Paladin Dad Chapter 192

Dinner was made by A'Gu.

It uses all the tools in the house, including appliances and kitchenware. It has mastered cooking skills, chopped vegetables and dishes, it is dumb, it works hard, it is loyal and reliable, it also understands spell …

There is no more perfect Housekeeper than A'Gu.

After having dinner, Zuo Yi asked it to move out of the tea table and chairs in the yard, and put a pot of red robe on it.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the night sky was full of stars. The evening wind swept across the river bank and blew into the Zuo Family Old Residence, bringing the coolness of water vapor and the fragrance of earth and grass.

The light in the living room was sprinkled on the bluestone floor tiles through the latticed glass windows, quiet and beautiful.

"Big brother Zuo …"

Looking at the Giant Spirit Shaman Slave standing next to him, Zhang Jingyao sitting opposite Zuo Yi could not help but asked, "Where did A'Gu come from?"

The big star was really curious, and his heart seemed to be tickled by the kitten, which made him uncomfortable without asking.

She had never heard of such a strange existence.

Zuo Yi drank tea in a porcelain cup and asked with a smile, "Do you want to buy?"

Zhang Jingyao faced a black line: "I can't afford it, just ask."

She had not forgotten the heavy blow she had suffered here at Zuo Yi and touched her face subconsciously.

Qiannian is really amazing. Since becoming famous, Zhang Jingyao has never thought that one day he can walk freely in the crowd without wearing sunglasses and masks, and do whatever he wants.

Zhang Jingyao really really hopes to have it forever!

However she couldn't afford Aaaaaahhhh! !! !!

Zuo Yi said, "Don't ask if you can't afford it. Ask for nothing."

Zhang Jingyao: "…"

She has hundreds of millions of fans, she is sought after by numerous fans, she wins awards and wins, her sales are tens of millions, and her charm is unstoppable …

But in front of Zuo Yi, she knew that these were useless at all.

The most important thing is that Zhang Jingyao can feel that Zuo Yi really doesn't care about himself very much, not indifferent to pretend.

The only thing that can comfort her is Bao'er.

Unwilling Zhang Jingyao turned her eyes and smiled and said to the little girl, "Bao'er younger sister, thank you for shopping with the elder sister today, and the elder sister will sing a song for you."

Bao'er is playing a rock-paper-scissors game with Tyke. She just won Foodie Ty with her fist for the tenth time with a 100% win rate. When she heard Zhang Jingyao's words, her eyes shined: "Okay!"

The little girl clapped her hands and said, "A'Ty, Pippi, we applaud and welcome, Jing Yao's elder sister is going to sing for us!"

Pā pā pā !

Tyke stood up, snapping his two forefoots, and looked like dog legs.

But Pippi crouching on Bao'er's shoulder was a murderous aura.

It's her, she is her, steals Bao'er's attention, and makes her status at home face a serious threat!

"Thank you."

Zhang Jingyao got up. She sorted out her skirt slightly, turned around two steps and turned to face Zuo Yi and Bao'er. Said with a slight smile: "I sing a song for everyone Fire Insect. "

There is no powerful accompaniment band, no lighting set worth tens of millions, and no thousands of crazy fans, but she seems to be standing on a grand stage and suddenly glowing glamorous.

The whole yard seemed to be lit by her rays of light!

"Firefly Fire Insect Firefly Fire Insect flies slowly, and the wind blows in summer night …"

The breeze came slowly, blowing her skirt corner.

Sakura's mouth is light, and the natural singing voice flows from the red lips to the white teeth: "Children who are afraid of the black sleep peacefully, let Fire Insect give you a little light. Burning, small silhouette at night, for the night The traveller lights up … "

"Ephemeral life shines hard, making the dark world full of hope!"

A little firefly Fire Insect didn't know where it came from, passed through the gap of the Camphor Tree crown, landed slowly beside Zhang Jingyao, flickering rays of light.

