Paladin Dad Chapter 193


The memory crystal suspended in the air cracked into eight petals, like a flower bud suddenly blooming, stretched to bloom the most beautiful colors, and shot bright rays of light upwards.

A lithe and graceful unparalleled silhouette appears in the rays of light!

Zhang Jingyao and Bao'er opened their eyes at the same time, holding their breath involuntarily.

Appearing in the rays of light is a woman, her appearance is extremely beautiful, milky skin without any flaws, like Elf in legendary, perfect and mysterious.

A long golden hair dangled from her shoulders, and along the chest and slender waist covered with snow-white shells, scattered on the golden red fish tail.

The fish tails covered with scales are shaking gently, shaking a little bit of glow, like rippling water waves!

And the most attractive is undoubtedly her pair of blue eyes, with the depth of the sea, containing endless vitality, even more beautiful than the most precious stones.

The next moment, the fish-beauty blinked, a slight smile twitched the corners of her lips, and her little cherry mouth opened gently.


The beginning chanting was very light and soft, like a soft feather that gently moved the listener's ear, a little itchy and comfortable.

Then the tone gradually increased, and people's hearts lifted up, sinking involuntarily.

"Uh-huh-uh-huh ~"

With her gently undulating chanting, the previously scattered Firefly Fire Insect is back, and the number has increased by more than ten times. They are flying around when they gather in the yard, and the little fluorescence is shining with the stars in the night sky.

Many birds, birds, and sparrows, yellow magpies, larks, magpies, and even eagle owls and owls landed on the walls of Zuo Family Old Residence.

A squirrel ran, and the big, furry tails squeezed together and listened intently.

Some are prey, some are predators, but at this moment they are completely safe and there is no noise.

And farther away, among the mighty rivers, big fishes constantly jumped out of the water, and the silver fish scales reflected the neon lights on the other side.

In the courtyard, Zhang Jingyao's open mouth never closed.

She thought her singing voice was unmatched, and she thought her charm was unmatched, but at this moment she knew that her beauty and innate talent were incapable of with stand a single blow in front of the Mermaid.

There should not be such a voice on earth, the etherealness is so high that it cannot be described in words!

She was stiff with numbness on her head, and there were countless goose bumps on her skin. She wanted to say something, but found that it was speechless at all. Her throat and chest seemed to be blocked. Her blood was violently flowing within the body, her hands and feet were unable to move even a little bit.

Her soul was trembling and she had completely lost control of herself!



Zuo Yi struck again.

The fish mermaid just finished singing disappeared instantly without disappear without a trace, and the memory crystal suspended in the air was closed again and recovered, and flew back to his hand silently.

After a long time, Zhang Jingyao woke up.

She turned hard and asked Zuo Yi: "Who is she? What's her name?"


Zuo Yi replied, "A singer."

A fantasy song girl!

Zhang Jingyao murmured, "Is she a mermaid?"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "No."

There is no mermaid in Sadya World.

The reason Helen looks like this is because someone told her a story called The Little Mermaid.

And this singing in the golden hall of the shining imperial opera house, only one person, one listener!

It's just that there is no need to tell Zhang Jingyao.

The reason why Zuo Yi took out this treasured memory crystal was to make her understand that her pride was not worth mentioning.

Don't think that you have seen the World just because you are standing on the peak, you must know that there are higher mountains in front of you!

Zhang Jingyao bit her lip and asked again: "Very Desolate World?"

Earth can't have such a character, otherwise it would have dumped the entire world and wouldn't let her bloom the rays of light.


Zuo Yi again denied, saying, "You should go back."

At this moment, Zhang Jingyao, all her pride and stubbornness had been smashed. She lowered her head and replied obediently: "Huh."

The next moment, she looked back up in a daze, "Where to go?"

It seems that the blow was too hard, wouldn't it be silly?

Zuo Yi actually had a slight sense of guilt, so he patiently explained: "You teleported back to the original place to rest. I live here with Bao'er."


Zhang Jingyao was shocked, like a helpless little girl: "I live alone?"

"How old are you?"

Zuo Yi said silently: "It's very safe there. If you are in danger, you can teleport back at any time."

Although Zuo Yi promised Lu Han to provide asylum for Zhang Jingyao, he was not Zhang Jingyao's bodyguard entourage, and had no obligation or necessity to accompany her every day-although countless people dreamed about it.

Thousand faces were lent to her, and the guard bracelet was also lent to her. Moreover, the Transmission Formation installed on the new home has a built-in defense function, which can withstand high-intensity attacks. Even if the entire small high-rise building is destroyed, it will remain intact.

What else to worry about!


Zhang Jingya blushed, weak and speechless-could she say that she was afraid alone?

"Jing Yao elder sister."

Bao'er pulled her sleeve and said, "Are you afraid of sleeping alone? It doesn't matter, I'll sleep with you!"

What is the highest realm of a fan?

The highest realm of the fans is not grilled scallops with garlic, but sleep with idols!

She is happy.

Zhang Jingya covered her face-she didn't see anyone.

"Forget it…"

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Let's go back together."

Since Bao'er was going to follow, he had to go back, who made him a pet baby!

Bao'er: (^ - ^) V

She is happiest: "A'Ty, let's go!"

Pippi: "There are still birds !!!"

Returning to his new home with the help of Transmission Formation, Zuo Yi saw that it was almost time and asked Bao'er to take a bath and go to bed early.

Zhang Jingyao chose the master bedroom downstairs as his home. He slept with Bao'er upstairs.

But tonight's sleeping idol.


Late at night, the study room was still lit.

Zuo Yi is sitting in front of the desk and is using the intranet login to brush the forum.

Because of Bao'er's safety, now he no longer logs in to the Netsweeper nightmare and strange pastime, but his attention to Li World has never stopped.

The intranet login device has built-in ordinary display and external ports for keyboard and mouse. You can also log in to the intranet forum without directly wearing it, and browse the latest news of World in the search.

Liwang Forum is the BBS of LiWorld. It is divided into the main forum, seven major divisions and hundreds of sub-sections. China's Transcendent is basically concentrated in the Xiadu division.

Zuo Yi easily found Qin Junhao's declaration post in it.

Like Zuo Yi, Qin Junhao uses his real name on Liwang. His current number of replies to this post is as high as XNUMX, and the discussion is not generally high.

Zuo Yi found that Zhang Jingyao's influence in the World was quite large. Many "foreign friends" ran to this post and sent "friendly greetings" to Qin Junhao in various languages. The content was amazing.

It is worth mentioning that the intranet forum has a built-in translation function, so don't worry if you don't understand it.

After flipping through hundreds of pages, Zuo Yi closed the post.

He searched the forum for relevant information about the Tarot Club, but found that there were very few posts that could be found, and there were not many substantial contents.

Will Tarot, who has 22 A-Rank Transcendents, be so unknown?

Zuo Yi flatly disbelieved.

The provocation issued by one of the members of the Tarot Club to Qin Junhao is being discussed in a frenzy!

The only explanation is that some people or forces have tightly controlled the relevant information of the Taro Society, making the Taro Society a secret that cannot be discussed publicly.

That's interesting.

Zuo Yi tried to search for news about magicians, upside down people, fools and so on, and the result is the same!


While he was secretly thinking about it, the door of the study was knocked gently.


Zuo Yi raised an eyebrow and said, "Come in."
