm: "Come in and sit. "

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Yeah."

Zhong Family Old Residence is a lot bigger than Zuo Family Old Residence. The traditional four-in courtyard is just that there are too few people in the family.

Zuo Yi came to the living room and sat down, straight to the point, and said, "Uncle Fei, I've got all the money. It's better to hit another day than to go to the day. Let's go through the formalities today."


Uncle Fei, who was making tea for Zuo Yi, said, "What money is there?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Of course it is money to buy land."

Uncle Fei was dumbfounded and almost overturned the tea cup in his hand: "What are you kidding, do you have 500 million now?"

Last time Zuo Yi told him that he wanted to buy more than XNUMX acres of permanent yield land in Zhong Family, he only joked about Zuo Yi.

How could Zuo Yi, a little Brat who had lived on rent, paid 5 million cash? Uncle Fei thought he knew Zuo Yi very well, so he didn't take it seriously.

During this time, he was still talking to Jiangnan New City corporation, and the two sides were deadlocked.

The other party has offered to 2.2 million, but he is not satisfied at all.

But unsatisfied and unsatisfied, Uncle Fei knew very well that he had to compromise sooner or later.

Absolutely did not expect that today Zuo Yi suddenly came over and said that he had enough 5 million yuan, where would he believe it!

Zuo Yi did not talk nonsense, just pulled out his phone and let him check his account balance.

Uncle Fat: …

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I said, we can trade now."

"and many more."

Uncle Fei wiped his sweat and said, "Let me know clearly."

He worked hard to adjust his mood, then swallowed saliva and said, "Little Zuo, where do you get so much money from?"

Uncle Fei did not doubt the authenticity of Zuo Yi's account, because Zuo Yi did not need to bother to make a scam to break, but as an elder who watched Zuo Yi grow up, he felt he had a responsibility to do things Figure it out.

What's more, Zuo Family and Zhong Family are related to each other.

"Selling something to make it."

Zuo Yi replied very Honesty: "The source of money is clean and taxes have been paid."

Is the Baby left on Zuo Family?

Uncle Fei suddenly realized that he had found the truth: "That's good, that's good."

He sighed, "Since you have money, today's transaction is fine, I think it's a matter of mind."

Uncle Fei was also very straightforward. After confirming that Zuo Yi was not joking, he immediately took the land lease and other relevant documents and went to the Hangzhou Real Estate Exchange with Zuo Yi.

There is a person Lawyer waiting there already.

This Lawyer was brought to Zhou Hong by Zuo Yi, because the transaction of permanent land involves quite a lot of problems. It would be much more convenient to have a professional Lawyer to assist with the transaction.

Lawyer is also a witness to the transaction.

The two parties completed the transfer procedure on the real estate exchange. After signing the contract, Zuo Yi transferred 5 million cash to Uncle Fei's account, paid 1 million deed tax, and paid the latter over XNUMX mu of land In the bag.

China is a country with light taxes and benefits. For example, the standard personal income tax is only 12.5%, and the ordinary working class has a tax-free amount. Compared with many other countries, 40-50% of individual taxes are undoubtedly too conscience.

Of course, there is little corresponding national welfare. If you want to be protected from birth, old age, sickness and death, you have to pay for the insurance yourself.

The 1 million transaction deed tax is undoubtedly amazing. It is much higher than each tax. In fact, the tax rate for the transfer of ordinary real estate land is not high. Only permanent land has reached 20%.

According to usual transaction rules, this money was also paid by Zuo Yi.

So in order to buy these lands, he actually paid a little over 6 million yuan.

But for Zuo Yi, this money is nothing, the magic crystal he fed Foodie Ty last night was worth a billion dollars!

It's just because of the transaction process that it takes Zuo Yi a few days to get a new title deed and certificate, but all the land of Zhong Family except Old Residence has been put under his name.

Zuo Yi not only continued to retain the "throne" of Linjiang City's number one landlord, but also expanded the area of ​​its permanent production land to almost XNUMX acres!

"It's a return to its original owner."

Uncle Fei was very generous once at noon. He invited Zuo Yi to eat at the top West Lake restaurant in Hangzhou. After three visits, he said with emotion: "I do n't know if I will see Old Ancestor after I die. Scold the family. "

Uncle Fei's "return to the original owner" is allusion, because he sold over XNUMX acres of land to Zuo Yi, most of which belonged to the Zuo Family. It was sold by the Zuo Family in the course of the decline, and then was Zhong Family. Bought it.

It 's just that the Zuo Family is declining badly, and the Zhong Family is not much better. Today, there are no two names in the Upright Sect Wang clan in Hangzhou.

Therefore, compared to Jiangnan New City corporation, Uncle Fei is very happy and happy to sell his land to Zuo Yi.

But he also worried about Zuo Yi: "Little Zuo, you have to beware of that Jiangnan New City corporation, they can't be bothered."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Uncle Fat, I dare to buy your land, so I won't be afraid of them doing anything!"

Zuo Yi was so confident that Uncle Fei stopped saying more: "Come, let's have another drink!"

After being drunk, Zuo Yi and Uncle Fei returned to Linjiang City together.

Uncle Fei took him to the ground, because some things need to be explained.

Uncle Fei's more than XNUMX acres of land is connected to the land of Zuo Family. He previously rented more than XNUMX acres from Zuo Yi, and merged nearly XNUMX acres of land to build a vegetable factory, planting green pollution-free Vegetables are supplied to Hangzhou city.

Seven high-tech greenhouses were built on seven hundred acres of land, and modern automatic management and soilless cultivation technology were used, and the annual profit was quite good.

However, except for the greenhouse, all the equipment has been demolished, the employees of the vegetable factory have been demobilized, all the plants have been harvested cleanly, and there is nothing left inside.

"I knew it was sold to you, and I will not liquidate it."

Uncle Fei said angrily, "It's all up to you."

Uncle Fei is ready for Jiangnan New City corporation to take over the market. In order not to be cheap, those bastards, he closed the factory in advance and dismissed his employees to sell all the equipment.

If it weren't for the labor cost of dismantling the greenhouse, which would be much higher than selling used materials, he would certainly not stay.


Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I have no intention of running a factory, so it's best to clean it up."

He felt his chin, wondering what the land should be used for.

One of the biggest benefits of permanent land is that it does not restrict the use of the land. As long as it is not in the urban area and does not violate it, it does not matter if it is messed up.

Zuo Yi certainly doesn't mess with his own land.

He had a clever idea, thinking whether to build a fairy tale kingdom theme park here, so that Bao'er could play the playground every day at his doorstep, and ensure that there were no fluttering Messy Old Man inside.

The more Zuo Yi wanted to feel, the better the idea was.

As for how much money it takes to build such a theme amusement park and how much it costs to operate, he doesn't care.

There is nothing that can't be solved by a bottle of medicine. If there is one, then another bottle!

"okay then…"

At the time of Zuo Yi's imagination, Uncle Fei Pats said on his shoulder: "Little Zuo, now sold, I plan to go to Treasure Island in a few days, and retire there, if you have a chance to come to Treasure Island in the future, Remember to come to me! "

Zuo Yi agreed, "OK."

Although Uncle Fei stumbled a little, he was very nice.

It's just that he left. Linjiang Zhong Family will become history completely. As a neighbor for many years, Zuo Yi is very considerate.

The wind is always blown away by rain and wind!