She closed her eyes with her hands clasped, and the sound was so clear and clear that it fluttered in the wind, like the clear fountain water nourishes the listener's heart, as if weaving a fairytale in a dream, washing all the dirt in the mortal world .

"Firefly Fire Insect Firefly Fire Insect is slowly flying, my heart is still chasing my heart, the lights of the city are shining, and who will remember you burning light …"

More Firefly Fire Insects have appeared.

They flew up and down around Zhang Jingyao, as if intoxicated by her singing, and had endless joy.

Bao'er has stayed.

Although there is no music accompaniment, listening to Zhang Jingyao's singing at close range is completely different from watching a video.

It turns out that there are such moving voices on World that cannot be described in words!

"The lights of the city are shining, and who will remember you burning brightly."

At the end of the song, the aftermath lingers, still echoing in my ears!

Zhang Jingyao opened her eyes and showed a sweet smile, and bent slightly to salute the audience saluted.

Firefly Fire Insect reluctantly flew away.


Xiaomimei applauded desperately, and pulled Zuo Yi next to him: "Father father!"

Zuo Yi applauded, nodded applauded.

Deserves to be a natural singer, the charm of Extraordinary in the singing, although slightly tender, but the potential should not be underestimated.

Zhang Jingyao came back and sat down again, holding Bao'er's little hand and asking, "Bao'er, does the elder sister sing nicely?"


Bao'er replied without hesitation: "That's great!"


Zhang Jingyao said in a slightly aggrieved tone, "But your father seems to think that I don't sing well."

Bao'er immediately turned his head and looked towards Zuo Yi, his eyes widened—father really?

Zhang Jingya snickered, feeling that he had finally restored a little dignity.

Then she heard Zuo Yi say, "Your Jing Yao elder sister sings well, but father has heard better than her, much better."


Zhang Jingyao immediately anxious: "Impossible!"

It's not Zhang Jingyao's pride, but she has never met her opponent in the field of singing.

After being a person, the world-famous Music Master said after listening to Zhang Jingyao's scene that her voice is a treasure given to human beings by God, and no one can match it!

"There is nothing impossible."

Zuo Yi glanced at her and decided to hit her again: "I once heard the singing of a singer, her voice let a King of Irons bow his head, end a war of millions of deaths, and make the worst People shed tears and repented, and even Demon in Abyss wanted to listen to her voice, even if it cost her life. "

Zhang Jingyao frowned: "Is there such a person in the World?"

"This world doesn't."

Zuo Yi said lightly: "She is in another World, and the distance between you and her is as far as Earth to the moon."

Zuo Yi is not talking about distance in space.

Zhang Jingyao didn't speak.

"Do not believe?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Then you come and listen to her singing."

Then, he took out a white crystal from his space ring.

This crystal is about half a foot high in rhombus and emits a faint rays of light, which looks very beautiful.

Immediately caught the attention of Zhang Jingyao and Bao'er.

The little girl asked curiously, "father, what is this?"

"This is a memory crystal."

Zuo Yi explained: "It is used to remember sound and shadow."

Memory crystal belongs to High Level Law of Creation, which is similar to a camera, but much more powerful than a camera. It can record and archive sound and video for several epochs, and can be re-implemented at any time in a nearly perfect way.

The memory crystal uses the holder 's Mental Power as a specific Energy source. The more powerful the user 's Mental Power is, the more vivid and vivid the effects of the embodied sound and shadow, and the lifelikeness is closer to reality!

Zuo Yi owns five memory crystals. This is one of them. The last record came from the brilliant Empire Grand Opera House ten years ago.

With the continuous injection of a large amount of Mental Power, the rays of light transmitted by this memory crystal become brighter and brighter, and the surrounding space is fully visible, but it is not dazzling at all.

Zuo Yi opened his five fingers, and the memory crystal seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, slowly flying to a few meters away in front, and hovering completely in the air.


Zuo Yi snapped his fingers-the moment to witness the miracle!
