Paladin Dad Chapter 219

Zhang Jingyao's concert started at XNUMX pm, and now it is less than XNUMX pm. There are already thousands of fans outside West Creek Martial Arts Stage, which makes people have to marvel at her popularity.

Some of these fans waved Zhang Jingyao's Ying Bang stick or Ying Aid card, and some raised her album poster high, as if Zhang Jing Yao was at the front at this moment, eagerly trying to attract the idol's attention.

But more people are holding a "seeking ticket" card in their hands, looking at everyone with their eyes full of expectation, hoping to be lucky to get a ticket transferred by others.

There were also a few Yellow Ox sneaking through the crowd, sneakily selling authentic and fake concert tickets at high prices, but these guys who were trying to make a lot of money were quickly knocked out by security personnel.

The Hangzhou General Police Department deployed a large number of police forces outside the martial arts stage to maintain the Order. Among them were the Extraordinary Management Office personnel with the DXCG emblem on their chests. The Yellow Ox party's choice to recount at the scene was a courting death!

"Big Brother, big elder sister …"

As Zuo Yi took Zhang Jingyao to the entrance of the martial arts stage, a 16-17 years little miss ran over and asked, "Excuse me, do you have many tickets, I will buy them at a high price."

She folded her hands and looked pitiful. "Thank you, I like Sister Yao Yao very much. The biggest dream in this life is to be able to see her concert live, really!"

Zhang Jingyao froze.

She almost thought she was recognized, and now she knows that the other person is just a little fan girl who is trying one's luck.

Zuo Yi suddenly remembered that he really had extra tickets.

In order to express his gratitude to Zuo Yi, Zhang Jingyao gave him XNUMX VIP tickets. Zuo Yi changed hands to Shang Yulin, five Wang Jiaojiao, Sun Qiang and Zhou Hong, and finally to Uncle. Zhong three.

So there were a total of sixteen sent without any money.

Everyone wants to give money, but where is Zuo Yi?

Especially for the ticket to Uncle Zhong, it was purely to express his heart, and it was impossible to ask for money.

Sixteen were given, and he had 34 VIP tickets in his hand, minus himself and Bao'er, and the remaining thirty-two tickets were all placed in the space ring.

If he hadn't met this fan, he would have forgotten it!

The main reason is that Zuo Yi really didn't care. Even if these tickets can be sold for a few hundred hours, he never thought about taking them for cash.

"Big Brother, big elder sister?"

Seeing that they were not talking, the fan little miss begged again: "I beg you, I will double the price!"

Zhang Jingyao pulled Zuo Yi's arm and asked softly, "Big brother Zuo, do you still have a ticket?"

She was a little embarrassed, but she couldn't bear to be disappointed by her loyal fan.

Zuo Yi silently stuffed a VIP ticket in the past.

Zhang Jingyao took it over, she gave Zuo Yi a grateful look, and then gave it to the other party: "Here it is for you."


Little miss couldn't believe his eyes and thanked him in a hurry: "Thank you, thank you big brother Xie elder sister, I will give you the money now!"

But when she took the ticket, she was dumbfounded: "Ah, VIP ticket?"

The face value of this VIP ticket is 18888. If you double buy it, it will be nearly 4!

She couldn't afford it at all.

Zhang Jingyao said with a slight smile: "It's for you, no money, thank you for your support."

Give away?

little miss is completely dumbfounded-there is such a good thing in the world?

She looked at this VIP ticket with brilliant lights and vibrant colors in her arms, feeling like dreaming.

And when this fan of Zhang Jingyao woke up, Zhang Jingyao and Zuo Yi had gone far.

Zhang Jingyao said, "Thank you, big brother Zuo."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You're welcome, I'm just presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers. I still haven't given the Young Sect Master ticket."

"A lot left?"

Zhang Jingyao opened her eyes in surprise: "I thought you would have many friends and classmates."

Not many friends, but classmates …

Zhang Jingyao's words reminded Zuo Yi.

At the main entrance of the martial arts stage, Zhang Jingyao meets with his assistant.

At this time, she had changed her face and went to the backstage rest room of the martial arts stage with Zuo Yi and her assistant.

