Paladin Dad Chapter 218

The blood moon that happened on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival lasted for ten minutes.

Due to the good weather conditions in most parts of the country that night, the number of people who witnessed this spectacle immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet and even appeared on the hot search list of Weibo.

In the intranet forum, there are quite a lot of Transcendents discussing this.

"It's weird. Why didn't the total lunar eclipse occur with the blood moon phenomenon? Everyone said something."

"I don't think to think too much, it's just an unexpected astronomical phenomenon."

"Does anyone, like me, feel restless when the Blood Moon appears, as if it is about to make a major event?"

"Uneasy +1!"

"Uneasy +2!


"Just don't scare yourself. Can the sky fall down? Let's wash and sleep!"

"For better or worse, we must know that this world is undergoing tremendous changes!"

"and then?"

"Forget it, don't talk to you!"

"Say something else, who will sing Zhang Jingyao on the XNUMXth?"


"And I."

Lou was crooked, so Zuo Yi silently closed the page and exited the Liwang forum.

Most people are amazed by the phenomenon of the blood moon, and a few are uneasy about it, but I am afraid that only he knows that Earth's law is changing and the blood moon is a sign of change.

It's just that Zuo Yi doesn't know if such a change is good or bad, but his peaceful life during this time may be broken.

Zuo Yi is ready for this.

Time flies, and another week passes.

Bao'er has been in Tianqi School for more than ten days. Because of Qin Qin and Miya's careful care, she quickly integrated into her new life.

The height of her World Tree exceeds ten meters!

During this time, the Jiangnan area seemed quite calm. The frequency of Extraordinary incidents dropped a lot, and Zuo Yi did not receive any tasks that required his shot.

Apart from picking up Bao'er every day for school and class, he spends most of his time in Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

There is a kind of storm before the advent of wind and rain.

On the afternoon of the XNUMXth, Zuo Yi came to his new home in Lakeview Garden.

He will pick Zhang Jingyao to the West Creek Martial Arts Stage.

The West Creek Martial Arts Stage is the largest Martial Arts Competition Arena in Jiangnan Province. It has 7+ seats and hosts hundreds of Martial Arts events every year.

It is worth mentioning that the West Creek Underground Market is just below the West Creek Martial Arts Stage.

Zuo Yi hasn't been to the West Market for a while. Today, I picked Zhang Jingyao because the latter's concert was held in the West Creek Martial Arts Stage. Nearly 7 tickets have already been sold out.

According to the information held by the Extraordinary Management Office, the magicians of the Tarot Society are likely to strike Zhang Jingyao after the concert, and the Super League has already deployed inescapable net on the West Creek Martial Arts Stage. Teachers and students capture!

The task of the Extraordinary Management Office is to ensure the safety of ordinary people. As for Zhang Jingyao's own security, Zuo Yi is responsible.

"Big brother Zuo, do you think I'm pretty?"

Zhang Jingyao smiled in a circle before Zuo Yi, bringing the scent of the skirt and the faint fragrance.

Zuo Yi touched his chin, and nodded said, "Pretty."

He doesn't lie.

Zhang Jingyao's beauty is naturally carved and worth appreciating.

But time was running out, he urged: "Let's go, your team is waiting for you at the West Creek Martial Arts Stage."

Zhang Jingyao's concert was very hastily, but her signing company was very powerful, and everything was arranged properly, even if there was no Zhang Xiufen sitting in the conductor, there was no setback.

In order to ensure safety, in the past period of time, Zhang Jingyao only participated in one rehearsal. Her condition was not even disclosed by her assistant, so as not to cause trouble due to leaked news.

Because of the dispute between the Tarot Club and the magician and Qin Wuyang's second son Qin Junhao, most of China 's Transcendent's eyes focused on Hangzhou, focusing on this extraordinary concert.

Many Transcendents even rushed to see the excitement, making the pressure of the Extraordinary Management Office suddenly become huge!


Zhang Jingyao was a little lost, but she obediently obeyed Zuo Yi's words and picked up her bag and left the house.

Her charm is unmatched, except for Zuo Yi, which completely fails, as if she met a nemesis.

I'm totally out of temper.

When she went out, Zhang Jingyao changed her appearance as usual-Qianlian always wore it on her face.

"Big brother Zuo."

On the way to the West Creek Martial Arts Stage, Zhang Jingyao, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, suddenly said, "I've been very happy during this time, I can go out shopping every day. If possible, I really want to put Qianmen Buy it. "

I've only known Shuang after using it, I've been using it all the time, I can't stop.

Zuo Yi shook the head said, "Thousands are not for sale."

Zhang Jingyao was suddenly stunned like frosted eggplant-although she knew it was impossible, she still had hope in case.

Hope is now completely shattered.

Zuo Yi smiled and asked, "What are your plans after this matter is resolved?"

Zhang Jingyao cheered up and replied, "I plan to hold a World Tour in one year!"

A long-awaited expression emerged on the face of the star of the singer: "In fact, the life I want most is to be able to sing freely, no matter where it is, whether on the stage or on the street, whether or not there is an audience, if you want to sing ! "

"I want to go homeless, go to every corner of this world, earn living and travel expenses by singing, and then I can help those who need help within my ability."

The natural singers have a heart that naturally loves and yearns for freedom. Compared with those upper-level powers, they are more willing to sing for ordinary people and win the love and admiration of everyone with their singing.

This is the meaning of their lives!

Zhang Jingyao stared at the front, with thrilling rays of light flashing in her eyes.

She reminded Zuo Yi of the free singers of Sadya World.

After a while, Zhang Jingyao came back to his senses and sincerely said to Zuo Yi: "big brother Zuo, thank you, you have helped me so much, I have nothing to return, so …"

"If you need my help in the future, just talk and I will do my best!"

"it is good."

Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "I will not be polite with you if needed."

"It's a deal!"

Daecut all the way north, after more than XNUMX minutes of driving, arrived at the West Creek Martial Arts Stage.

Outside of the martial arts stage at this time, it is already a vast crowd!
