Paladin Dad Chapter 272

Immortal? Monster? Superman? iron Man? Captain?

Zhao Yuanyuan's mind was a mess, and countless demon Immortal superheroes were marquees in her mind.

The scene that just happened was too subversive to her common sense and Sanguan. The scenes that I had only seen in movies and TV appeared in front of me alive, and I can imagine the huge impact on the girl with round face.

In fact, this fist of Zuo Yi did not even exert 1% of his power. If he didn't want the wreckage to fall and hurt the person lying on the ground, he could just blast the gunship in the air with a little more force.

Rather than just falling.

But Zhao Yuanyuan still felt extremely shocked. Looking at the burning flame in front of her, she even felt that she was within the body heartbeat, accelerating the blood surge, and something was gushing out!

"Uncle …"

The round-faced girl blushed and asked, "Are you a spiritualist?"

The practitioner?

Zuo Yi chuckled, shook the head and said, "No,"


Zhao Yuanyuan covered her hot face, feeling that her problem was a bit shameful.

But her eyes widened quickly: "Ah, the fire is getting bigger!"

The gunship that was shot down by Zuo Yi was full of fuel, so the fire was quite large and lit the trees on the mountainside.

Zuo Yi also noticed this problem. He bent his legs and jumped so high that he jumped, his breath jumped up to the fall of the gunship, and then he shot in a punch.


With the deafening trembling, the burning helicopter was like tens of millions of tons of heavy hammers. The body instantly turned into powder, and a huge pit was blasted out at the same time.

The surrounding bushes and bushes that were on fire were also annihilated by the strong fist strength forcibly Suppression!

There were only a few wisps of cormorant, which proved that there was just a big fire here.

Zuo Yi extinguished with one punch, and then returned to the original position in the air.

Up to five seconds before and after!

Zhao Yuanyuan: (⊙n⊙) b

Zuo Yi hehe smiled, sat down again in the chair, and poured himself another cup of tea.


Zhao Yuanyuan finally came back to his senses. She clenched her fists with her hands and her chin, and her eyes asked brightly, "How did you do that? Are you really not Immortal?"

At this moment, the round-faced girl has incarnation to become a rare treasure.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "We are called Transcendent."

Zhao Yuanyuan has Transcendent's innate talent, but she hasn't awakened yet, so Zuo Yi doesn't mind telling her the secret of this world.

"Transcendent …"

The round-faced girl murmured again and asked, "uncle, are there many Transcendents like you?"

"There are many Transcendent."

Zuo Yi explained patiently: "The master of this witch temple is also a Transcendent."

The long night is long, and someone is accompanying to chat so as not to be too boring.

Over time, more and more asylum seekers came to the Witch Temple, and in addition to the Chinese diaspora, there were actually many more people from other countries.

Zuo Yi asked for a while and realized that most of these people were friends or relatives of the local Chinese diaspora. After learning about the news, they were worried that something would happen, so they ran over together.

For these unexpected people, Zuo Yi not at all shut them out and let everyone rest inside.

The scientific expedition team members and tourists who had previously been unconscious in the temple also gradually woke up.

Zhao Yuanyuan couldn't help asking Zuo Yi to inquire about Transcendent's secret, and hurried to meet with his classmates and Teacher to explain the current situation to everyone.

This pretty girl with a round face with a big nerve also comforted Teacher Teacher who just woke up and was apprehensive.

But tourists from foreign countries are a bit troublesome.


A middle-aged man with a big nose yelled, "Where have you hidden my wife? Answer me!"

He was very excited, waving his arms and looking crazy: "Annie!"

The people around were frightened to dodge.

The emotion of this middle-aged man also infected some other tourists. They looked around in amazement, looking for the silhouette of their loved ones. When the search was fruitless, they became excited.

"Oh, God!"

"Can anyone tell me what exactly happened?"

"Please, look for my child!"

"I want to leave here!"

"be quiet!"

Seeing that the situation at the scene was a bit out of control, Zuo Yi stood in front of the temple door and shouted in a deep voice in English: "This is the safest place in Dyson City now. If anyone wants to leave, then I will not stop, but There will be no guarantee of his safety! "

When he issued a warning, he released a little divine might, and the temple became very quiet instantly. Although many people still had uneasy expressions on their faces, at least they didn't panic and make noise.

Zuo Yi continued: "If your relatives and friends are not here, they cannot be found elsewhere. The culprit has been killed by me, and his body is on it."

Zuo Yi reached out and pointed at the altar in the middle of the Blood Pond: "Let the grief go smoothly."

Some tourists who did not find their friends and relatives suddenly expressed their despair expression, and some people started crying.

"Do not!"

The middle-aged man who lost his wife growled: "I don't believe you are lying to me. You must be Anne …"

Before he could finish speaking, his eyes rolled softly and fell to the ground.

"He's fine."

Zuo Yi said lightly: "He just needs to sleep again. Now if you want to leave, you can go. If you want to stay, please keep Order and quiet. The rescue force is on the way."

The people in the temple were all trembling, everyone looked at each other in shock, but no one chose to leave.

They can only choose to believe in Zuo Yi instead of running out of adventure.

The mysterious method that Zuo Yi just made the middle-aged man comatose just now makes them awe.


Zhao Yuanyuan came over and said quietly, "You are very handsome!"

The round-faced girl has now reached the level of worship for Zuo Yi and has become an idol.

Zuo Yi smiled.

But the next moment he frowned.

The sound of the helicopter rotor again came from outside, and the sirens of the distance could still be heard faintly.

Zuo Yi immediately returned to the ladder.

I saw a large number of military police on the square in front of the ladder, as well as dozens of police cars and armored vehicles, and hundreds of heavily armed soldiers just rushed onto the ladder.

In the sky, two new gunships circled back and forth, but did not dare to get too close to the Witch Temple.

Lanta's Provincial Superintendent, Spartan's army, finally appeared!

They are coming soon.

These separate warlords, whether in military quality or battle strength, are completely incomparable to the real powerful army, and the military base stationed in Tiesen is on the other side of the city.

Seeing such a scene, Zuo Yi took out without thinking the Scarlet Dragon Sword that had previously beheaded the Troll Troll and swung it down at the ladder below!

At the moment when the epee appeared, a fiery flame raged out from the blade, and a scarlet-red sword energy instantly penetrated the distance of several hundred meters and struck heavily on the ladder.

The next moment, in the middle of this ladder made of thousands of tons of blue bar stone, there was a huge sword mark as deep as one meter, and all the fractured rock sections showed signs of melting!


The whole mountain is trembling, countless mudstones rolling down, as if the end of the sky is coming!

And such horrible scenes scared the indigenous soldiers who just rushed to the ladder. Some of them fell down on the steps embarrassingly, some screamed in fear, some turned away, and some dropped their weapons. Kneel and worship.

Pray for Forgiveness of the Witch God!

There was also a chaos in the square in front of the ladder. The two gunships in the air immediately reversed their direction, widening the distance between Wu God Palace.

Zuo Yi stood with his sword and looked down at the chaotic mountain with sharp eyes.

Just now this sword is just a warning. If the other party does not understand the meaning and wants to rush up, no matter how many people come, Zuo Yi will let them know, what is a Sacred Domain Knight who once served as a million army!