There are already more than a dozen staff members in the rest room, including makeup artists, clothing designers, etc., all of them are waiting for Zhang Jingyao's arrival. As soon as she appears, everyone is busy!

This time Zuo Yi basically had nothing to do, greeted Zhang Jingyao and sat on the sofa near the corner.

He first sent a message to Shang Yulin.

Bao'er will be with Shang Yulin in the afternoon, plus Liang Xuemei, they will come to the concert after dinner.

After receiving the response from Shang Yulin, Zuo Yi opened his own university WeChat group, Who came to the West Creek Martial Arts Stage to watch Zhang Jingyao's concert in the evening?

The WeChat group was originally quiet, and this news instantly burst out a bunch of diving parties.

"I want to see it, but I can't get the ticket Aaaaaahhhh at all!"

"Don't mention it, I didn't grab the ticket, I was scolded by my girlfriend, it's not fair."

"Second light, they are all robbed."

"I wanted to buy a Yellow Ox ticket. I was afraid I was a liar and I didn't dare."

"Old Zuo, did you grab the ticket?"

"I really like Zhang Jingyao, why did she only have a concert!"

"Hahaha, is it that only me and Old Zuo in the group grabbed the ticket? Old Zuo Where are you, I am with you!"

"Envy and envy.jpg"

"With envy …"

Zuo Yi counted it, and this wave exploded more than XNUMX students. Only there was a person who bought tickets.

He sent another message: "I still have some tickets in my hand. If you want to see them, please come directly and get them."

This time is really incredible, the whole class is boiling!

"real or fake?"

"Old Zuo, no kidding!"

"Amused us?"

"Old Zuo, if you really have tickets, I would devote one's life to!"

"Pei pei pei, Old Zuo is a straight man, but I'm going to roll away!"

"Isn't it April Fool's Day?"

"I believe Old Zuo. I'm calling now. Is it on the West Creek Martial Arts Stage?"

"I do not believe!!"

Looking at the full screen of news, Zuo Yi smiled and said nothing. He took all the VIP tickets from the space ring and unfolded them in his hand. Then he took a photo with his mobile phone and sent it to the WeChat group.

"fuck !!!"

The group just boiled just now, and now it exploded directly, a series of "fuck" swipes the screen.

Even some usually reserved female classmates can't help voicing!

"Old Zuo, have you changed your ticket?"

"Old Zuo, I want two. I'll transfer the money to you now."

"I want one too!"

"Don't say anything, I'll book a high-speed rail ticket immediately!"

"It's all super VIP tickets!"

"very awesome."

The students were so enthusiastic, Zuo Yi quickly replied: "Everyone please don't transfer me money first, you all give the Old Class Leader a preferential price of ten thousand, I have a total of thirty-one, one for each , How much left can give another family member. "

"This money is placed in the Old Class Leader. Later we will pay all the fees for class reunion, including evening supper!"

As soon as his message was sent out, Zhang Yali replied: "Old Zuo, if this is not possible, how can you lose money."

"Yeah, yeah, even if you treat, it would be too much."

"It's as big as you want, Old Zuo. You're welcome. We're very happy to get tickets."

"The money must be given, no discount."

"Support Old Class Leader."

Most of Zuo Yi's classmates have mixed up well. Ten-twenty thousand concert tickets are completely within the range of consumption ability for them, so no one wants to take advantage.

Zuo Yi: "It's okay, these tickets were given to me by others, and I didn't spend any money."

Gao Feng suddenly bubbling, "Who is so generous, hasn't you been given a bag, Old Zuo?"

Zuo Yi: "Uh, Zhang Jingyao gave it."

Instantly silence in the group.

Zuo Yi hehehe.

To be honest, it's cool, to be honest, it's even cooler, he has harvested nearly thirty Faith!

Earn over!

Gao Feng talked privately: "You ya niubi!"

Zuo Yi: "You are here now, I will show you Zhang Jingyao."

Gao Feng: "Even if I can fly, I can't fly Aaaaaahhhh now!"

Zuo Yi: "hahaha!"


While Zuo Yi was chatting with Gao Feng and other students in the group, the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open.

A crowd of people came in!
