Paladin Dad Chapter 273

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Zhao Yuanyuan, Zhang Ling, and two Senior Sisters were stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

The relationship between the four girls is very good. This time, avoiding a catastrophe deepened their previous friendship. When Zuo Yi went out just now, the daring Zhao Yuanyuan took the timid Zhang Ling to the door to watch the fun. Senior Sister followed him out of curiosity.

As a result, they hid at the gate of the temple and witnessed the amazing scene of Zuo Yi sword cutting the ladder!


A quiet Sister Senior Sister said, looking towards Zuo Yi's eyes were dull.

"Lingling …"

Zhao Yuanyuan hugged Zhang Ling next to her, her face flushed with excitement: "Is Uncle handsome?"

Zhang Ling was nodded.

Another Senior Sister covered her mouth with her hands, afraid she would scream out loud, and she said muffled, "Sword immortal!"

I am afraid that only sword immortal in legendary has such power!

If it weren't for their own eyes, they would only be used as special effects for movies or television.

Zhao Yuanyuan clenched his fists and corrected the Righteous Path: "Sword God, it is Sword God!"


At this time, Zuo Yi, who was standing at the top of the ladder, suddenly turned around, and the four girls screamed subconsciously, retracting their heads in unison, and each heart peng peng beating.

Too exciting!

In fact, their every move did not conceal Zuo Yi's perception at all, but Zuo Yi did not intend to cover up his prestige.

Without the terrible means of fiercely earthquakes deterring the army below, then I don't know how much trouble there will be.

As long as there is a reason to shoot, Zuo Yi doesn't care about the slaughter, but he doesn't like the meaningless slaughter.

After all, these indigenous soldiers were just cannon fodder that's all controlled.

This sword of Zuo Yi has a great deterrent effect.

Not to mention those who still bowed their heads on the steps and bowed down, more and more soldiers gathered in the square in front of the ladder, noisy and noisy, but no one tried to rush up.

The two helicopter gunships in the sky never dared to approach the Temple of the Witch anymore. After hovering in the air for more than half an hour, they returned dingy.

About a few minutes later, a soldier held up the white flag and stepped up the stone steps step by step towards the Witch Temple.

Zuo Yi saw the score above, the opponent did not carry any weapons, and the flag of the white flag was actually a T-shirt.

He watched quietly as the other person came in front of him.

"Sir …"

The soldier stood at about ten meters away from Zuo Yi, stuttering stupidly to Zuo Yi in English: "We, our commander think, want to talk to you."


Zuo Yi thought about it, and nodded said, "Yes."

If the soldiers who came to negotiate immediately received amnesty, he quickly put down the white flag, took out his mobile phone from the bag he carried, and immediately dialed out.

After connecting, he approached Zuo Yi with respect and respectful delivery with both hands.

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi took the phone and talked to the commander in chief: "Hey?"

"Hello there."

A slightly hoarse voice came out of the handset: "I'm Randa Governor Spartan, may I ask Sir, is the Ayuro Master safe now?"

Sure enough, it is Baitney, a landlord who divides a province, and is also Bai Nali's father!

The other person speaks very standard Chinese.

Zuo Yi not at all was surprised.

Batney must have known that something had happened to the Witch Temple, but he didn't know exactly what happened, so he first sent armed helicopters to investigate, and then sent troops to control the scene.

The Landa Superintendent should cherish his life, hide behind the remote control command, and dare not come over in person.

"Ayuro was killed by me."

Zuo Yi asked politely: "He kidnapped many foreign tourists blood sacrifice. Do you know this?"

Bethney was suddenly silent.

Obviously the news shocked him so much.

Ayuro has always been the God of the Supreme Existence in Lanta Province. Although Bethney has secular power, he still bows down respectfully in front of Ayul, and dare not violate any order of the latter.

Even so, Buttney was willing, because without Ayurlow's protection, he was the object of other people's fish, and he could not sit firmly on the throne of the Governor.

After a long time, he replied, "I know the people who abducted foreign tourists were from the temple, but I can't interfere."

Of course what Bethney can do about witch temples is that he is disgusted by the fact that the Ayurvedians are pretending to be a large number of foreign tourists arrested by indigenous tribes.

With such a big deal, Batney must face tremendous pressure from the international community. She ca n't shake the pot, and even if she can survive it, there will not be many tourists coming here to play.

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the tourism industry in Lanta Province!

But Bethany had no choice but to hope that Ayurro would not hurt the tourists, so there was room for recovery.

As a result absolutely did not expect that such a major event occurred in the Witch Temple, Ayuro was dead!

"I swear to the witch god …"

"I believe you, I don't know, that Ayuro's abduction of foreign tourists was used for blood sacrifice!"

Buttney is no stranger to blood sacrifice. It is not a big secret that the beheader on the island of Borneo used the blood sacrifice to worship the witch god, but it has not spread to the outside world.

Bethney had to swear from the innocence, because Ayuro had died in Zuo Yi's hands, and his strength was beyond doubt.

He really did not want to follow in the footsteps of the former, and at this time showed a strong desire to survive.

"I don't believe it doesn't matter."

Zuo Yi said lightly: "The key is that you have to take practical action to prove yourself and don't do stupid behavior."

"I know!"

Batney replied without hesitation: "Please rest assured!"

The backing has fallen, and he and his family must make wise choices if they do not want to follow.

Even if he loses his throne and power in the end, as long as he can save his life, it is a great luck.

So apart from cooperating with Zuo Yi, Batney has no choice.

Zuo Yi's eyes looked towards the lighted city of the Wan Family under the mountain, saying, "Let your army go back, maintaining peace and stability is their task, and enough people have died tonight."

He faintly heard the sound of gunfire from the city, and saw the thick smoke rising from a distance.

The city is on the verge of danger.

If Bethney's army does not perform Suppression in a timely manner, it is not known how many people will die!

At this time, a huge roar of engines came from the air, and two fighter jets flew over the city of Tyson at high speed, suddenly releasing a series of infrared interference bombs.

A bright meteor shower instantly began in the night sky.

Zuo Yi put down the phone.

He knew that the two fighters belonged to China and came from the Fuxi heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

This artificial meteor shower represents the arrival of support!
